- 名biomass

The effect of biomass gasification on reducing CO _ 2 emission
Using TGA , reactivity of biomass char in CO_2 atmosphere was studied .
High concentration hydrogen of the producer gas could be realized through water-gas shift reaction .
Technology of mixed combustion of biomass fuel for CFB boilers and air-driven conveying systems
In order to produce the biomass synthesized gas which has the main components of H2 and CO with high heating value and gas yield .
The emission factors of nitrous oxide have been determined during the combustion of rice straws , wheat stalks and maize stalks in an enclosed combustion system .
The release characteristics of K and Cl are quite different between biomass and coal . The element of K in biomass is easy to release .
Biomass energy is now a hot research field because it has the advantage of abundance , environmental benign and zero net carbon dioxide discharge .
Based on a survey in Hubei province , the dissertation analyzed influence factors during the development of forestry biomass energy with the Logistic regression model .
The control effects of active substances in TMV different host plants were determined .
The modern analytical instruments such as gas chromatography and mass spectrometry ( GC-MS ), thermogravimetric analyzer were used for product composition analysis .
To develop catalysts for hydrogen production from biomass used in solid heat-carrier system and free-fall reactor , Ni catalysts supported on natural mineral ( olivine and dolomite ) are prepared and studied .
It is revealed that BCC has a low ignition point , low ash contend and good sulfur fixation quality .
The mass fraction of metal elements in PM_ ( 10 ) from paper scraps is the lowest while that from RDF is the highest .
This paper uses ANSYS to simulate the biomass extrusion process and analyzes the influence of hydrostatic pressure in the process All these provide credible conditions for the study of biomass briquetting mechanism .
Thus , it was speculated that moderate mass burning could promote the PAHs adsorption capacity on soils which would be available for the enrichment of PAHs in soils .
In addition , biomass has zero net emission of CO2 and has very low contents of sulfur and nitrogen , which gives lower emissions of SO2 , NOx than conventional fossil fuels .
Double fluidized bed gasification technology can achieve heat , electricity , gas multiple co-generation , Near-Zero Emission of CO2 and high carbon conversion , and also can realize clean , highly effective use of biomass energy .
However , it was found that during ion exchange EBA the biomass ( cells or cell debris ) in the feedstock might adhere to the adsorbent , especially to the anion exchanger , which resulted in bad bed stability and low adsorption capacity .
β 2-microglobulin (β 2-MG ) was used to tests of renal function and considered as an endogenous substance that was more sensitive than serum creatinine .
The result of dynamic study by Coats-Redfern method showed that the pyrolysis of biomass could be described as first order reaction .
Investigation into Methanol Synthesis from Biomass Derived Syngas over Cu-Zn-Al-Li Catalysts
The Development of ZSR-10 System Converting Flash Pyrolysis Biomass into Biofuel
The influences of heating rate , biomass composition and catalysts on the process of biomass pyrolysis were researched . Experiments showed that TG and DTG curves all moved to higher temperature ranges with increasing heating rate .
The biomass entrained flow gasifier has been simulated with the model offered by the ASPEN PLUS process simulator . From this study , the following conclusions are derived : the appropriate molar ratio of oxygen to carbon is ranging between 1.4 ~ 1.6 ;
During seriously polluted period , PM2.5 of Changsha mainly came from secondary aerosol and biomass burning ( contributed 41.9 % ), which implied that biomass burning was the important reason of Changsha PM2.5 serious pollution .
In order to study the movement of the biomass particles in the jet-entrained bed of the plasma heated biomass fast pyrolysis liquefaction prototype , a set of transparent cold device was designed and a precept of PIV investigation was raised .
Lots of experiments on flash pyrolysis devolatilization for several biomass were carried out at 750K , 800K , 850K and 900K respectively in a laminar furnace .
In the experimental concentration range , 24 h adsorption isotherms of phenanthrene on the shaped activated carbons were linear ( R20.97 ), with partitioning-dominant .
The model in this thesis checks the influence of different ratio biomass content in raw material on synthesis gas and discharge of CO2.The key of high-efficient synthesis gas to FTL is its catalyst choice .