
shēnɡ mìnɡ ɡuān
  • view of life
  1. 共生的e-Learning基本观念包括生命观、过程观、异质共存观、中和观、关系观以及生活观。

    The symbiosis of e-Learning basic concepts including the view of life , the process view of heterogeneous coexistence concept , and concept of the relationship between concept and outlook on life .

  2. 大学生生命观现状的调查与教育反思

    Survey and Educational Introspection on the View of Life among University Students

  3. 贝尔纳的生命观对现代生理学的影响

    Bernard 's outlook of life and its influence on modern physiology

  4. 中心法则与分子生物学的生命观

    The Central Dogma and the Life View of the Molecular Biology

  5. 因此,他们的生命观如何将直接影响到社会的和谐发展。

    Therefore , their values of life directly influence social harmony .

  6. 坚持两个生命观打造中国医药质量大厦

    Persevering Two Lives Values and Constructing China Pharmaceutical Quality Building

  7. 文化哲学的性质及其世界观和生命观

    Culture The Cultural Philosophy 's Nature and its World Outlook and Life Outlook

  8. 生命观:道教生命力之所在

    Life Concept : The Location of Vitality in Daoism

  9. 这样一来,重拾教育的生命观就成了可能的出路。

    Thus , it becomes possible to regain the life view of education .

  10. 开展生命观教育是新课程改革的内在要求。

    Life education is in the inherent requirement of the new curriculum reform .

  11. 变形神话折射的生命观及对小说理念的影响

    The Life Idea in Distortion Myth and It 's Influence to Novel Idea

  12. 从自然出发,迟子建形成了自己的生命观和艺术观。

    From nature , Chi formed her own view of life and art .

  13. 这四个方面的内容相互联系、相互渗透,共同构成了恩格斯生命观的科学体系,而且随着现代科学的发展而不断地得到发展和证实。

    Moreover it is developed and confirmed continuously with the development of modern science .

  14. 论古代文论中的生命观

    The View of Life in Ancient Literary Theory

  15. 阿城的宇宙自然观和生命观

    A cheng 's view on universe and nature

  16. 二者的生命观不同;不同生活型植物生物量与种子数量也有差异。

    There were differences between biomass and seed amount of different life form plant .

  17. 生命观,无论是原始人还是最现代的人,都无法避免地要考虑的一个问题。

    Both the primitive and modern man can not avoid considering the life idea .

  18. 浅谈中国传统文化视阈下的医学生生命观教育

    The Education on Life Values among Medical Students from the Perspective of Traditional Chinese Culture

  19. 论楚淮文化对道家生命观形成的影响

    The Influences of Chu and Huai Culture on the Formation of the Taoist View of Life

  20. 唐前期生命观的演讲及其对山水田园诗的影响

    The Gradual Progress of the Life-viewpoints in Early Tang and Its Effect on the Landscape-Pastoral Poetry

  21. 论儒道生命观的理性精神及其历史影响

    On the reasonable spirits of the Confucian and the Taoist life philosophies and their historical influence

  22. 两种现代生命观批判和人的生命观重建

    Criticism of Two Kinds of Modern Outlook on Human Life and Reconstruction of the Outlook on Human Life

  23. 形气神三位一体的生命观与中医导引

    Discussion on the Relationship Between Life-view of Trinity of Physique , Qi and Vitality and Guidance of TCM

  24. 小说在表现托尔斯泰生命观和宗教思想方面具有特殊的意义。

    It is significant to express Lev Tolstoy 's value of life and his religious view in the novel .

  25. ,他完全摒弃了现代的以因果关系的规则对技术的定义,并提出我们需要的技术应是有多方面维度的,基于生命观,有机观的,弹性的的技术。

    He considers that we should allround and stretch technology on the basis of life view and organic view .

  26. 在生生而有条理的生命观中,宗白华突出了长久以来被中华民族所忽视的生命的创造力。

    While in his view of life , Zong highlighted creative life which has long been neglected by the Chinese .

  27. 由于文化传统的不同,中西方生命观显示出不同的内蕴。

    Due to differences in traditional cultures , the view of life between Chinese and Westerners takes on distinctive connotations .

  28. 生命观中的形神理论是重要的哲学命题,也是中医学独具特色的重要学术思想之一。

    The theory of physique and vitality in philosophic topic of life outlook is the important scientific thoughts of TCM .

  29. 大学生生命观的主流是好的,但也确实也存在着许多认识上的偏差。

    The mainstream of the undergraduates ' life view is fine , but there still are some warps in it .

  30. 而我想说的是,东方生命观的发现才是最本质的精神回归。

    In fact , the discovery of the Oriental view of life is the most essential return of the spirit .