- Jiusan Society

" 93 Society " Tianjin Committee 's Website Management System Design and Realization
Shaanxi Provincial Committee of Jiu San Society , director of education and culture , Xi'an Watercolor Society .
93 Society Tianjin Committee has not built website system till now , and it is adverse to efficient development .
Society is a political alliance party which is mainly composed of high and intermediate intellectuals in scientific and technological community .
Jiu San Society went through brewing , coming into being , and proclaiming its own proposition from 1944 to June 1946 , right before the general breaking out of civil war .
By1987 , several tens of thousands of people who worked in the scientific and cultural sectors had become members of the Society . A few thousand among them were famous scholars and scientists .
Through application of this system , 93 Society Tianjin Committee popularity is promoted on the Internet . It also facilitates the construction of information management and wins approval and praise both inside and outside society widely .