
  • 网络Bassens;Jacques Barzun
  1. 我们刚错过了巴森路出口吗?

    Did we just take the balsam road exit ?

  2. 这个方法实现了巴森马的制钢工艺,也为现代制钢工业打下了基础。

    This procedure made the Bessemer process possible , and thus paved the way for the modern steel industry .

  3. 巴森马着手发展以他的名字命名的制钢工艺,但是难题却来了&钢中残留了过多的氧气和硫。

    At that time , Sir Henry Bessemer was trying to develop the steelmaking process which was to bear his name .

  4. 我像陈阵和胡子花白的当地牧民毕利格(巴森饰)一样,当目睹狼群在雪原上伏击一群瞪羚时屏住了呼吸;

    While watching a pack of wolves ambush a herd of gazelles over the snow-blanketed grasslands , I held my breath just like Chen and gray-bearded local leader Bilig ( Basen Zhabu ) .