
  • 网络Pakse;Pakxe
  1. 这架飞机为老挝航空公司的客机,机上有44名乘客和5名机组人员,在老挝南部巴色市坠入湄公河。

    The Lao Airlines plane , with 44 passangers and 5 crew members onboard , crashed into the Mekong River in the city of Pakse in southwestern Laos .

  2. 目击者表示,该飞机计划从老挝首都万象飞往巴色,在试图着陆时遭遇强风。

    Eyewitnesses say the plane , which was headed to Pakse from the capital , Vientiane , was hit by a strong gust of wind while trying to touch down .

  3. 从巴色会出版物看一百多年前新界客家话的否定词和否定句

    A study of the Negative Words and Sentences of Hakka Dialect in the New Territories , Hong Kong from the publications of Basle Mission more than one hundred years ago

  4. 巴色会是19世纪中叶以来以香港作为基地专门向客家人传教的基督教教会组织,其所编写、出版的方言圣经和启蒙课本以新界一带的客家话作为基础方言。

    Basle Mission was a Christian Church Organization based in Hong Kong preaching to Hakka Villagers since mid 19th century . The Mission published the Bible and textbooks in Hakka Dialect used in the New Territories then .