
  • 网络BARROW;Barro;Barlow;Robert Barro;baro
  1. 巴罗天生就爱打听别人隐私。

    Barrow had an inquisitive nature

  2. 巴罗竭力讨好我,直到得知我也是工人家庭出身。

    Barrow was positively obsequious to me until he learnt that I too was the son of a labouring man .

  3. 阿拉斯加北坡巴罗地区(BARROW)水体的pH值和电导率分析北极阿拉斯加巴罗地区夏季降水化学特征

    Chemical characteristics of summer precipitation at Point Barrow , arctic Alaska

  4. 方法利片J荧光光谱研究巴罗沙星与DNA的作用强度并计算热力学数据ΔH;

    Methods Fluorescent spectroscopy was used to study the interaction of balofloxacin with DNA and to calculate the thermodynamic constants .

  5. 结论巴罗沙星以沟槽键合方式与DNA相瓦作用;Mg~(2+)对巴罗沙星与DNA的结合有中介作用。

    Conclusion Balofloxacin interacted with CT-DNA in the mode of groove binding and Mg ~ ( 2 + ) could mediate the binding of balofloxacin to DNA .

  6. 不过,加里•贝克(GaryBecker)或罗伯特•巴罗(RobertBarro)等极端理性主义者可能会站出来为你辩护。

    Yet arch-rationalists such as Gary Becker or Robert Barro might leap to your defence .

  7. 巴罗(Barrow)大街的带两间卧室的公寓,这套公寓厨房碗柜上挂着挂锁。

    the Barrow Street two-bedroom with padlocks on the kitchen cupboards ─

  8. 1975年由巴罗和普洛斯钦提出。本文详细讨论了几种常用失效分布的ST图的形状,并做出了它们的图象,最后给出了应用方法及具体实例。

    This paper gives a detailed discussion on the shapes of the ST graph of common failure distributions , works out their graphs , and shows the application methods with examples .

  9. 曼切斯特联合队v巴罗&这对于组队尚新的曼切斯特球队来说是场至关重要的比赛,比赛的对手是联赛球队,比这只目前非联赛球队高了两个等级。

    So FC United of Manchester v Barrow-it 's the biggest game in the Manchester side 's short history-a match against a Conference side , which is two flights higher up in the non-league hierarchy .

  10. 对巴罗AB-67钻孔岩芯的粒度分析资料和地球化学分析资料进行了系统的多变量沉积过程分析。

    The systematic multi variable analysis of sedimentary environment on the grain size data and geochemical data of AB 67 drilling core in Barrow is given in this paper .

  11. 北极阿拉斯加巴罗地区Elson泻湖的沉积古环境研究

    Research on the sedimentary environmental changes in Elson lagoon at Barrow area , Alaskan Arctica

  12. 他是洛奇(lozi)皇族的后裔,其王国位于赞比亚西部的巴罗策兰(barotseland)。

    The headmaster was Arthur lewanika , a scion of the Lozi royal family whose kingdom , barotseland , lay in Western Zambia .

  13. 当时他们的飞机坠落在美国的阿拉斯加巴罗附近!

    When their airplane crashed near Point Barrow , Alaska .

  14. 你和巴罗先生当时为什么打架

    So what were you and Mr. Barrol fighting about ?

  15. 这并不是说,支持更为巴罗广泛的的改革的观点是错误的。

    This is not to say that arguments for greater inclusiveness are wrong .

  16. 400年来北极巴罗角的温度变化特征

    Features of temperature change over the last 400 years at barrow , arctic

  17. 爱德华.林:金丝雀码头的巴罗公寓。

    EDWARD GREEN : Barlow House , Canary Wharf .

  18. 一个学生:看,那是血人巴罗!

    A pupil : it 's the bloody baron !

  19. 罗恩说,脸色苍白得像血人巴罗的鬼魂。

    Oh , no , said Ron , pale as the Bloody Baron .

  20. 北极巴罗地区300年以来的孢粉记录及其气候变化

    Pollen record and climatic change in barrow , Alaska during the past 300 years

  21. 我对你的子女是否是贝克-巴罗式的利他主义者感到怀疑。

    I doubt your children are Becker-Barro altruists .

  22. 北极阿拉斯加巴罗地区现代环境的地球化学特征研究

    Environment geochemical characteristics in barrow , Alaskan Arctic

  23. 所以说,有可能巴罗身上也布满了独角兽的血。

    So there is a chance that the Baron is covered in Unicorn blood .

  24. 北极巴罗地区小冰期以来的冷暖事件

    The Cold and Warm Events from the Barrow , Arctic since the Little Ice Age

  25. 北极巴罗地区2种灌木植物及其花粉形态

    A study on the two shrubs of tundra and their pollen morphology from Barrow , Arctic

  26. 血人巴罗的故事是怎么样的?他为什么能降住皮皮鬼?

    What 's the story of the bloody Baron and why is he able to control peeves ?

  27. 尼克•巴罗在脸书上说:“我想知道为什么这照片看上去有点毛乎乎的。”

    Nic Barlow commented on Facebook : " I wondered why the picture looked a bit woolly . "

  28. 建立在澳大利亚西海岸巴罗岛的该项目将成为该国最大的资源项目。

    The development on Barrow Island off the Western Australia coast will be the country 's biggest resources project .

  29. 在阿拉斯加巴罗的,美国最北端的城镇,一个孤独的数字附近散步冰雪覆盖的房子和船。

    In Barrow , Alaska , the northernmost U.S.town , a solitary figure walks near a snow-covered house and boat .

  30. 巴罗指出,尽管人们对于全球复苏的希望日渐增强,但债券收益率仍保持在相对低位。

    Mr barrow pointed out that in spite of growing hopes for a global recovery bond yields had remained relatively low .