
wáng chǔ
  • crown prince
王储 [wáng chǔ]
  • [crown prince] 某些君主国被确定为继承王位的人

王储[wáng chǔ]
  1. 作为阿布扎比王储(thecrownprinceofabudhabi)等人的朋友,他可以说对中东和亚洲更为熟悉。

    As someone whose friends include the crown prince of Abu Dhabi , he can seem more at home in the Middle East and Asia .

  2. 副王储(在海外被普遍称为MbS)已证明了自己的鲁莽和大胆,愿意去其他更年长的王子害怕涉足的地方。

    MbS , as the deputy crown prince is known abroad , has proved hurried and brazen , willing to go where other senior princes have feared to tread .

  3. 那年的6月28日,奥匈帝国王储弗朗茨斐迪南大公(FranzFerdinand)在萨拉热窝遇刺。1个多月后,战争爆发,并发展为多条战线。

    Little more than a month after the June 28 assassination in Sarajevo of the archduke Franz Ferdinand , heir to the Habsburg throne , fighting erupted on multiple fronts .

  4. 日前,英国王储查尔斯击败美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马,被(美国)《先生》杂志(Esquire)评为“全球穿着最考究男士”。

    Prince Charles has beaten off competition from US President Barack Obama to be named the world 's best dressed man by Esquire magazine .

  5. 在已故国王阿卜杜拉(KingAbdullah)执政时,纳伊米曾享受信任关系和很大程度上的独立性,而过去一年,他领导的石油部受到了由副王储担任主席的一个委员会的辖制。

    While Mr Naimi had a relationship of trust and a large degree of independence under the late King Abdullah , in the past year his ministry had come under the purview of a council chaired by Prince Mohammed .

  6. 这不是约旦王储第一次出现在公众视野中,以往王储骑摩托车穿越沙漠的潇洒照片也广为流传,因此还在Instagram上常常收到求婚。

    It 's not the first time the royal has turned heads , as he regularly receives marriage proposals on Instagram thanks to brooding shots of him riding through the desert on his motorbike .

  7. 为什么?就因为王储是个杀人犯?

    Why ? Just because the crown prince is a murderer ?

  8. 为了与白色外套相搭配,王储戴了顶白帽子。

    The prince wore a white hat to match his suit .

  9. 威廉王子和汤姆是查尔斯王储和卡米拉婚礼的见证人。

    Prince William and Tom were the witnesses for their parents'wedding .

  10. 她今年31岁,才不会让未婚夫、35岁的西班牙王储菲利普王子管束她的行为呢。

    Crown Prince Felipe of Spain , control her actions .

  11. 他在1999年和2014年以王储的身份访问过中国两次。

    He visited China twice in 1999 and 2014 as crown prince .

  12. 查尔斯王储有朝一日会成为英国国王。

    Prince Charles will be King of England one day .

  13. 王储菲利普或许会接过这一重担。

    That honor will go to Crown Prince Philippe .

  14. 我要给布达佩斯的王储发电报吗?

    Should I wire the crown prince in budapest ?

  15. 当查尔斯王储得知这对夫妇当晚会登台献歌时,称赞说“很好”。

    Charles asked if the couple planned to sing , replying'Good'when told they were .

  16. 英国查尔斯王储民调支持率提高,庆祝60大寿。

    Britain 's Prince Charles proving popular at 60

  17. 不过王储夫妇的美妙经历仍在继续。

    But the couple 's fantasy experience continued .

  18. 在与查尔斯王储的恋情公开后,卡米拉的著装风格发生了明显改变。

    Camilla 's style has certainly changed since her public courtship with Prince Charles .

  19. 8.丹麦王储妃玛丽

    8 . Crown Princess Mary of Denmark

  20. 英国:两门大炮鸣响来向查尔斯王储60大寿致敬。

    United Kingdom : two artillery gun salutes honoring Prince Charles on his 60th birthday .

  21. 副王储则坚持没有伊朗的参与就不能达成任何协议。

    The deputy crown prince was adamant that no deal should be struck without Iran .

  22. 王储殿下有一些很激进的思想但他会成为一个好皇帝

    Now the prince has some progressive ideas , but he will make a fine emperor

  23. 然而,仍然有许多挪威人支持哈康王储做出的选择-迎娶自己心爱的人。

    And many Norwegians support Haakon 's decision to marry a woman he obviously loves .

  24. 查尔斯王储夫妇回赠的是丘吉尔文集和一个英国骨灰瓷的花瓶。

    The royal couple brought Winston Churchill essays and a cachepot of English bone china .

  25. 和纳伊米不同,他是副王储核心圈子中的成员。

    Unlike Mr Naimi , he is part of the inner circle of Prince Mohammed .

  26. 此外,他们还从父亲查尔斯王储那儿领取生活费和其它费用。

    They also receive money for accommodation and other expenses from their father , Prince Charles .

  27. 尽管如此,就在昨天,王储还确定一定会来参加婚礼。

    Despite this , only yesterday , the Crown Prince was definitely coming to the wedding .

  28. 除了拜仁俱乐部,阿联酋王储还接见了马赛和本菲卡的代表。

    Besides a Bayern delegation , the Sheik also met representatives of Olympique Marseille and Benfica lisbon .

  29. 但尽管拥有了那么多的财富,这位沙特王储仍在追寻着金钱所不能买到的一些东西。

    But for all his wealth , this Saudi Royal still seeks something money can 't buy .

  30. 但是如果莱蒂齐亚和费利佩王储再生一个儿子的话,莱昂诺尔的王位继承权就会排在他之后。

    But her place in the royal succession could drop if Felipe and Letizia have a son .