
  • 网络elan vital;vital impulse;lan vital;vital impetus
  1. 艺术就是权力意志的直接表达。作为艺术的本源的权力意志是身体性的,体现为人类学上的人的生命冲动、生理学上的性冲动以及心理学上的创造力的感觉。

    Will to power is the anthropologically vital impulse of man , the physiologically forceful libido of flesh and blood , and the psychological feeling of power .

  2. 自由意志的生命冲动构成了道德生命的绵延过程。

    The life impulse of free will constitute morals life of continue long process .

  3. 在劳伦斯的一生,他一直对人的血性、本能、肉体等被工业文明压抑的生命冲动给予了极大的重视。

    Lawrence has been committed himself to activating human flesh , instinct , bloodiness and other life impulses which are repressed by industrial civilization .

  4. 从深层意义而言,非理性是以人的原初欲望为起点,借助生命冲动来实现人的自由意志的本质力量。

    From the deep layer meaning , irrational as the essence-power begins with man 's original desire to realize his free will using life impulse .

  5. 从这方面来说,电影显示出其与实践、生命冲动、生命活力与欲望诸哲学的共谋;

    In this respect , film manifests its complicity with the philosophies of praxis , of Lebensdrang , of the é lan vital and of desire ;

  6. 写作的生命冲动,是人类的原欲,也是人类自我救赎、自我完善、自我实现的基本方式。

    This thesis believes that : the will to live to writing is " the original desire " of human , and also be the basic method for human to saving themselves , perfecting themselves , and fulfilling themselves .

  7. 由于麦吉对童年生活方式的眷恋以及她的伊拉克特拉情结,她的生命冲动的向下趋势最终占据上风地位,使她无法变化,最终导致她同样选择重回过去。

    Owing to her attachment to her childhood lifestyle and Electra Complex , she at last lets her downward impetus gain the upper hand , and makes her unable to change . Maggie inevitably chooses to return to the past too .

  8. 构成非洲艺术的木雕人物中的性动力是非洲艺术的一个重要组成部分,它以直接的生命冲动、直观的本能给非洲艺术带来强烈的生命力与形式感,丰富了非洲艺术的表现力。

    The sexual impulse from the wood-carving figures formed African art is an important part of African art , and brings freshened life and the sense of shape , which provides enriched expression of African art , with direct impulse of life and direct instinct .

  9. 并据此得出结论:莫言通过红色所建构的文学世界,乃是一个揭示潜藏在人类意识深处的原始生命冲动,向往与追求旺盛生命力的宏伟世界。

    According to that , it draws the conclusion , Mo Yan establishes the literature world through red is a grand world that revelation the primitive life impulse of hides in the deep place of humanity realizes , yearned for the full of vigor vitality .

  10. 这就是生命的冲动,有人称之为永生的动力。

    It is the impulse of life . Some would call it the drive to immortality .

  11. 在他与海丝特·白兰的六次会面过程中,他的自我总在清教主义思想观念和生命情感冲动之间徘徊。

    During six meetings with Hester Prynne his ego wanders between his beliefs of Puritanism and vital emotional impulsion .

  12. 位格也是精神活动(包括情感的和意志的行为)的中心,是生命(冲动)与精神的交汇点,人的永生和不朽只有通过精神性的位格才能实现。

    Person also is the center of spiritual action ( including emotional and willing behavior ) and is the junction of life ( drang [ German ] ) and spirit .

  13. 西方生命哲学(以柏格森为代表)将个体生命冲动本体化,而易学则将个体生命交流本体化,它展现出不同于西方生命哲学的发展理路。

    The western life philosophy individualized " life impulse ", while the Book of Change makes it ontological and shows its different views from the western philosophy .