
  • 网络Wang;Wah-ng Zhizhi
  1. 难道不是王治郅第一个给NBA打开中国市场的吗?

    Wasn 't Wang Zhizhi the1st Chinese player to open up China to the NBA though ?

  2. NBA球员易建联以及前NBA球员王治郅期望球队的竞技状态良好。

    NBA player Yi Jianlian and former NBA player Wang Zhizhi look to be in top form .

  3. 众所周知,王治郅是到nba打球的亚洲第一人。

    As we all know , Wang Zhizhi is the first player in Asia to join the NBA .

  4. 易建联是继姚明、王治郅和巴特尔之后第四个加入NBA的中国人。

    Yi will be the fourth Chinese to play in NBA following Yao , Wang Zhizhi and Menke Bateer .

  5. 以篮球运动员王治郅为例,他就因为试图靠自己打入美国nba,付出了惨痛的代价。

    Basketball player Wang Zhizhi , for example , paid a heavy price for trying to forge his own way in the NBA in the US .

  6. 这名7英尺高的动力前锋成为继2002年王治郅,巴特尔和姚明被选为休斯敦火箭队NBA之后的第四名中国选手。

    The7-foot power forward becomes the fourth Chinese player to make the NBA after Wang Zhizhi , Menk Bateer and Yao Ming , who was selected by the Houston Rockets with the first pick in2002 .

  7. 王治郅也表示,中国男篮球员将调整好状态,全力打好每一场比赛,争取好成绩。

    " The Chinese team will soon adjust themselves and do their best in every game ," said Wang .

  8. 对姚明和王治郅成长过程中几个问题的研究

    The Study on Yao Ming ′ s and Wang Zhizhi ′ s Several Problems in the Course of Their Growth

  9. 王治郅、姚明和巴特尔三位巨人在那次奥运会上组成了中国国家队的“流动长城”。

    Together with fellow goliaths Yao Ming and Batere , Wang forms the " Walking Great Wall " for the Chinese national team .

  10. 比赛开始后王治郅的三分球让中国队取得暂时领先。不过塞尔维亚很快控制场上局势,并将优势保持到了比赛结束。

    China had a brief lead in the first quarter with Wang Zhizhi's3-pointers , but Serbia soon gained control and maintained their dominance throughout game .

  11. 第二场比赛中,作为八一队中流砥柱的王治郅仍没有首发。八一在第一节结束时又一次落后10来分,但这次他们在第二节派上王治郅后却没能再次把比分追上。

    Starting without pivot Wang Zhizhi for the second straight game , Bayi saw it trailing by10-point plus after the first quarter again , but failed to claw back after pitching Wang in the second one .