
jiǔ sān xué shè
  • Jiusan Society
九三学社[jiǔ sān xué shè]
  1. 九三学社天津市委员会网站管理系统的设计与实现

    " 93 Society " Tianjin Committee 's Website Management System Design and Realization

  2. 九三学社陕西省委教育文化委员会主任、西安水彩画学会会长。

    Shaanxi Provincial Committee of Jiu San Society , director of education and culture , Xi'an Watercolor Society .

  3. 九三学社天津市委员会自成立以来一直没有建设网站系统,不利于其信息化的高效发展。

    93 Society Tianjin Committee has not built website system till now , and it is adverse to efficient development .

  4. 九三学社是以科学技术界高、中级知识分子为主的具有政治联盟特点的政党,是致力于中国特色社会主义事业的参政党。

    Society is a political alliance party which is mainly composed of high and intermediate intellectuals in scientific and technological community .

  5. 从1944年到1946年6月全面内战爆发之前,九三学社经历了从酝酿到产生的过程,并提出了自己的政治主张。

    Jiu San Society went through brewing , coming into being , and proclaiming its own proposition from 1944 to June 1946 , right before the general breaking out of civil war .

  6. 17年前,九三学社已在中国的科学文化界拥有了几万名成员,其中有数以千计的著名学者和科学家。

    By1987 , several tens of thousands of people who worked in the scientific and cultural sectors had become members of the Society . A few thousand among them were famous scholars and scientists .

  7. 目前本网站系统已经正式投入使用,通过本系统的实际应用提升了九三学社天津市委员会在国际互联网上的知名度,促进了信息化管理工作的建设,得到了社内外人士的广泛认可与好评。

    Through application of this system , 93 Society Tianjin Committee popularity is promoted on the Internet . It also facilitates the construction of information management and wins approval and praise both inside and outside society widely .