
  • 网络Cui Zhiyuan;Choe Chiwon
  1. 崔致远是朝鲜统一新罗时期最著名的汉诗人。

    Choe Chi-won is a well-known Silla poet who writes poetry in Chinese .

  2. 这明明是中国人。你看,崔致远。

    This is clearly a Chinese person .

  3. 崔致远具有一定的政治才能,尤其是他在唐的任职经历为他回国从政奠定了思想基础。

    The experience in Tang settled the basis of ideas for his returning with his political ability .

  4. 崔致远的这九字篆额富有质朴自然之美,具有装饰形式美的因素,是活泼生动的生命感的表现。

    With a kind of natural beauty , Cui 's nine-character seal character exhibits a decorative and lively implication .

  5. 第一章《崔致远的生平》重点论述了崔致远生活的时代背景及在中国的生活经历;

    Chapter One : Cui Zhiyuan 's Life Story mainly states his epoch background and life experience in China ;

  6. 崔致远在唐求学、任职期间,与很多唐朝人交往密切,结下了深厚的友谊。

    During studying and holding a post in Tang , he trafficked closely with many Tangs and got the deep friendship .

  7. 引用的人物和典故,一方面丰富了崔致远汉诗的内容,一方面也体现了崔致远作为一名新罗诗人驾驭汉字创作汉诗的能力。

    These quoted Chinese figures and allusions not only enrich Choe Chi-won 's poetry , but also reflect his ability to write poetry in Chinese .

  8. 崔致远的道教思想体现在他的生活时代、作品创作及回国后的社会影响等几个方面。

    Choe Chi-won 's Taoist thinking is reflected by his life , his literary creation as well as his social influence after he returns to his own country .

  9. 崔致远的汉文诗表达了对祖国的无限眷恋和对大自然的无比热爱之情,风格清丽,内容朴实。

    Cui 's Chinese poems express a deep affection for his motherland and nature , which style is fresh and feacctiful , which content is sincere and honest .

  10. 唐末新罗文人崔致远占籍与家世考述唐:是的,就像英语格言说的:在罗马,为罗马人所为。

    A research on Cui ZhiYuan s birthplace and family history ; Yes , just as the English proverb when in Rome , do as the Romans do .

  11. 第六章总结了崔致远的地位和影响,分别从诗歌和散文、在韩国和在中国响及在中韩文化交流方面的影响几方面进行论述。

    Chapter Six summarizes Cui Zhiyuan 's status and impact from the view of his poems and prose , his influence in Korea , China and even in the cultural communications between China and Korea .

  12. 韩国书法史是一直受中国书法影响而发展的,崔致远的篆额是在唐文化和书法的背景上创造出了自己的精神和个性的很重要的作品。

    The Korean history of calligraphy always developed under the influence of Chinese calligraphy . Cui Zhiyuan 's seal character is an important work with its unique spirit and personality in the background of Tang 's culture and calligraphy .

  13. 事实上,崔致远入唐留学是为了实现他积极参与新罗政治的远大抱负,正是为此付出的不懈努力使他在唐罗时期的历史上留下了自己的痕迹。

    In fact he studied abroad to Tang and took an active part in politics of SILLA for realizing his towering ambition . By unremitting efforts left its mark on the stage of political history between Tang Dynasty and SILLA .