
  • 网络Biosphere Reserve;MAB
  1. 博格达生物圈保护区逆序组织模式与空间扩张性

    Bogda Biosphere Reserve 's Converse Zonation Pattern and Spatial Extending Characteristics

  2. 神农架生物圈保护区旅游产品开发研究

    Study on Tourism Product Development in Shennongjia Biosphere Reserve

  3. 世界遗产地和生物圈保护区的概念都是在联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)主持下制定的,主要目的都在于保护世界的物种多样性和生态系统;

    The two concepts of world heritages and Biosphere reserves come under the aegis of UNESCO . Their objectives are mainly to conserve species diversity and ecosystems of the world .

  4. 本文运用系统科学、经济学以及生态学的基本理论,借鉴昂谱(RMP)分析的理论,利用国际成功案例的经验分析,对神农架生物圈保护区旅游产品开发构想及旅游开发支持系统进行系统性研究。

    This essay , with basic theories in system science , economics and ecology , and with reference to RMP analysis theory and successful international case analysis , carries out systematic study on tourist products development and tourism development support system in Shennongjia biosphere preserve .

  5. 生物圈保护区的概念为解决这一问题提供了重要思路。

    The biosphere reserve concept provides a trajectory to the solution of this issue .

  6. 在生物圈保护区中开展生态旅游的探讨

    Probe into Carrying on Ecotourism in Biosphere Reserves

  7. 论世界遗产地和生物圈保护区的关系

    World heritage sites in relation to biosphere reserves

  8. 四个新生物圈保护区一览

    Four New Biosphere Reserves at a Glance

  9. 生物圈保护区监测讨论会-讲习班

    Seminar-Workshop on Monitoring at the Biosphere Reserve

  10. 中国生物圈保护区网络贯彻马德里行动计划的展望

    The Prospect of Implementation of " Madrid Action Plan " for Chinese Biosphere Reserve Network

  11. 国际人与生物圈保护区网络

    International Man and Biosphere Reserve Network

  12. 生态旅游对生物圈保护区的影响分析

    Impacts of Ecotourism on Biosphere Reserve

  13. 世界生物圈保护区网络

    World Network of Biosphere Reserves

  14. 1980年它又被世界教科文组织列入人与生物圈保护区网。

    It was included into the " Man and Biosphere Reserve Network " by UNESCO in 1980 .

  15. 塞维利亚生物圈保护区战略

    Seville strategy for Biosphere Reserves

  16. 国际生物圈保护区大会

    International Biosphere Reserve Congress

  17. 生物圈保护区概念的形成与发展及其功能和结构的特点

    Formation and development of biosphere reserve zones concept , as well as its characteristics in function and structure

  18. 多瑙河三角洲生物圈保护区

    Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation

  19. 为世罕见的模式标本产地&武夷山生物圈保护区

    Wuyi Mountain Biosphere Reserve

  20. 因此,开展对神农架生物圈保护区旅游开发问题的研究便具有十分重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , it has very important and realistic connotation to carry out research on the tourism development in Shennongjia biosphere preserve .

  21. 因为这个国家公园相对未受损的自然条件和为人瞩目的景色,联合国教科文组织已将其纳入国际生物圈保护区和世界遗产名录。

    Because of the park 's relatively unspoiled condition and outstanding scenery , UNESCO has declared it both an international biosphere reserve and a World Heritage site .

  22. 余杭西部山势蜿蜒,布满森林竹海、峡谷瀑布,是国家森林公园和生物圈保护区,充满着大自然的魅力。

    The serpentine mountains in West Yuhang is a state-grade forest park and biology protected area which is full of forests and bamboo woods and is thus inevitably full of natural charm .

  23. 黄龙是我国著名的旅游景点之一,拥有世界自然遗产、国际生物圈保护区、绿色环球21等世界桂冠。

    HuangLong , provided with such international laurels as " World Natural Heritage , World Biosphere Reserve and Green Globe 21 ", is one of the most famous tour areas in China .

  24. 本文通过中德比较研究,讨论了生物圈保护区、水源保护区等的经营管理方法,建议形成新的人生哲学、建立实用地理学。

    The article discusses the economy and management of the Biosphere Reserves , water protection zones and other natural reserves compared Germany with China , suggests new philosophy of life on the earth and applied Geography .

  25. 其景区特殊的地质地貌,丰富的生物种群以及大规模的原始森林为其赢得世界自然遗产、世界生物圈保护区、绿色环球21三项桂冠。

    The area of special geological features , abundant biological populations and mass of the original forest has earned the " World Natural Heritage ", " World Biosphere Reserve ", " Green Globe 21 ," the three title .

  26. 结合长白山生物圈保护区的生态环境现状,初步探讨生态旅游开发与自然保护协调发展问题,阐述其协调发展的必要性,提出实施可持续发展战略。

    Ecological tourism exploitation and natural conservation coordinated growth were investigated preliminarily according to the present ecological environment of Changbai Mountain biosphere protection zone . The problem of its coordinated growth was explained and the sustainable development strategies were put forward .

  27. 自从联合国教科文组织人与生物圈计划提出生物圈保护区的概念以来,打破了长期以来对自然保护区的封闭式管理。

    Since the concept of biosphere reserve has been proposed by the Man and the Biosphere ( MAB ) programme of UNESCO , the closed management of nature reserves has been broken .

  28. 然而由国际人与生物圈计划发起建立的生物圈保护区,则具有一套全新的概念。

    However , the biosphere reserve zones launched by InternationalMan and the Biosphere Programme have their own a set of distinguished concepts .

  29. 这个未受影响岛屿群生物圈于1980年被定为国际生物圈保护区。

    The remote , untouched islands ' unique biosphere was designated an International Biosphere Reserve in 1980 .