
shēnɡ chénɡ yǔ yì xué
  • generative semantics
  1. 生成语义学与结构主义语言学发展的关联性研究结构主义语言学确立了将人类的语言活动纳入二元对立体系分别进行考察的新方法。

    On the Correlation between Generative Semantics and Structuralism Linguistics Abstract : Structuralist linguistics represents a new , dualistic approach to the speech acts of human beings .

  2. 认知语言学的形成与发展的直接动力来源于语言学本身,特别是语用学和以莱考夫、麦克考利和罗斯等为代表的生成语义学。

    The establishment and development of cognitive linguistics mainly derives from linguistics itself , particularly from pragmatics and generative semantics ( leading exponents : Lakoff , McCawley , Ross ) .

  3. 首先,正是生成语义学最先开始了对于转换规则所不能形式化的句法现象的深入探讨。

    First , it was generative semanticists that started an intensive investigation of syntactic phenomena which defied formalization by means of transformational rules .