
  • 网络TROMSO;Tromsoe;Troms;Tromsø
  1. 挪威的特罗姆瑟大学的研究者团队表示,身材高大并且肥胖的男性具有更高的危险有可能会出现血液凝块的情况。

    Men who are tall and obese have a greater risk of potentially fatal blood clots , according to a team of researchers at the University of Tromso in Norway .

  2. 这位挪威前国脚在利兹之前曾先后效力过桑恩达、特罗姆瑟、布拉恩、切尔西、流浪者、桑德兰、锡耶纳以及瓦勒伦加俱乐部。

    The former Norwegian international has enjoyed an illustrious career and has taken in spells with Sogndal , Tromso , Brann , Chelsea , Rangers , Sunderland , Siena , and Valerenga .

  3. 特罗姆瑟人把这一天叫做“太阳日”。

    People can 't see the sun all day and all night .

  4. 比如说这个家伙,他是特罗姆瑟大学的科研带头人。

    This guy , for instance , he 's head of research at the University in Troms ?

  5. 上图是在挪威北部城市特罗姆瑟外海克瓦尔岛上当地时间的子夜时分拍摄的,明亮的极光从雨云夹缝中突围而出。

    Captured here near local midnight from Kval ? ya island outside Troms ? in northern Norway , the intense auroral glow was framed by parting rain clouds .

  6. 北极理事会召集了北极有领土的国家,将于周三在挪威北部特罗姆瑟召开会议,讨论北极冰融化的影响。

    The Arctic Council , grouping nations with territory in the Arctic , is due to meet in Tromsoe , north Norway , Wednesday to debate the impact of melting ice in the north .

  7. 但风景和地形也同时凸显出特罗姆瑟作为一处体育圣地,正如一月份举行的极地夜半马拉松和八月份的天空跑马拉松。

    But the scenery and terrain is already marking out Troms ø as something of a sports haven , with the Polar Night Half Marathon being held in January and the Sky Race Ultra Marathon in August .

  8. 而我却愿意用满怀的激情和集中的精力弥补我所缺少的天赋和能力,这也是我在两个星期之前所希望的,当我在挪威城特罗姆瑟下飞机,参加每年的午夜太阳马拉松时,能够帮助我通过的地方。

    But what I lack in grace and ability I more than make up for in enthusiasm and nervous energy , which is what I was hoping would pull me through as I stepped off the plane in the Norwegian city of Troms ø two weeks ago for their annual Midnight Sun Marathon .