
wáng guān
  • crown;royal crown;imperial crown;diadema
王冠 [wáng guān]
  • [imperial crown;royal crown] 象征国王身分、权力的帽子

王冠[wáng guān]
  1. 为了给那个晚上增添一点优雅的情趣,我摆出了一件奇珍异宝----绘有精美蓝边和金边的白色王冠德比牌的瓷器。

    To add a touch of elegance to the evening , I brought out the good stuff -- my white Royal Crown Derby china with the fine blue-and-gold border .

  2. 为了给那个晚上增添一点优雅的情趣,我摆出了一件奇珍奇宝&绘有精美蓝边和金边的白色王冠德比牌的瓷器。

    To add a touch of elegance to the evening , I brought out the good stuff & my white Royal Crown Derby china with the fine blue-and-gold border .

  3. 王冠上镶嵌着稀世珍宝——有钻石、红宝石、绿宝石。

    The crown was set with precious jewels ─ diamonds , rubies and emeralds .

  4. 他保险箱里有一个嵌满贵重宝石的王冠。

    There is a crown set with precious jewels in his safe .

  5. 奖品是这顶王冠。

    And the prize will be this crown .

  6. 她把王冠的碎片放在她见过的不同地方。

    She left the pieces of her crown at different places that she had seen .

  7. 随着时间的推移,各代女王的王冠开始变得越来越小,最后索性直接不佩戴王冠了。

    As time went by , the queen ' s crown got smaller and smaller until nothing was left .

  8. 王冠上镶嵌着稀世珍宝—有钻石、红宝石、绿宝石。

    The crown was set with precious jewels — diamonds , rubies and emeralds .

  9. 王冠就是王权的象征。

    The diadem is the symbol of royalty .

  10. 在沙堡顶端是一个戴着王冠的病毒模型。

    On top of the sandcastle is a model of the virus wearing a crown .

  11. WTO的争端解决机制被誉为是WTO王冠上的明珠,是一个具有较强司法性的体制。

    The WTO dispute settlement mechanism is regarded as the " crown jewel of WTO ", and it is a judicial system .

  12. CCTV黄金剧场:王冠上璀璨的宝石

    CCTV Gold Theater : the Brightest Stone on the Crown

  13. 康伯巴奇将在BBC二套即将播出的英剧《空王冠:理查三世》中饰演这位国王。

    Cumberbatch will play Richard in the upcoming BBC Two drama series ' The Hollow Crown - King Richard III. "

  14. 如今,中国已经找到了对付西方王冠上仅剩的宝石之一“FANG”的办法。

    Now the country has developed its answer to the " Fangs " phenomenon , one of the remaining crown jewels of the west .

  15. 《王冠》第二季于2017年12月和观众见面,在粉丝和电影评论家中引起轩然大波。第二季海报中,克莱尔位居C位。

    Series two of ' The Crown , " which was released in December 2017 , was a huge hit with fans and critics alike . In the main poster for the series , Claire took centre stage .

  16. 随后还颁布了其他奖项,但最终焦点还是在Tank身上,他淡定带着王冠,披着斗篷,似乎很享受公众的关注。

    Several other awards were also given but in the end , it was all about Tank , who appeared to enjoy the attention as he sat regally wearing the coveted crown and cape .

  17. 虽然官方还没有确定播出日期,但BBC报道称,《王冠》的新一季将在2019年播出。

    While no official date has been set , the BBC reported that new episodes of The Crown won 't premiere until 2019 . Cast

  18. 伊丽莎白王太后出席1937年丈夫乔治六世国王(KingGeorgeVI)和1953年女儿伊丽莎白女王(QueenElizabeth)的加冕礼时,头上佩戴的王冠就镶嵌了光之山钻石。

    The diamond was in the crown worn by the Queen Mother at the coronation of her husband King George VI in 1937 and again at Queen Elizabeth 's coronation in 1953 .

  19. 该剧的主题可与灰姑娘的故事或Netflix的关于女王伊丽莎白二世统治时期的《王冠》相比。

    Its theme may be likened to a Cinderella tale or Netflix 's The Crown that chronicles the reign of Queen Elizabeth II .

  20. 在他们的Facebook页面上,两人都发了一张他们身穿有金色装饰的马来白色婚礼服装的照片,新娘在头巾上戴着一顶王冠。

    On their Facebook pages , each of them posted a photograph of them in traditional Malay white wedding attire , with gold accents and the bride wearing a crown over her head scarf .

  21. 对于TIBCO来说,这是个好的开始,尽管显示它仍在守卫它的王冠。

    It 's a good start for TIBCO , though shows that it 's still guarding its crown jewels .

  22. 在美国,塔可钟(TacoBell)是百胜王冠上又一颗利润极高的明珠。可到2011年,美国业务所贡献的利润将是最微不足道的,远远落后于中国及国际业务。

    By 2011 the US , where Taco Bell is the other highly profitable jewel in Yum 's crown , will be the smallest contributor to profits after China and then the international division .

  23. 尽管克莱尔·福伊(ClaireFoy)在奈飞的《王冠》中饰演主角,但是似乎薪酬远不如搭档马特·史密斯(MattSmith)。

    Despite the fact she plays the lead role in Netflix 's ' The Crown , " it has emerged that Claire Foy was paid less for her work on the drama than co-star Matt Smith .

  24. 在1月22日于曼哈顿开幕的MetroCurates展上,宾夕法尼亚州迪尔斯堡的艺术商杰夫·R·布里奇曼(JeffR.Bridgman)将带来装饰着花朵、鸟儿、心形、太阳和王冠的德国尖角字体艺术品,由两姊妹制作(两份10500美元)。

    At the Metro Curates show , opening Jan. 22 in Manhattan , the dealer Jeff R. Bridgman from Dillsburg , Pa. , is bringing fraktur with flowers , birds , hearts , suns and crowns , made for two sisters ( $ 10500 for both fraktur ) .

  25. 迪拜世界曾经是迪拜酋长阿勒马克图姆(SheikMohammedbinRashidAlMaktoum)为这个商业王国所打造的一顶王冠,该公司在11月25日宣布暂停偿债六个月,将整个国家拖入了危机。

    Dubai World , once a crown jewel in the business empire of Dubai 's ruler Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum , tipped the emirate into crisis on Nov. 25 , saying it would seek to freeze its debts for six months .

  26. 没有(特别是尚未有)王冠。

    Not ( especially not yet ) provided with a crown .

  27. 他们答应给我一顶黄金王冠,却给了我这个东西。

    They promised me a golden crown and gave me this .

  28. 健康的体魄比一顶金王冠更有价值。

    A good healthy body is worth more than a crown .

  29. 他的王冠是在你床边的行李箱中吗?

    Is that his crown in the suitcase beside your bed ?

  30. 如果莫里亚蒂想要王冠,他可以直接拿走;

    If Moriarty wanted the jewels , he 'd have them .