
  • 网络Cui Jian;live
  1. 在北京,他与几位才华出众的音乐人共同组建了“节奏之犬”(RhythmDogs)乐队,其中包括中国首批出色的摇滚乐手&崔健乐队中的主力成员。

    In this city he co-founded the Rhythm Dogs with some of the city 's finest musicians , including key members of the Cui Jian Band , China 's first significant rockers .

  2. 崔健上世纪八十年代出道并被誉为中国摇滚之父。

    Cui began recording in the 1980s and was dubbed the father of rock in China .

  3. 崔健上世纪八十年代出道并被誉为中国“摇滚之父”。

    Cui began recording in the 1980s and was dubbed the " father of rock " in China .

  4. 不过实际上这是中国摇滚乐歌手崔健在1990年的作品。

    The singer though is China 's top rocker Cui Jian , who recorded this cover in the1990s .

  5. 中国的摇滚教父崔健,最近又获得了两个新头衔:“获奖”电影导演与编剧。

    Cui Jian , China 's godfather of rock music , has two new titles : award-winning film director and screenwriter .

  6. 崔健能以如此真诚的方式传递传统价值观中的爱与宽恕,着实令人惊讶。

    Cui 's embracing of traditional values of love and forgiveness , in such a genuine way , is quite surprising .

  7. 当被问到崔健是否接受央视此番上春晚的邀请时,悠悠回答:你可以这么说。

    When asked if Cui had received the invitation from CCTV to perform at the gala , You replied you could say so .

  8. 第二章关注的焦点是中国大陆摇滚乐的代表人物&崔健,是在对其个人访谈资料以及其他相关文化事件进行分析的基础上,对这一典型摇滚人物的文化解析。

    For the analyze culture of this typical person rock on the basis that its personal interview materials and other relevant culture incidents analyze correctly .

  9. 当被问到崔健是否接受央视此番上春晚的邀请时,悠悠回答:“你可以这么说。”

    When asked if Cui had received the invitation from CCTV to perform at the gala , You replied " you could say so . "

  10. 崔健说自己在电影拍摄时的角色就是协调演员、音乐和剧本,至于其他制作工作,自有其领域的专业人员打理。

    Cui has described his role on the film as orchestrating the actors , the music and the script and leaving the rest of the production work to professionals in each field .

  11. 61岁的王健林大展歌喉,将“摇滚教父”崔健的《假行僧》演绎得有模有样。

    The 61-year-old shows off his vocal chops with a solid rendition of " Fake Monk " by Cui Jian , who is widely known as China 's " godfather of rock . "

  12. 崔健说自己在电影拍摄时的角色就是“协调演员、音乐和剧本”,至于其他制作工作,自有其领域的专业人员打理。

    Cui has described his role on the film as " orchestrating the actors , the music and the script " and leaving the rest of the production work to professionals in each field .

  13. 这位美国的流行音乐之王的歌迷遍布亚洲各国。这段演唱听上去象是1983年迈克尔杰克逊跟保罗-麦卡特尼的二重唱,“说,说,说”。不过实际上这是中国摇滚乐歌手崔健在1990年的作品。

    The music sounds like the 1983 Michael Jackson-Paul McCartney duet , " Say , Say , Say . " The singer though is China 's top rocker Cui Jian , who recorded this cover in the 1990s .

  14. 美国资深音乐制作人肯尼•布鲁姆(音译)说,与过去相比,实况音乐节正在中国盛行。布鲁尼曾为中国摇滚巨星崔健制作过专辑。

    According to American veteran music producer Kenny Bloom , who used to produce albums for Cui Jian , one of China 's biggest rock music stars , live music festivals are flourishing in China compared to the past .

  15. 崔健,一位著名的中国摇滚歌手,他在上世纪九十年代被禁止在大型场地表演20年之后首次被央视邀请到春晚表演,崔健的经纪人悠悠星期一宣布。

    Cui Jian , a renowned Chinese rock singer , has been invited by China Central Television ( CCTV ) to perform on its annual Spring Festival gala for the first time in more than 20 years after Cui was banned from performing at large venues in the 1990s , Cui 's manager You You said on Monday .