
  • 网络the nine chapters on the mathematical art;nine chapters on mathematical art;Neuf Chapitres
  1. 刘徽《九章算术注》中所蕴涵的科学思想可谓极其深邃。

    Some of Liu Hui 's scientific thoughts are extremely profound .

  2. 关于《九章算术》与《几何原本》的再比较

    Re-comparison Between " Elements " and " Nine Chapter "

  3. 《九章算术》及刘徽的辩证思想

    " Arithmetic in Nine Sections " and Liu Hui 's dialectical thought

  4. 《九章算术》均输章等差数列问题研究

    The Arithmetical Series in ″ Nine Chapters of Arithmetic ″

  5. 《九章算术》的完成标志着中国的数学已发展成为一个科学体系。

    Its appearance demonstrated that mathematics in China had developed into a scientific system .

  6. 关于《九章算术》与中国古代数学的发展

    The Impact of the " Nine Chapter Arithmetic " on the Development of Chinese Ancient Mathematics

  7. 《九章算术》是中国古代一部重要的数学经典著作。

    The " Nine Chapters of Arithmetic " is a foremost mathematics classical works of China antiquity .

  8. 《九章算术》等古代数学典籍记载了一些物质的比重值及收录了一些与比重有关的算题。

    Jiu Zhang Suan Shu and other ancient mathematical works recorded the specific gravity value of some materials and collected some related computational problems .

  9. 论述了《九章算术》及其《刘徽注》三个方面的辩证思维特证。

    The characteristics of the dialectical thought of Arithmetic in Nine Sections and Liu Hui 's Commentary on It are discussed in three aspects .

  10. 李籍《九章算术音义》一直未受到应有的重视。

    Li Ji 's Jiuzhang Suanshu Yinyi ( Phonetic Significance of the Nine-Chapter Arithmetic ) has never been highly regarded , nor received any due attention .

  11. 而刘徽的《九章算术注》成书于魏景元四年(263),所以,即使与刘徽的时代相比,印度也要晚400年左右才有分数运算法则。

    completed in 263 in the Wei Dynasty ( 220-265 ) , which means that the algorithm of fractions is at least 400 years earlier than its counterpart in India .

  12. 证明出土《算数书》不是中国最早的数学著作,它与今传汉代编定的《九章算术》之间没有直接的影响关系。

    The paper demonstrates : The unearthed Suanshu Shu is not the earliest book of mathematics in China , and has no direct mutual influence with the Nine Chapters on Mathematical Procedures .

  13. 公元263年,他出版了一本解决数学难题的专著——注释《九章算术》。

    In 263 he published a book with solutions to mathematical problems presented in the famous Chinese book of mathematics known as Jiuzhang Suanshu or The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art .

  14. 梅文鼎促进了中国传统数学的地位的恢复,受到清朝学者的广泛钦佩。清朝学者一般都认为《九章算术》涵盖了数学的各个方面。

    Mei helped rehabilitate traditional Chinese mathematics , and he was most widely admired by the scholars of the Qing Dynasty , who generally assumed that the Nine Chapters included all of mathematics without exception .

  15. 对《九章算术》与《几何原本》的历史背景、内容、数学方法、传播以及对现代数学的影响进行了比较研究。

    In this paper , using comparison method we study the historical back ground , contents , mathematical method , communication of Nine Volumes of Arithmetic and Elements , and their influence on modern mathematics .

  16. 根据《九章算术》副词系统的特点把副词分为范围副词、时间副词、程度副词、否定副词、关联副词和情状副词六个部分。

    According to Nine Chapters Adverbs characteristics of the system into the scope of the adverb adverbs , time adverbs , degree adverbs , negative adverbs , adverbs and conditions associated with adverbs like six parts .

  17. 《九章算术》等著作有术文统率例题、应用问题集、将预备知识列于卷首三种体例。

    There are three styles in the Nine Chapters on Mathematical Procedures , consisting of the expression of method commanding examples , the collection of applied problems , and putting preparatory knowledge at the beginning of a volume .

  18. 《九章算术》完成于东汉初年。此前先后有多人对其进行了修改、补充。该书系统总结了春秋、战国以来的数学成就。

    The Mathematics in Nine Sections , completed in early Eastern Han after repeated revision over a long period , systematically summarized the important achievements in this field since the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States periods .

  19. 《九章算术》是一部古典数学名著,该书以问答的方式分作九章,将与当时人们生产生活有密切联系的数学问题用简易平实的语言叙述出来。

    Nine Chapters is a masterpiece of classical mathematics , the book in question-way divided into nine chapters , and when people will be closely linked to production and life with a simple mathematical problem described them in plain language .

  20. 在中国古代,东汉时期的《九章算术》中有系统的分数运算方法,这比欧洲大约早1400年。

    Systematic fractional number algorithm appeared in the ancient math classic Jiuzhang Suanshu ( Nine Chapters on Mathematical Art ) in the Eastern Han Dynasty around the 1 st century , which was about 1400 years ear-tier than in Europe .

  21. 负数的引进,是中国古代数学家对数学的一个巨大贡献。在《九章算术》的第八章“方程”中,就引人了负数解联立方程组。

    The introduction of negative numbers is a great contribution to mathe-matics by ancient Chinese mathematicians.In Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art ( Jiuzhang Suanshu ) , negative numbers were used in the eighth chapter on solving systems of simultaneous equations .

  22. 另外,《九章算术》还记载了课分(比较分数大小)、平分(求分数的平均值)等关于分数的知识,是世界上最早的系统叙述分数的著作。

    Besides , other knowledge about fractions , including how to compare two fractions , and how to calculate the average of fractions , were also included in the book , making Jiuzhang Suanshu the earliest monograph that systematically discussed fractional numbers .

  23. 从汉初完成的《九章算术》中对开平方、开立方的机械化过程的描述,到宋元时代发展起来的求解高次代数方程组的机械化方法,无一不与数学机械化思想有关。

    The mechanization procedure of determining square root , completed in the beginning of Han dynasty and the mechanization method of solving algebraic equations system of high order , created in Song - Yuan times , are all based on the idea of mathematical mechanization .

  24. 梅文鼎在《几何通解》里,通过提到《九章算术》里处理正三角形的那一章,重新解释了欧几里德的《几何原本》(约前300年)。《九章算术》是中国汉代完成的经典数学论著。

    He reinterpreted Euclid 's Elements in his Jihe tongjie ( " Complete Explanation of Geometry " ) , by reference to the chapter devoted to right-angled triangles in Jiuzhang suanshu ( Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Procedtcres ) , a mathematical classic completed during the Han Dynasty .

  25. 1700多年来,《九章算术》与刘徽注一直都很受重视。特别近年来,许多学者进行了专题研究,把这项工作推向新的高潮。

    For over 1700 years great attention has been paid to the " Arithmetic in Nine Sections " and Liu 's commentaries and , in recent years , monographic researches into them have been carried out by many scholars in particular , which have pushed the study to a climax .