
  • 网络plymouth;Plymouth Argyle;Plymouth Prowler
  1. 普利茅斯所有的医院都处于紧急状态之中。

    All the Plymouth hospitals are on red alert

  2. 绵延10英里的浮油已经到达了普利茅斯东岸。

    Oil has come ashore on a ten mile stretch to the east of Plymouth

  3. 普利茅斯海洋研究所的科学家一半有学士学位,另一半则有博士学位。

    Half of PML 's scientists have first degrees , the other half have PhDs .

  4. 普利茅斯高地是德雷克在打败西班牙无敌舰队之前玩木球游戏的旧址,因此广为人知。

    Plymouth Hoe is renowned as the site where Drake played bowls before tackling the Spanish Armada .

  5. 祖克曼家的车道上从早到晚都停满了小车和大卡车——福特,雪佛莱,别克,通用皮卡、普利茅斯、斯塔德贝克、帕卡德、带陀螺变速器的德索托、带火箭引擎的奥兹莫比尔、旅行吉普和庞蒂亚克牌汽车等等都开过来了。

    The Zuckermans ' driveway was full of cars and trucks from morning till night — Fords and Chevvies and Buick roadmasters and GMC pickups and Plymouths and Studebakers and Packards and De Sotos with gyromatic transmissions and Oldsmobiles with rocket engines and Jeep station wagons and Pontiacs .

  6. 那天,卡梅伦正要前往普利茅斯出席军人节庆祝大会,他把车停在TheSandwichBoxPlus店外,想进去买杯咖啡提提神。

    Mr Cameron was visiting Plymouth for Armed Forces Day when he stopped at The Sandwich Box Plus in search of a pick-me-up .

  7. 其结果就是,在美国即将开始工业化时,普利茅斯石鸡(PlymouthRock)和罗德岛红鸡(RhodeIslandRed)这样的著名品种问世了。

    The results were famous varieties , like the Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island Red , that appeared just as the nation began to industrialize .

  8. 他在纽约琼斯海滩(JonesBeach)停车场里没有车的时候教会了我如何开车,而我烧焦了他的普利茅斯(Plymouth)车的刹车片。

    He taught me how to drive out at Jones Beach when the parking lot was empty and I burned out the brakes on his Plymouth .

  9. 直到学生们在普利茅斯Tab网站上指出问题后学校才发现这个错误,目前还不清楚多少学生因此受益。

    The university did not realise the blunder until it was pointed out by student website The Plymouth Tab . It is unclear how many students could have been helped by the sign .

  10. 位于普利茅斯市的巨石,据猜测是朝圣者从Mayflower搬运来的。

    A boulder in Plymouth supposed to be where the Pilgrims disembarked from the Mayflower .

  11. 而有8个地方名叫Cranberry(蔓越莓)。另外还有20个地方名叫Plymouth(普利茅斯),这也是首次举办感恩节的地方。

    There are also eight places and townships named Cranberry , and20 places named Plymouth , after the location of the first Thanksgiving .

  12. 我们的教科书是如此描述的:1620年英国清教徒搭乘“五月花”号船抵达“普利茅斯圣岩”(PlymouthRock),由于没有为严冬做好足够的准备,友好的当地人对他们施以援手,为他们提供食物并教授他们如何种植玉米。

    Here 's the lie : Pilgrims on the Mayflower arrived at Plymouth Rock in 1620 . Unprepared for the harsh winter , they were saved by the friendly natives , who gave them food and taught them how to plant corn .

  13. 普利茅斯的生物学家McGeehan,之前做过降解塑料酶的研究,告诫Vague女士,其研究还处在初级阶段,还有许多的测试要做。

    Professor John McGeehan , a biologist at the University of Plymouth , who has done research into plastic-degrading enzymes , warned MsVague 's research was in its early stages and more testing was needed .

  14. 在美国普利茅斯大学的一件宿舍里,来自普利茅斯的15岁姑娘RutaMeilutyte在奥运会上赢得女子百米蝶泳项目金牌之后,宿舍同学发出一阵欢呼。

    Students at Plymouth College reacted with delight when 15-year-old Ruta Meilutyte won a gold medal in the final of the 100m breaststroke .

  15. 明尼苏达州普利茅斯的国防武器制造商ATK公司也参与了竞标。ATK公司声称自己有完成这项工作的技术力量。

    One company vying for the funding is ATK , a defence manufacturer based in Plymouth , Minnesota , which claims to have technology that could do the job .

  16. 今天是Lavinia三岁生日,在普利茅斯郊区的教堂里面对两百来人的观众弹奏之前,她仅仅学了六个星期的钢琴。

    Lavinia , who celebrates her third birthday today , had been learning to play for only six weeks before she stepped out to perform before a 200-strong audience at a local church hall on the outskirts of Plymouth .

  17. 普利茅斯一度成为了他们所寻求的避难所。

    For a time , Plymouth provides the sanctuary they sought .

  18. 这些让人目瞪口呆的照片是由普利茅斯大学海底生物学家拍摄的。

    The stunning photographs were taken by marine biologists at Plymouth University .

  19. 从这儿到普利茅斯大约有10英里。

    It 's about ten miles from here to plymouth .

  20. 1928年,他买下了道奇公司和普利茅斯公司。

    In 1928 . he bought out Dodge and Plymouth .

  21. 英冠的普利茅斯队希望租借切尔西的年轻新星萨姆·霍奇森。

    Plymouth Argyle are hoping to sign Chelsea youngster Sam Hutchinson on loan .

  22. 那一年,人们在麻萨诸塞州的普利茅斯准备了一个特殊的盛宴。

    In that year a special feast was prepared in Plymouth , Massachusetts .

  23. 1620年12月11日,旅行者们在“普利茅斯石”登陆。

    The Pilgrims set ground at Plymouth Rock on December 11 , 1620 .

  24. 美国普利茅斯钢管厂概况

    Outline of Plymouth steel tube works in USA

  25. 在这栩栩如生的普利茅斯历史长河里,演员饰演着17世纪真实的普利茅斯人。

    In this living history plantation , actors portray real people of17th century Plimoth .

  26. 他预定昨天离开普利茅斯。

    He was scheduled to leave Plymouth yesterday .

  27. 但美国人通常认为第一个感恩节发生在普利茅斯部落。

    But what Americans often consider the first Thanksgiving took place in Plymouth Colony .

  28. 离开英格兰的普利茅斯,开始了长达五年的旅行。

    Left Plymouth , England on a journey that was to last five years .

  29. 我想预订明晚去普利茅斯的火车票。

    I want to make a reservation on the train to Plymouth tomorrow evening .

  30. 清教徒前辈移民可能在普利茅斯海岸巨砾处登陆,他们建立了普利茅斯殖民地。

    The Pilgrims probably landed at Plymouth Rock , and they established Plymouth Colony .