
  • 网络Wang Hui;Lucy Wang
  1. 王惠说,将来我们要加强这方面的工作。

    ' We need to strengthen this area going forward , ' she said .

  2. 周日,王惠就市民对警方给遗弃车辆贴罚单的抱怨进行了回应。

    On Sunday , Ms. Wang responded to complaints that police were leaving tickets for abandoned vehicles .

  3. 截至周一,王惠在新浪微博上已有粉丝一百多万,其洪灾微博已收到回复数千条。

    As of Monday , she had more than a million followers , and received thousands of responses to her posts about the flooding .

  4. 记者周一致电王惠,她说微博在上周末应急处理暴雨的过程中发挥了关键作用。

    When reached by phone Monday , Ms. Wang said microblogs played a ' crucial ' role in dealing with the flooding this weekend .

  5. 但就在王惠赞扬社交媒体的时候,与洪灾有关、批评政府的微博不断消失,可能是被网络审查人员删除了。

    But even as she praised social media , flood-related posts that were critical of the government were disappearing online , the apparent victims of online censors .

  6. 他说,王惠用得好可能会让人觉得市政府能迅速回应市民的感受。

    Ms. Wang 's ' good use , ' he said , will probably ' make people feel the city government is resonsive to their feelings . '

  7. 北京市政府发言人王惠一直通过她新浪微博的认证账户发布人们在被淹街道上帮助陌生人的暖人消息以及有关滞留北京机场的乘客的信息。

    Beijing municipal government spokeswoman Wang Hui has been using her verified account on Sina Weibo to post heartwarming messages about people helping strangers cross flooded streets and information about passengers stuck at the airport .

  8. 王惠说,这很正常,网民的反应不奇怪;不仅是网民,我们自己也这么觉得,将来我们要加强这方面的工作。

    ' This is very normal , their reaction is right , ' she said . ' It 's not just them , we feel this way as well . We need to strengthen this area going forward . '

  9. 这是北京61年来未见的暴雨。王惠又说,不像在南方,北京很少有这样的暴雨,这对我们是一种考验。

    The city hadn 't seen such heavy rains in 61 years , she added : ' It 's not like in the south , we don 't usually get this heavy rain . So this was a test for us . '

  10. 记者周一致电北京市政府新闻发言人王惠,她说自己同意网民的观点,即北京的下水道系统无力应对这场暴雨,并说市政府将努力改进。

    Reached by phone Monday , the city 's spokeswoman , Wang Hui , said she agreed with Internet users ' comments that Beijing 's sewer system wasn 't equipped for the storm and said the city will work to improve it . '

  11. 北京市政府试图先发制人地打消网上的批评。王惠通过新浪微博实名认证账户,发出有关人们帮助陌生人走过积水马路的信息,同时回应了网民关于警方对受困车辆贴罚单的抱怨。

    Beijing authorities attempted to head off criticism online , with Ms. Wang using her verified account on Sina Corp. 's Weibo microblogging service to post messages about people helping strangers cross flooded streets . She also responded to complaints that police were leaving tickets for abandoned vehicles .

  12. 王惠说,微博非常重要,很多网民利用微博帮助他人,到机场接人,他们用私家车把滞留旅客送回家,一些酒吧老板让人们睡在酒吧里,还给人们提供食物和饮料;

    Weibo ' was extremly imporant . Many Internet users used it to help other people , to go to the airport to pick people up . They used their own cars to take people home , and some bar owners let people sleep in their bars , providing food and beverages to them .