
shēnɡ wù qún xì
  • biome;biotic formation
  1. 4种除草剂对麦田禾本科杂草药效比较草原:以禾本科草类(禾本科)为优势物种的植物群落(生物群系)。

    Effect Tests of Herbicides Against Grass weeds in Greenhouse Grassland A major world plant community ( biome ) dominated by grasses ( Poaceae ) .

  2. 草禾本科植物的总称草原:以禾本科草类(禾本科)为优势物种的植物群落(生物群系)。

    The members of the grass family considered as a group . Grassland A major world plant community ( biome ) dominated by grasses ( Poaceae ) .

  3. 分流向生物群系的数据输入。

    Shunt all data feeds to biomed .

  4. 高山的:描述在高山雪线以下的植物生物群系。

    Alpine Describing a BIOME ( regional community ) of plants above the treeline and below the snowline on high mountains .