
tè bié fǎ
  • lex specialis;special law
  1. 商法是民法的特别法;

    Commercial law is a special law towards civil law .

  2. 特别法与渤海环境管理

    Special Law and Bohai Sea Environmental Management

  3. 西部大开发法制建设中的特别法问题

    The Study of the Special Legal System to Developing Chinese Western Regions

  4. 特别法、新法优先原则;

    The specific and new law being prior ;

  5. 民间文学艺术特别法保护模式的构建

    Construction of Special Legislation Protection Model of Folklore

  6. 现行立法中对于特种债权的保护主要是通过规定清偿顺序来实现的,再有就是在特别法中,对某些具体优先权作了规定。

    China protect special social relationship mostly by rules in special law and repayment order .

  7. 第三:适用侵权特别法优于侵权普通法的规则。

    Third : " special law is superior to the common law tort tort " rules .

  8. 地区性特别法,是指由中央根据某地区状况制定的、仅适用于该区域的特别法。

    Regional special laws are enacted by the cental government but enfareed in some particular regions .

  9. 实际上,《物权法》是普通法,《海商法》是特别法。

    In fact , Property Law is the common law , Maritime Law is a special law .

  10. 另外,德国在一些特别法中也规定了精神损害赔偿。

    In addition , Germany is also in some special law provides for compensation for moral damage .

  11. 论民事特别法与民法基本原则冲突时的法律适用&第三者受遗赠案法律评析

    The Legal Application on the Conflict Between the Basic Principle of Civil Law And the Special Civil Law

  12. 有的专家认为促使安倍下台的直接原因是有争议的《反恐特别法》。

    Experts also believe that Japan 's contentious special antiterrorism law was the direct cause of Abe 's departure .

  13. 侵权责任法与特别法及司法解释关系的法解释学思考

    Reflection on the Relations of Tort Law to Special Law and Judicial Interpretation in the Way of Legal Hermeneutics

  14. 虽然在一些特别法中有相关的制度存在,但仍不完善。

    It is far from consummate , although there do exist some regulations related to it in some special laws .

  15. 宪法中的紧急权条款与宪法的关系是特别法与普通法的关系。

    The relationship between items of emergency power in constitution and constitution is the relationship between special law and common law .

  16. 我国买卖合同的风险转移制度采纳交付主义为一般原则,兼采特别法原则。

    In China the consignation is the common principle in the business contract , but there are some other special rules .

  17. 对日本来说,依据特别法进行快速重组,胜于向债券持有人施以援手,那将使不当激励长期化。

    For Japan , a swift restructuring under special legislation is better than a bail-out of bondholders that perpetuates perverse incentives .

  18. 对此实践中的做法并不统一,而且对特别法规则适用条件也构成了很大的挑战。

    This practice is not unified , but also poses a great challenge to the " applicable conditions of special law " .

  19. 为此本文建议制定传统工艺的知识产权特别法,为传统工艺量身打造一部法律,有针对性地保护传统工艺。

    In order to protect our traditional craft , it is proposed to formulate a special legislation tailor-made for the traditional craft .

  20. 但是,这一制度在我国的发展还不太成熟,虽在特别法中有所体现,但并非十分完善,并且缺乏为第三人利益合同的一般规则,因此有必要进一步深入研究。

    But this system is not mature in China as though there are only several provisions involved it in the some special laws .

  21. 而对于整个资产证券化的法律控制最好是用特别法来规范,不宜因此而对现有法律进行大规模地修改来达到目的。

    And the legal control of the whole asset securitization may be regulated by special law but not the revision of existing law .

  22. 一项特别法禁止未婚女性在周日跳伞,否则她将有被捕、罚款和/锒铛入狱之虞。

    A special law prohibits unmarried women from parachuting on Sunday or she shall risk arrest , fine , and / or jailing .

  23. 我国未来的高危险民事责任立法应走民法典上的一般化与特别法上的类型化相结合的立法道路。

    Our country should select the lawmaking style of the general clause on the civil code and the type on the special civil law .

  24. 在立法体例上,对格式合同的立法控制应分为一般法的控制和特别法的控制。

    In legislative system legislative control to format contract shall be divided into the control by general law and the control by special law .

  25. 笔者认为,我国应当制定民间文学艺术保护特别法,文章对特别法律制度的构建提出思考和建议。

    The author believed , our country should formulate special law to protect folklore , this article proposes helpful suggestions to the special legal system .

  26. 首先,指出为了解决共性与个性问题,立法应采用一般条款加特别法的立法思路。

    Firstly , it points out that we should make general terms and special rules , in order to solve the general problem and individual problems .

  27. 但更多的商业外观不能够受到知识产权特别法的保护,本文着重探讨对这些商业外观的保护问题。

    However , more trade dress cannot be protected by Intellectual Property Law in particular . The paper focuses on the protection of such trade dress .

  28. 然而近些年来,不少大陆法系国家和地区已在民事特别法中进行了移植惩罚性赔偿制度的尝试。

    However , recently , there are really quite a few countries and regions have attempted to transplant the punitive damages system into the special civil law .

  29. 第三种模式是普通法和特别法并行的银行破产模式,以意大利、德国、卢森堡等为代表。

    The third mode is the common law and the special law of parallel bank bankruptcy mode , to Italy , Germany , Luxemburg as a representative .

  30. 重法地法作为宋代的一项刑事特别法,无论在立法形式上还是法律内容上,都有很多独特之处。

    As one of special laws of criminal in Song Dynasty , severe law in special areas has its own features both in the form and content .