
shēng yú piàn
  • sashimi
生鱼片[shēng yú piàn]
  1. 除了寿司卷与生鱼片,他还点了一碗盐毛豆、软壳蟹、天妇罗虾(prawntempura)。

    He orders a bowl of salted edamame beans , soft-shelled crab and prawn tempura as well as a selection of rolls and sashimi .

  2. 这种毒素存在于最著名的日本料理:河豚鱼体内。河豚刺身(fugu)是一道昂贵的生鱼片美食。

    It 's also found in one of the most famous foods in Japanese cuisine : The puffer fish , served as fugu , an expensive sashimi dish .

  3. 你能吃生鱼片吗?

    Can you eat raw fish ?

  4. 生物膜胞质片-简称:P片(日本)切得非常薄的生鱼片。

    Protoplasmic leaflet of biomembrane ( Japanese ) very thinly sliced raw fish .

  5. Koyama用当地的鱼和芥末酱来做寿司和生鱼片。

    Mr. Koyama uses local fish and locally grown wasabi in his sushi and sashimi .

  6. 为了让“寿司椰子鞋”的记忆留存下来,YujiaHu将“寿司鞋”的照片拿来出售。这样运动鞋和生鱼片的爱好者就可以将这个不可能的结合永远珍藏。

    In order to keep the memory of his sushi Yeezys alive , Hu sells prints of his shoe-shi creations so that all lovers of sneakers and sashimi can treasure this unlikely meeting of worlds forever .

  7. 寿司和生鱼片我都吃了,但是我更喜欢吃寿司。

    I tried both sushi and sashimi but I prefer sushi .

  8. 当然,生鱼片必须选质量最好的!

    Of course , the sashimi must be the finest quality !

  9. 从传统上讲,吃生鱼片时要喝日本米酒。

    Sake , rice wine , is traditionally drunk with sashimi .

  10. 生吃的鲸鱼皮有点像是北极地区的生鱼片寿司。

    Whale skin eaten raw is something like Arctic sushi .

  11. 日本料理绝对不能没有新鲜的生鱼片。

    Kaiseki-ryori would not be complete without a serving of fresh sashimi .

  12. 我们去吃些生鱼片,然后回家吧。

    Let 's just have some sashimi and go home .

  13. 吃的时候,把生鱼片夹起蘸酱汁。

    Use the sauce for dipping the sashimi pieces .

  14. 重回故里,还以为会吃日本生鱼片呢。

    Coming back to my hometown , I thought we 'd have sashimi .

  15. 我点了比目鱼生鱼片,很新鲜,虽然肯定是死了味道绝佳。

    My flounder sashimi , fresh , though unequivocally dead , was perfection .

  16. 另外,生鱼片就是指未经加工的新鲜生鱼肉。

    Sashimi , on the other hand , is fresh fish served raw .

  17. 我猜你能吃到不少生鱼片了。

    Guess you 'll have plenty of sashimi .

  18. 你嘛拜托!山葵和酱油是用来沾生鱼片的!

    For crying out loud , wasabi and spy sauce are meant for sashimi !

  19. 生鱼片中主要污染物来自鱼体。

    The contaminants in dishes resulted from fish .

  20. 生鱼片现在可是炙手可热。

    Raw fish is sizzling hot right now .

  21. 那就来一盘生鱼片吧。

    A platter of sashimi would be good .

  22. 他对每片生鱼片都很着迷。

    He obsesses over every scrap of fish .

  23. 生鱼片要伴着芥茉,一种辛辣的绿色调味品,以及酱汁一起食用。

    Sashimi is eaten with wasabi , a green horseradish paste , and soy sauce .

  24. 我也要吃生鱼片!

    I want to eat sashimi too !

  25. 生鱼片必须来自绝对新鲜的生鱼。

    The fish must be utterly fresh .

  26. 我可以用我手机上的一个应用程序给生鱼片付款。

    I have an app on my phone that I can use to buy sashimi .

  27. 想要知道如何做生鱼片,但不知道从何下手?

    Want to know how to make Sashimi but don 't know where to start ?

  28. 为什么冷鰤对生鱼片爱好者来说位居榜首?

    Why has this fish been elevated to the very top spot among sashimi lovers ?

  29. 生鱼片里使用的主要是大头鱼、金枪鱼和鲣鱼。

    The most common types of fish used are sea beam , tuna , and bonito .

  30. 女服务员又蹭了进来,端来茶浇在我们的米饭和生鱼片上。

    The waitress shuffles in again , bringing tea to pour over our rice and sashimi .