
  • 网络college;higher education;Regular institutions of HIGHer education;colleges and universities
  1. 普通高等学校招生全国统一考试或者称它为高考,是一场高竞争性,高压力的测试,多年以来决定了无数高中学生的命运。

    The national college entrance exam , or gaokao , has been a highly competitive and stressful test deciding the fate of high school students for many a year .

  2. 论普通高等学校大学生体育能力及其培养

    Discuss on Sports Capabilities and Training of General Higher College Undergraduate

  3. 从统计数字看吉林省高校的科技实力吉林省普通高等学校2000年科技统计暨RD资源清查数据分析

    The analysis of the science and technology strength in Jilin Province by the statistics

  4. 吉林省地方普通高等学校SWOT分析及对策研究

    SWOT Analysis and Tactical Study of the Institution of Common Higher Education in JiLin Province

  5. 提高普通高等学校的教学质量,是我国加入WTO和进入高等教育大众化阶段后不容忽视的问题。

    It is an important problem for the common university to improve the teaching quality since China joining the WTO and entering popularize stage in higher education .

  6. 利用SWOT分析工具,进行战略定位,提出民办普通高等学校如何打造核心竞争力的战略制定及选择。

    And with SWOT analysis tool , it also presents the strategic establishment and selection of how Chinese non-governmental colleges and universities create their core competency in the higher education market .

  7. 介绍了应用Delphi开发《普通高等学校学生体质健康标准管理系统》的目的、设计过程和关键技术,并在实践中进行大样本数据检验和研究。

    The purpose , designing process , key technology of The Standards of Students ' Physical Quality Managing System in Colleges which designed by Delphi were introduced . And big-sample data experiments to test its efficiency .

  8. 本文应用斯沃特(SWOT)分析法对吉林省地方普通高等学校的内外环境进行分析,在这基础上,提出了吉林省地方普通高等学校的发展对策。

    This paper uses SWOT analytic method to analysis the internal and external environment of Institutions of Local Common Higher Education in JiLin Province . On the basis of it , puts forward to the developmental strategies of the Institution of common higher education in JiLin Province .

  9. 浅谈高校人才流失的预防策略地方普通高等学校办学定位探讨

    Local Universities and Colleges ' Precautionary Measures Against Outflow of Talent

  10. 普通高等学校体育课程学习评价的研究

    Research on Study Evaluation of PE Lesson in General Higher-learning Institutions

  11. 对全国高校毕业就业协议的法律思考&兼论《全国普通高等学校毕业生就业协议书》之完善

    Employment Contract of College Graduate in China : A Legal Approach

  12. 试行中的《普通高等学校本科教学工作水平评估方案》析议

    Discussion on Assessment Scheme of Teaching Level for General Higher Shools

  13. 普通高等学校接受本科教学水平评估刍议

    Some Suggestions on Undergraduate Teaching Assessment for Common Higher Education Institutions

  14. 论《普通高等学校图书馆规程》与西部高校图书馆现代化建设

    Discussion on nd the Modernization Construction of the Western University Libraries

  15. 普通高等学校的法律定位

    On the legal location of ordinary universities and colleges in China

  16. 军事课程是普通高等学校本、专科学生的一门必修课。

    Military course is a required course for students in universities .

  17. 对《普通高等学校建筑规划面积指标》的几点思考

    Practical Viewing for The Area Index of Architectural Planning for Universities

  18. 新的《普通高等学校学生管理制度规定》确立了学生申诉制度。

    New Rules for Regular College Students establishes the Student Complaint System .

  19. 论普通高等学校网络教学平台建设

    On Network Construction of Teaching Platform in General Institutions of Higher Learning

  20. 广东中心城市大学是广东普通高等学校的重要组成部分。

    Central city colleges play important roles in Guangdong 's higher education .

  21. 当代大学生应培养正确的自由观&从新颁布的《普通高等学校学生管理规定》谈起

    How to Cultivate College Students ' Correct View of Freedom

  22. 谈普通高等学校学籍管理

    On School Roll Management in the Institutions of Higher Learning

  23. 高等学校图书馆与学生读者的关系是一种平等的契约关系&兼谈《普通高等学校图书馆规程》立法法理上的重大缺陷

    The Relation between College Library and Student Readers Is a Contract Relation

  24. 普通高等学校招生制度改革构想

    The Conceptions about Colleges and Universities ' Admissions System Reform

  25. 对普通高等学校体育课成绩评定研究的综述

    Research Analysis of Physical Education Course 's Evaluation of Regular Higher Education

  26. 普通高等学校收费水平的确定方法探析

    Means of Defining Standard about Higher School 's Collecting Fees

  27. 普通高等学校图书馆用户参与式评估指标体系研究

    Research on User-Participation based Evaluation System for University Libraries

  28. 影响普通高等学校体育课程教学改革的主导因素分析

    An Analysis about the Leading Factors Affecting Education Reform of College PE Courses

  29. 心润之策&论中国普通高等学校艺术教育学梁玖

    Strategies in soul cultivation & On art education in Higher Institutions in China

  30. 同质原则、职能原则、习惯原则等作为普通高等学校分类的原则;

    It makes the homogeneity principle , function principle , habit principle , etc.