
  • 网络in production;Environment;production environment
  1. 解决方案部署(Solutiondeployment):将新的数据仓库解决方案移至生产环境中。

    Solution deployment : The new data warehouse solution moves into a production environment .

  2. 在生产环境中,开发Java数据库应用程序可能很困难。

    In a production environment , developing a Java database application can be difficult .

  3. 在皮革切割CAM系统软件中实现了这个算法,并将其应用于实际的生产环境。

    The selected algorithm is implemented in the software of the CAM system .

  4. 在生产环境中,应该将这个参数设置为YES,因为它会显著地影响性能。

    In production environments , you should always set this parameter to YES , as it can greatly impact performance .

  5. 因此,您至少应该在生产环境中启用WebSphereApplicationServer全局安全性来预防这些常见形式的攻击。

    Therefore , at a minimum , you should enable WebSphere Application Server global security in a production environment to prevent these trivial forms of attack .

  6. WebSphereCloudBurst完全可以应用于生产环境。

    WebSphere CloudBurst can absolutely be used in production environments .

  7. 一个建议应用程序开发技巧是采用两个独立的环境:生产环境和质量保证(QualityAssurance,QA)环境。

    A recommended technique for application development is to have two separate environments : production and quality assurance ( QA ) .

  8. 该模式是生产环境的理想选择,因为它添加了Web服务器层和构建到每个虚拟映像部件中的冗余,能够适应高可用性需求。

    This pattern is ideal for production because of the added Web server layer and the redundancy built into each of the virtual image parts to accommodate high availability requirements .

  9. 用HSE管理体系构建安全的生产环境

    Utilization of HSE Management System in setting up a Safe Production Environment

  10. 在典型的生产环境中,在一个中心LDAP服务器上维护用户存储库。

    In a typical production environment , the user repository is maintained in a centralized LDAP server .

  11. 探讨了炔诺孕酮避孕药(18甲,NG)制药工人在长期接触NG药尘的生产环境中对生殖健康的影响。

    We study the effect on reproductive health of workers exposed to NG dust for a long time .

  12. 如果不是在生产环境中执行监视,则可以在页面上将计时信息显示为HTML的一部分。

    If you are not monitoring in a production environment , then the timings can be displayed as part of the HTML on the page .

  13. 在向客户生产环境部署所有或部分解决方案可交付性之前,您应该执行用户接受度测试(UserAcceptanceTest,UAT)。

    Before deploying all or part of the solution deliverables to the customer 's production environment , you should perform a User Acceptance Test ( UAT ) .

  14. 不过,只有在将功能需求和非功能需求包含到应用程序中并无缝集成到生产环境中,才能够实现SOA承诺的好处。

    The promise of SOA , however , can be achieved only when the functional and nonfunctional requirements are built into the application and seamlessly integrated into the production environment .

  15. 面向AMT生产环境的EWMA质量控制图

    EWMA control chart in AMT environment

  16. 虽然两种Linux版本之间的区别非常小,但新应用程序的组件补丁安装方式会有所不同,从而导致在投入生产环境后失败而无法正常工作。

    While the differences between the two Linux flavors are small , the patching of components can be the difference between the new application failing and functioning properly when put into production .

  17. 请记住,将在其中执行测试的环境与生产环境不可避免地存在细微的差别:当您正在构建SOA时,当前环境是一个活动的有机体。

    Remember that the environment in which you test will inevitably have slight differences from the production environment : While you 're building your SOA , your current environment is a living organism .

  18. 虽然这是一个分级示例,但IBM分级工具不仅依赖于派生的基准数据,还依赖于来自客户和内部生产环境的分析和反馈。

    Although this is a sizing example , IBM sizing tools rely not only on the derived benchmark data , but also on analysis and feedback from both customer and internal production environments .

  19. 可以考虑这样的生产环境场景,在这个场景中,使用先前介绍的缺省配置为数千台IBMNAS客户端计算机配置了IBMNAS服务器。

    Consider a production environment scenario where there are thousands of IBM NAS client machines configured to the IBM NAS server machine using the default configuration previously described .

  20. 采用一种实用的柔性制造系统(FMS)在线动态调度方案,以对车间生产环境的变化作出及时反应。

    An on line scheduling / rescheduling scheme to respond timely to the dynamic change of the environment of flexible manufacturing system ( FMS ) was introduced .

  21. 由JavaWSDP提供的服务器端组件通常是不针对生产环境的参考实现。

    The server-side components that are provided with the Java WSDP are usually reference implementations that may not be meant for a production environment .

  22. 因此提出了应用粗糙集于生产环境数据挖掘的一种系统方法,并应用UCI的数据集对该方法进行了检验。

    In this paper , a systematic method based on rough sets for mining production data sets is proposed .

  23. 如果一切看起来良好更低的CPU成本、更短的共计时间和更少的I/O我就会在重新组织数据,然后利用周末在生产环境中执行这些建议。

    If everything looks good lower CPU costs , lower elapsed times , and less I / O we implement those recommendations in our production environment over the weekend after a reorg of the data .

  24. 由于InformixDeveloperEdition的目的只是为了系统开发和测试,所以它不能用于生产环境中,而且没有可选的支持包。

    Since the intent of the Informix Developer Edition is for system development and test only , it cannot be used in a production environment , and there is no optional support package .

  25. 在对传统物料需求计划主要计算模型分析比较的基础上,提出了单件小批量生产环境下物料需求计划改进算法&伸缩式MRP算法;

    On the basis of relative analysis of primary compute models for material requirements planning , improved arithmetic for material requirements planning is put forward in little batch manufacturing mode ;

  26. 然而随着时间的推进,以及生产环境的改变,这些系统往往都显示出一定的局限性,特别是在产品种类、产品路线高度复杂的Job-shop环境下,这些系统的表现都不太好。

    However , all those systems begin to show some limitations as time goes by and production environment changes , especially when the production environment is a Job-shop .

  27. 电子工业生产环境空气质量要求较高,需对空气成分实时监控,利用VISUALBASIC编程软件实现RS232/RS485串口通信分布式监控系统是一个有效的解决方案。

    It is necessary to supervise the air quality in electronic industry fields because of high demanded air environment required for producing qualified products . An efficient method is supervising the air quality in real time by using RS232 / RS485 distributed serial communication system based on Visual Basic .

  28. 用ICP-MS方法分析攀枝花市木棉树芯中元素含量来研究攀枝花市的工业生产环境污染问题是有效的。

    At the same time , it is effective to analyze the element contents of the ceiba tree-core by ICP-MS to study environmental problems of industrial production of Panzhihua .

  29. 在本文中,Daniel将说明软件RAID-1、4和5能做什么和不能做什么,以及应该如何在生产环境中实现这些RAID方案。

    In this article , Daniel explains what software RAID-1,4 , and5 can and cannot do for you and how you should approach the implementation of these RAID levels in a production environment .

  30. 我们已经成功地从模拟的驱动器故障中恢复,您也可以开始在生产环境中使用raid-1了。

    We ve successfully recovered from a simulated drive failure , and you re ready to start using raid-1in a production environment .