
  • 网络endemism;endemic;endemicity
  1. 中国植物区系中的特有性及其起源和分化

    Origin and Differentiation of Endemism in the Flora of China

  2. 标题东亚木本植物区系的特有性。

    Endemism in the ligneous flora of eastern Asia .

  3. 特有性强,共有52种中国特有植物;起源古老,有41种古老孑遗植物;

    There are 41 species of relic plants and 52 species of Chinese endemic plants .

  4. 轿子雪山植物区系成分丰富,来源复杂,特有性和过渡性显著。

    The flora constitution of this area has complex origins and multiple elements through the statistics .

  5. 植物的特有性丰富,中国特有属16个、中国特有种491种,占本区总种数的32.30%,在种类组成中占优势。

    The feature of endemic to this flora is rich : There are 16 Chinese endemic genera . There are 491 Chinese endemic species , making up 32.30 % of the total species .

  6. 就植物区系地理成分来看,属、种二个层次均以温带成分占优势,且中国特有性程度不高。

    As far as the geographic elements of plant flora , temperate elements are more preponderant than the others at the two levels of genera and species , moreover , and endemic to china is lower .

  7. 通过经济法基本原则与民法基本原则、行政法基本原则的比较分析,阐述了经济法可持续发展原则的特有性。

    Through comparative analysis of basic principles of economic law , basic principles of civil law and basic principles of administrative law , the article sets forth the particularity of the sustainable development principle of economic law .

  8. 桩体复合地基有着其特有优越性,本文根据桩体复合地基存在的一些问题进行展望和构想。

    This thesis carried on the forecast and conception according to some existed questions to the compound foundation of the pile body .

  9. 从原型批评的角度看,鞋在中国古代文学中以其特有的性象征意义而占据着引人注目的地位。

    The word " Shoes ", in traditional Chinese literature , has a unique implied meaning if viewed from the theory of prototype .

  10. 哀牢山明显处于滇西北、滇东南这两大中国特有多样性中心之间,成为联系的纽带。

    Ailaoshan obviously stands between the two peteridophyte diversity centers of China , northwest Yunnan and southeast Yunnan , functioning as the linkage .

  11. 以汽车座椅滑槽前支架为例,结合其模具设计特有工艺性,进行了工艺分析、模具结构分析;

    Taking the front bracket of automobile saddle runner as an instance , combining with its special process of die design , the process analysis and die structure analysis are carried out .

  12. 目前,嵌入式Linux以其特有的开放性以及与生具来的网络特性在嵌入式领域备受关注,毫无疑问,它将成为嵌入式操作系统的主流之一。

    Embedded Linux is famous for the special characteristics of open and network .

  13. 在材料学领域中,CA法在显微组织形态及其演变规律的模拟上体现出了特有的优越性。

    In materials science , CA is particularly outstanding in simulating the microstructure and its development .

  14. 而Agent特有的自治性、协作性等为自重构机器人的控制策略提供了一种新的思路。

    Furthermore , it that Agent has special automation , collaboration and so on , gives a new idea for the control strategy of the self-reconfigurable robot .

  15. 城市交通是一个复杂系统,agent特有的自治性、协作性等特点,为进行仿真提供了更好的方法。

    Urban transportation is very complex . For its autonomy and cooperation , agent provides a better way to take the simulation of the traffic system than others .

  16. 相对于其他几种ERP软件在二次开发功能方面的局限性,ORACLEERP的二次开发方法具有特有的开放性和灵活性。

    Compared with other ERP software in customized development limitations , Oracle ERP customized development method has its unique openness and flexibility .

  17. 碳纤维片材(CarbonFiberReinforcedPolymer,以下简称CFRP)因其质轻、高强、高弹模和耐腐蚀等特有的优越性,已广泛应用于混凝土结构的补强加固中。

    Due to its advantages in light weight , high strength , high elastic modular and corrosion resistance , Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer ( CFRP ) has become widely used in reinforced concrete structure .

  18. 仿真语言采用面向对象的Visualc++,其特有的继承性、封装性、多态性及消息机制等特点使得仿真系统具有真实性、通用性、可移植性和可扩充性;

    The simulation language , Visual C + + based on OO , makes the simulation real , universal , transplantable and extensible because of its special characteristics of inheritance , encapsulation , polymorphism and message pattern .

  19. 近年的研究表明,肺表面活性物质(PS)在肺防御保护机制中起重要作用,是肺内特有的生理性抗损伤因子之一。

    The pulmonary surfactant ( PS ), one of special physiology anti-injury factors in lung , has important function on the defence and the protection of lung in recent researches .

  20. 通过算例与FrankWolfe算法进行比较,说明了遗传算法的有效性与可行性,指出了遗传算法相对于FrankWolfe算法特有的优越性。

    Compared with the Frank Wolfe Algorithm , by using a practical instance , it proved the effectivity and feasibility of Genetic Algorithm and pointed its advantage .

  21. 文章总结了办公楼的发展历程,分析了e时代(网络时代)办公楼特有的时代性和文化特色,并对由此带来的建筑设计理念更新进行了系统的分析和研究。

    The paper summarizes the development process of office building , analyzes the unique temporal spirit and cultural characteristic of office building in the electronic era and gives systematic analysis and study of the innovation of the architectural design this era brings .

  22. 利用显微分析方法研究了其色散光性(即反射率光谱,400~700nm),描述了其特有的单色性;

    The optical dispersion of the broken films of light changeable materials was researched by micro analysis , and their mono chromaticity was described by using reflectance spectrum ( 400 ~ 700nm ) .

  23. 移动代理系统的名字服务有其自身特有的特殊性。

    The name service in mobile agent system has its own speciality .

  24. 鳃上器是某些鱼类所特有的辅助性呼吸器官。

    Suprabranchial organ is a special organ of some fishes .

  25. 网络游戏凭着它特有的互动性,深受各个年龄段人们的喜爱。

    They are loved by people of all ages for their interactivity .

  26. 然而,基于光波长通道的直接联网有它特有的局限性。

    However , optical internetworking directly based optical wavelength has its intrinsic defects .

  27. 而那一形态,经久历时,呈现出其特有的完整性。

    And that shape assumes its own kind of integrity , over time .

  28. 作为研究制度变革的方法,博弈理论有着其特有的优越性。

    As a method of studying institutional changes , game theory has its advantages .

  29. 其特有的时效性,交互性和群众性是其他监督形式所无可比拟的。

    Its unique timeliness , interaction and mass is other supervision and form incomparable .

  30. 乳牙生理性根吸收是导致乳牙脱落的一种特有的生理性现象。

    Deciduous root resorption is a physiological phenomenon that results in exfoliation of the deciduous teeth .