
shēnɡ lǐ jié lǜ
  • physiological rhythm
  1. 正常小鼠血液中环核苷酸信使的昼夜生理节律

    Circadian Physiological Rhythm of cAMP and cGMP in Mice

  2. 在中、重度SAS患者中,出现血压生理节律的改变,这些改变与SAS患者心脑血管发病率和死亡率增加有关。

    In patients with severe SAS there is change in physical rhythm of BP , which might contribute to the increased morbidity and mortality of cardio-cerebrovascular disease in patients with SAS .

  3. 罗素·福斯特(RussellFoster)是牛津大学(OxfordUniversity)的一名生理节律研究员。他说他读过这篇论文,并代表《英国皇家学报B》把它发给了其他科学家。其他科学家都对此持肯定态度,这让他感到高兴。

    Russell Foster , a circadian rhythm researcher at Oxford University , said he read the paper and sent it out to other scientists on behalf of the Proceedings and was delighted when peer reviews from other scientists were positive .

  4. 中国古代对动物生理节律的认识和利用

    Recognition and utilization of the rhythms in animal physiology in ancient China

  5. 舒曼波和地磁波之间的不平衡干扰了生理节律。

    An imbalance between Schumann and geomagnetic waves disrupts biorhythms .

  6. 补充外源性褪黑激素能对体内褪黑激素生理节律的时相产生影响;

    Exogenous melatonin can influence the timing of the circadian rhythm of melatonin .

  7. 静态和动态唾液总流率生理节律观察

    Circadian rhythms in human unstimulated and paraffin chewing stimulated whole saliva flow rates

  8. 褪黑激素新论&(1)褪黑激素生理节律与睡眠

    New Discussions on Melatonin ( 1 ) Orcadian Rhythm of Melatonin and Sleep

  9. 运动过程中体液调节激素生理节律变化对血浆容量的影响

    Influence of circadian rhythm changes of humoral regulation hormones on plasma volume during exercise

  10. 免疫系统的昼夜生理节律

    Circadian Physiological Rhythms in the lmmune System

  11. 和其他鸟类一样,生理节律决定了公鸡每天都要打鸣。

    Like all birds , roosters call in a daily cycle determined by circadian rhythms .

  12. 用方差分析探讨学生生理节律对考试成绩的影响

    Research into the Test Result Influenced By Physiology Rhythm Law with the Method of Variance analysis

  13. 光,尤其是明亮的光,被认为是最有力的生理节律的同步装置。

    Light , particularly bright light , is believed to be the most powerful synchronizer of circadian rhythms .

  14. 多相睡眠描记仪可确诊时间生物节律紊乱和昼夜生理节律异常导致的正常睡眠&觉醒方式的丧失。

    Polysomnography can determine the disturbances in chronobiologic rhythms and loss of normal sleep-awake patterns associated with circadian rhythm disorders .

  15. 它会通过创造一个睡眠习惯和设定生理节律帮你调整出一个快速入睡的状态。

    It helps condition your body to fall asleep faster by creating a sleep habit and setting your circadian rhythm .

  16. 生理节律也称为体内生物钟,控制着每个人活跃和休息的周期。

    Circadian rhythm , also known as the internal body clock , control everyone 's periods of activity and rest .

  17. 据说我们人类有一种生理节律,大致与一天中的24小时紧密相关。

    As humans we have a circadian rhythm that is said to roughly correlate with the 24 hours in a day .

  18. 青年人更容易挣脱生理节律的束缚,但是当我们变老时,这种能力也就随之下降。

    Younger adults are more able to stretch the limits of our circadian rhythms , but that flexibility decreases as we age .

  19. 对生理节律的研究,发现了人体生物钟上一个不曾预料到的新分子齿轮。

    Research into circadian rhythms has led to the discovery of a new and unanticipated molecular cog in the human body clock .

  20. 一些生物钟似乎是按照24小时的周期设定的,这些现象叫做生理节律。

    Some inner clocks seem to be set to a timing cycle of about twenty-four hours . These are called circadian rhythms .

  21. 体内褪黑激素、皮质醇和脱氢异雄甾酮等激素的分泌及核心体温变化的生理节律是人体内在生理起博器的标志;

    The endogenous circadian rhythms of melatonin , cortisol , DHEA , and core body temperature are the markers of the human circadian pacemaker .

  22. 一位著名的教授,并担任药理学的主席,发现一个单一的氨基酸能够激活调节生理节律的基因。

    Paolo Sassone-Corsi , Distinguished Professor and Chair of Pharmacology , found that a single amino acid activates the genes that regulate circadian rhythms .

  23. 通过剖析45名2002年体育高考学生的术科和文化高考取得优异成绩时的生理节律,发现生理节律与高考成绩关系密切。

    With an investigation among 45 P.E. students who have passed the College Entrance Examination in 2002 we found a close correlation between physiological rhythms and examination achievements .

  24. 充足地接触阳光对于控制身体生理节律起到至关重要的作用。(生理节律:管理我们睡眠和清醒模式的内置时钟)

    Adequate exposure to natural daylight is known to be crucial for governing the body 's circadian rhythm - the built-in clock which dictates our sleeping and waking patterns .

  25. 在第一条中我已经提到过,我们的身体适应于特定的生理节律,这不但适用于睡眠,在饮食,锻炼和许多其他活动方面都同样适用。

    In number 1 above I mentioned that our bodies adapt around a 24-hour circadian rhythm . This works for sleep , eating , exercise , and many other bodily functions .

  26. 在哺乳动物动物中,包括人类,在脑中有一个主时钟和在器官中发现次级时钟,协调每天的行为和生理节律。

    In mammals , including humans , a master clock in the brain and subordinate clocks found in organs throughout the body coordinate daily , or circadian , rhythms of behavior and physiology .

  27. 然而,如果我们使生活与身体的生理节律同步,我们就会对自己的身体功能感到满意。

    However , if we allow ourselves to live within the rules of our body 's natural cycle , which is a 24-hour circadian rhythm , we will be pleased with the body 's functionality .

  28. 一项研究发现,人们的生理节律无法完全适应夏令时,而且只有当人们回到正常时间,其睡眠习惯才会回归正常。6.万物皆有生物钟

    One study showed that people 's circadian rhythms never fully adjust to daylight saving time and sleep behavior only returns to normal when we go back to regular time . 6.Birds Do It , Bears Do It

  29. 咖啡、茶和功能饮料这类刺激饮品对睡眠质量并无帮助,因为他们会扰乱你的“生理节律”,也就是你的自然睡眠周期。闹钟与不良照明也一样会影响你的睡眠。

    Stimulants like coffee , tea and energy drinks don 't help as they can interfere with people 's ' circadian rhythm ' , which is your natural sleep cycle . The same is true for alarm clocks and poor lighting .

  30. 这实际上是第一次让三种对抗下午犯困的方法同台竞技。事实上,下午犯困是一天之中人体生理节律导致的非常正常的生理反应。

    It 's actually the first such study to look at all three methods for combating the afternoon lull that 's commonly experienced-and which is a very normal physiological response to the body cycling through its natural rhythms during the day .