
  • 网络Haiyan;SEAROCK;blog
  1. 论海岩小说的青春成长主题

    On The Theme of Initiation Into Maturity in Hai Yan Novels

  2. 论海岩小说《深牢大狱》的人性光辉

    On the Glory of Human Nature in the Novel-Deep Prison

  3. 海岩作品中融入了丰富的法律知识和商业知识。

    There are much knowledge on law and commerce in his works .

  4. 朱红海岸田园曲沿海泥质海岩防护林体系建设技术的研究

    Construction Technique of the Muddy - Seashore Protective Forest System Along the Coast

  5. 青岛前海岩相潮间带大型底栖海藻群落研究

    Study on Community of Benthic Macroalgae in the Rocky Intertidal Zone of Qingdao

  6. 海岩独特的悲剧情结使他的小说充满震撼力和感染力。

    Haiyan 's unique tragic emotion made his novels full of great impact .

  7. 海岩小说的情节模式分析

    On Plot Pattern of Hai Yan 's Novels

  8. 论海岩小说模式对当代通俗小说创作的启示

    Inspirations from the Novel Pattern by Hai Yan to the Creation of Contemporary Popular Novels

  9. 根据海底地震仪观测资料确定克里特海岩石层S波的衰减

    Attenuation of S-waves in the lithosphere of the Sea of Crete according to OBS observations

  10. 海岩从女性的角度为出发点来审视女性和整个世界,并用富于女性特色的理解和把握来确定女性的生命意义。

    Hai Yan examine closely the whole world and life sense in modern woman awareness .

  11. 海岩的很多小说都被编排成剧本搬上荧幕。

    Many novels of Hai Yan 's are make into dramas and play on TV .

  12. 海岩的小说极具故事性,其中真正动人的是故事的情爱内涵。

    Hai Yan 's novels have an interesting plot and their love intension is most touching .

  13. 论消费主义时代的大众文化产品&以海岩的作品为例

    Mass Culture Products in the Present Age of Consumerism : A Case Study of Writings of Haiyan

  14. 这一时期海岩通过改变小说自身的叙事方式,其作品成为国内的文学畅销书。

    During this period Haiyan by changing its own narrative fiction , becomes the domestic literature bestsellers .

  15. 此时,海岩作为一个现象出现在大众视野中。

    At this point , " Haiyan " as a mass phenomenon in the field of vision .

  16. 海岩小说生动形象地表现了他的爱情观以及对情爱与性以及人的生存的深沉思考和探究。

    Hai Yan 's novels show his opinion on love and deep thinking about love and sex vividly .

  17. 科学家发现温室效应气体甲烷总北极海岩床渗出的证据。

    Scientists say they have evidence that the powerful greenhouse gas methane is escaping from the Arctic sea bed .

  18. 海岩顺应时代需求,开创了大众化文学创作和消费机制的结合。

    The writer complies with the time demanding , founded the popularity literary production and the expense mechanism union .

  19. 本文包括以下几部分:第一章论述了海岩小说语言的视听化。

    This thesis includes the following sections : Chapter one discusses the audio-visualization of the language of Haiyan novel .

  20. 较古老的月海岩流受到撞击的时间比年轻岩流久,因此它们的陨石坑密度较高。

    Older mare flows have been exposed to bombardment longer than younger flows , so they have higher crater densities .

  21. 命令舰队在海岩打败安东尼和克利奥帕特拉的罗马将军(公元前63-12)。

    Roman general who commanded the fleet that defeated the forces of Antony and Cleopatra at Actium ( 63-12 BC ) .

  22. 海岩小说的轰动与流行,形成了当前小说创作领域中的海岩现象。

    The sensation and popularity of Hai Yan novels have fostered the " phenomenon of Hai Yan " in contemporary novel-writing field .

  23. 在文章的绪论部分概要的介绍了一下叙事学的相关理论与发展情况,为海岩剧的研究提供理论依据。

    The foreword of the text introduces the narrative theory and its development to supply the theory for the research of Hai Yan TV plays .

  24. 这既是由于他个人的创作目的所至,也是因为出版方及因作品所产生的海岩现象。

    The reason is not only his personal creation purpose , but also the " Hai Yan phenomenon " caused by his works and the publishers .

  25. 海岩小说具有让读者爱不释手、废寝忘食的巨大“杀伤力”。

    Haiyan 's novels have " the lethality " to let the readers are unable to put down the book , neglect to eat and sleep .

  26. 现有的对海岩小说的分析基本都集中在文学作品的外部,对作品内在结构的研究几乎还处于未开垦的处女地状态。

    HaiYan 's novel analysis concentrates on the outside of the literary works basically , while the study on inherent structure of the works is nearly still uncultivated .

  27. 如果说海岩可以作为作家和编剧两种角色出现的话,那么他可以成为一代人心中独树一帜的经典。

    If the Haiyan can be the writer and dramatize two kinds of roles to appear , so he can become the classic create new style in the generation public .

  28. 在当前的小说创作中,海岩小说以其鲜活的人物,引人入胜的情节,独特的叙事方式,作品中体现的真实感深深吸引了广大读者。

    Summary : Among the current fictions , Hai Yan 's fictions attracted great many readers by the live characters , fascinating scenarios , inimitable narration and the truth in the works .

  29. 在海岩身上,我们看到了文学与影视共处合作的诸种可能,也看到了其中的偏激和局限。

    On Hai Yan 's writing , we can see the various possibilities for the cooperation of literature and visual arts , and can also see the extreme and limitations of them .

  30. 同时指出,海岩爱情加案情的模式已经开始萌芽,中国电视剧市场的萌动也在悄然发生。

    At the same time pointed out that the increase in the case Haiyan love model has begun to sprout , the Chinese TV market , the initiative also took place quietly .