
shēng tiě
  • pigging;pig iron;cast iron;foundry ingot
生铁 [shēng tiě]
  • [pig iron;cast iron] 直接由高炉中生产出的粗制铁,可进一步精炼成钢、熟铁或工业纯铁,或再熔化铸造成专门的形状

生铁[shēng tiě]
  1. X射线荧光光谱法测定生铁中碳含量的研究

    Study of Determination of Carbon in Pig Iron by XRF

  2. 生铁的X荧光光谱法快速分析

    The Fast Analysis of the Pig Iron with the Method of X Fluorescence Spectrum

  3. 独立战争前夕,北美十三州每年生产3万吨生铁。

    On the eve of the Revolution , the colonies produced thirty thousand tons of crude iron a year .

  4. X射线荧光仪FP法测定生铁中多元素

    Determination of pig iron by FP method on X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

  5. W(氧化剂重量/生铁重量)为5%~10%。

    W ( oxidizer burden weight / hot iron weight ) is 5 % - 10 % .

  6. 德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)估计,冶炼和精炼占到镍生铁收入流的80%。

    Deutsche Bank estimates that smelting and refining account for four-fifths of the income stream from nickel pig iron .

  7. ICP-AES法测定生铁中硅锰磷的研究

    Study on the determination of silicon manganese and phosphorous in pig iron by ICP AES

  8. 因此,在熔模铸造球铁时,应选用不含V、Ti的低硫、低磷生铁。

    Therefore , in the investment casting , pig iron of non-v , Ti and low sulphur and phosphorous should be chosen .

  9. CaCO3固硫炼焦及其对生铁含硫量影响的实验室研究

    Laboratory research on sulfur fixation during coke-making with caco_3 and its effect on sulfur content of hot metal

  10. SpectroM8型直读光谱仪分析生铁中硅、锰和磷

    Determination of Si , Mn and P in Pig Iron by Spectro M8 Spectrum Instrument

  11. 生铁、废钢等原材料的质量,尤其是微量元素Ti、V等含量要严格控制,否则会造成先天不足,影响切削性能。合金化工艺不应忽视对石墨形态的影响。

    The quality of original material such as cast-iron and steel-scrap must be strictly controlled , especially for the content of the microelement Ti and V , or machinability of gray cast iron is affected .

  12. 在同一溶样体系中分别测定生铁中Mn,Si,P,As元素,分析结果准确,用于出口生铁的分析,获得了较满意的结果。

    In the same solution sample system , the element Mn , Si , P , As in iron are determined , the result is accuracy and satisfactory . It is applied in the analysis of export iron .

  13. 应用灰色系统GM(1,N)模型对高炉生产生铁中[Si]值进行预报,以等维新息建模方式,反映高炉炉况最新信息;

    Applying a GM ( 1 , N ) grey model , the [ Si ] content of hot metal in blast furnace is predicted , and the latest status of blast furnace is forecast by the equal-dimension and new-information model .

  14. 通过使用X-射线衍射(XRD)仪进行试样的相分析,扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对试样进行形貌分析,研究钒钛生铁试样的结构对光谱分析结果的影响。

    By using X-ray diffractometer and scan electron microscope to analyse phase and morphology of sample respectively , the influence of structure for vanadium titanium cast iron sample on the analytical results obtained by atomic emission spectrometry was studied .

  15. 德意志银行(DeutscheBank)估计,冶炼和精炼占到镍生铁收入流的80%。

    Deutsche Bank estimates that smelting and refining account for four-fifths of the income stream from nickel pig iron . Ninety per cent of the income from a metal such as copper ,   by   contrast ,   goes

  16. 东天山地区风化矿物黄钾铁矾的K-Ar年代学研究及其环境意义探讨洗选精煤;经销精煤、焦炭、铝矾土、生铁。

    K-Ar Chronology of Jarosite in Eastern Tianshan and Its Environmental Significance Methods Plant ; Distribution Plant , coke , bauxite , pig iron .

  17. HCS-140高频红外碳硫分析仪在生铁分析中的应用

    Application of HCS-140 High Frequency Infrared Ray Carbon Sulphur Analyser in Analysis of Pig Iron

  18. 硼铁矿通过特殊的高炉冶炼工艺制度,生产出含硼约1%的生铁及B2O3>12%的富硼渣。

    Pig iron containing 1 % boron and boron-rich slag containing B 2O 3 > 12 % are made from ludwigite with special blast-furnace smelting technological system .

  19. 用HB3000型磨样机制取样品,SpectroM8型直读光谱仪分析生铁中硅、锰和磷,方法可行,数据准确,取得了理想效果。

    The pig iron samples were milling with HB 3000 equipment , and Si , Mn and P were determined by Spectro M8 spectrum instrument . The method is reliable and accurate with satisfactory results .

  20. 本文在实验与生产数据的基础上对高炉内焦炭灰分中SiO2还原为生铁中硅的过程、影响此过程的因素及此种硅在生铁中的比例进行了研究。

    Based on the data of experiments and production , the ' reduction process from silica in coke ash to silicon in molten iron , the factors influencing this process and the portion of silicon in molten iron reduced from silica in coke ash are discussed .

  21. XX城市煤气股份有限公司的主要产品是焦炉煤气和焦炭,其中焦炉煤气经净化后作为城市管道燃气气源,焦炭通过市场销售给钢铁企业用于生铁冶炼。

    Coke oven gas and coke are the main products of the Gas Business Co. , Ltd. in XX city . Coke oven gas becomes the gas source for urban pipelines after purification . And the coke can be distributed to the steel corporations for pig-iron smelting .

  22. 结果表明:采用矿热炉冶炼含钒钢渣,生铁中钒的质量分数达745%,对含钒生铁进行提钒,钒渣中V2O5的质量分数达3506%,实现了钒资源的有效提取和综合回收。

    The results showed that the vanadium content in pig iron is 7.45 % when slag containing vanadium oxide is smelted in submerged-arc furnace , and V_2O_5 content in vanadium slag is 35.06 % after recovering vanadium from pig iron . In this way , vanadium can be recovered significantly .

  23. 对HCS-140高频红外碳硫分析仪进行漂移测试、空白试验、精度测试等,并通过大量的条件实验,确定了最佳分析条件,满足了生铁分析的需要。

    Through drift determination , blank determination , accuracy determination and a lot of condition experiment the optimum analysis conditions of HCS 140 high frequency infrared ray carbon sulphur analyser are determined . It can meet the requirements of analysis of pig iron .

  24. 当在炉料中配加30%优质生铁,钢中(As+Sn)含量为0029%时,经580℃6000h时效后,室温冲击功为185J,满足标准要求。

    While ( As + Sn ) content was 0.029 % by adding 30 % quality pig iron in charging , the ambient impact energy of steel after aging at 580 ℃ for 6 000 h was 185 J to meet the standard requirement .

  25. 利用六西格玛管理提供的工具,对铸管公司1350m3高炉的生铁含硅量进行了系统分析,找出了影响生铁含硅量的根本原因是煤比、料批、炉顶压力、焦炭灰分及料制。

    350 m3 blast furnace is analyzed systemically by using six sigma management tools . The essential reasons of influencing pig iron silica content are found out . They are coal ratio , material charge , furnace top pressure , coke ash and charging system .

  26. 采用炼钢生铁生产球墨铸铁活塞环

    Production of Piston Ring of Nodular Cast Iron Using Steel-making Iron

  27. 底吹氧气转炉低磷生铁炼钢的工艺

    The technology of oxygen bottom-blown converter using low phosphorus hot metal

  28. 我们装着一船生铁从佩思启航。

    We sailed from Perth with a cargo of raw ion .

  29. 屋内是装有生铁炉子的艺术工作室。

    In the house is the studio with its cast-iron stove .

  30. X-荧光光谱仪对生铁中五害元素分析的探讨

    Analysis on Five Harmful Elements in Pig Iron Using X-Fluorescent Spectrum