
  1. 王宏伟称,警方没收了很多文件和原始资料,包括电影基金会在过去十年内收集的1500部电影。

    The festivals backers say they also took files and mother material , including 1,500 films collected by the film fund over the past decade .

  2. 王宏伟表示,上周六下午,当地警方将他和另一位组织者范荣带至警察局,并强迫他们签署了一份取消独立影像展的声明,之后才在晚上让他们离开。

    Mr. Wang said local police took him and Fan Rong , another organizer , to a police station on Saturday afternoon and forced them to sign a statement saying they would close the festival before letting them go that night .