
  • Guan Hanqing
关汉卿 [guān hàn qīng]
  • [Guan Hanqing] (约 1210-约 1300) 中国元朝戏剧家。大都(今北京)人。曾任太医尹。一生从事戏曲创作活动。与马致远、白朴、郑光祖并称元曲四大家。所作或创作杂剧今知 60 多种,散曲 10 余套。作品大多数以社会下层人物为主人公,深刻揭露社会的腐败和黑暗。现存有《窦娥冤》、《救风尘》、《拜月亭》、《调风月》、《望江亭》、《单刀会》、《蝴蝶梦》、《玉镜台》、《金线池》、《谢天香》、《绯衣梦》、《西蜀梦》、《哭存孝》等共十三种;《哭香囊》、《春衫记》、《孟良盗骨》三种仅存残曲

  1. 从关汉卿的文化思想看《窦娥冤》的价值取向

    The Value of Dou'E Yuan from Guan Hanqing 's Culture Idea

  2. 关汉卿、莫里哀喜剧艺术相似性探微

    On the Similarity of Comedy Art Between Guan Hanqing and Moliere

  3. 绝望的毁灭&从关汉卿创的作心态看《窦娥冤》的悲剧指向

    Desperate Ruin & On the Tragic Direction of Innocent DOU E

  4. 《关汉卿》与田汉体剧作的主体风格

    Kuan Han-Ching and the Principal Style of Tian Han 's Plays

  5. 关汉卿女性题材创作管窥

    A tentative probe into Guan Hanqing 's literary creation of females

  6. 关汉卿笔下的妓女形象及其文化意蕴

    The Whores Images of What Guan Han-qing Writes and the Culture Meaning

  7. 论关汉卿对发展中国民族戏曲艺术的杰出贡献

    On Guan Han-qing 's Remarkable Contribution to the Chinese National Opera Art

  8. 关汉卿戏剧地位琐议

    Trivial comment on Guan Hanqing 's status of drama

  9. 关汉卿杂剧复音词研究

    Study of Disyllabic Words of Guan Hanqing 's Zaju

  10. 关汉卿揭露金钱是万恶之源的思想

    Guan Hanqing Uncovered the Essentials of Money Being the Root of All Evils

  11. 命定与抗争&论关汉卿杂剧中的悲剧意蕴

    Predestination and Resistance & On the Tragic Sense in Guan Hanqing 's Drama

  12. 关汉卿社会现实剧的深层结构

    Suppression and Histrionic Solvement & Deep-seated Structure of Guan Hanqing 's Actualistic Drama

  13. 关汉卿是元杂创作中最重要的作家。

    Guan Hanqing was the most important drama - writer in Yuan Dynasty .

  14. 1958年,关汉卿被列为世界文化名人。

    In 1958 , Guan Hanqing was listed as the world literary celebrity .

  15. 论关汉卿的社会剧

    Research on the Social Drama of Hanqing GUAN

  16. 试论关汉卿笔下的妓女形象

    The Image of Whores under Guan Hanqings Pen

  17. 希腊神与儒道&索福克勒斯与关汉卿的信仰抉择

    God of Greece and Confucianism & the Belief Option of Sophocles and GUAN Han-qing

  18. 关汉卿的杂剧,以其本色当行和深刻的现实内容而著称。

    Plays by Guan Hanqing are famous for their striking features and realistic content .

  19. 关汉卿八种杂剧对白中带得(的)补语

    The Complement with de in the Dialogues of Guan Hanqing 's Eight Kinds of Zaju

  20. 关汉卿在他的杂剧作品中,成功塑造了一大批恶人形象。

    Guan Hanqing figured a gang of villain images in his works of poetic drama .

  21. 鬼魂意识:关汉卿杂剧的民俗文化底蕴窥析

    Ghost Awareness : On the Folk Cultural Roots in GUAN Han-qing ′ s Zaju Opera

  22. 戏剧翻译,莎士比亚与关汉卿

    Drama Translation : Shakespeare & Guan Hanqing

  23. 公案戏杂谈&以关汉卿的《蝴蝶梦》为例

    Random Talk about Complicated Legal Cases & Taking Butterfly Dream by Guan Han-qing as an example

  24. “魅力”是关汉卿公案剧盛传不衰的主要原因。

    The " charm " is the widely known cause for Guan Hanqing s Gongan dramas .

  25. 关汉卿剧作中的女性形象及作家的妇女观浅析

    On the Female Images in Guan Hanqing 's Dramas and the Playwright 's Perspective of Females

  26. 元代戏剧家关汉卿在中国文学史上有着崇高的地位。

    The dramatist Guan Hanqing had the lofty status in the history of Chinese literature in the Han dynasty .

  27. 同时,论述了关汉卿有理由也有资格成为这一代文人的代表和领袖。

    Meanwhile , Guan Hanqing reasons discussed are also eligible to become a representative of this generation of scholars and leaders .

  28. 元代关汉卿创作的《窦娥冤》取得了巨大的文学艺术成就。

    Dou'e Yuan written by Guan Hanqing of Yuan Dynasty had achieved a huge success from the perspective of literature and art .

  29. 关汉卿的杂剧大多表现了下层妇女的苦难和斗争,歌颂了她们的机智和勇敢。

    Most reflected the misery and struggles of women at the bottom of the society and highly praised their wisdom and courage .

  30. 宋朝文学的主要成就是词,元朝戏剧发达,最著名的剧作家是关汉卿等。

    In the Yuan Dynasty , especially , great achievements were made in drama , Guan Hanqing being the most outstanding dramatist .