
shēng guāng
  • third contact;total eclipse ends;third contact of an eclipse
生光 [shēng guāng]
  • [third contact of an eclipse] 指日食或月食过程中的一种位置关系,即地球阴影和月亮圆面或月亮阴影和太阳圆面第二次内切,也指发生这种位置关系的时刻。生光发生在食甚之后

生光[shēng guāng]
  1. 生光之后我们会有又是白天了的主观印象。

    Soon after the third contact we have the subjective impression that it has become " day " again .

  2. HO·是导致刚果红发生光化学脱色的一个重要因素。

    HO · may be an important factor to cause photochemical decolorization of congo red .

  3. 现在,他周围的一片白色,变成一种熠熠生光的白色了。

    Now , the whiteness around him became a shining whiteness ;

  4. 暴风雨中闪电大作.叶子在雨中湿淋淋的闪闪生光。

    Lightning flashed during the storm . The leaves glistened wetly in the rain .

  5. 动人的热情使她容颜生光。

    Charming warmth brightened her face .

  6. 火产生光和热。

    Fire produces heat and light .

  7. 实验中用自旋捕集技术或化学生光法来检测自由基。

    So in the experiment we respect free basement with their method of chemiluminescence or spin collecting .

  8. 本研究提供了一种有效处理废水中有机污染物的新方法和新催化剂,并揭示了光反应的反应机理,有助于很好的理解仿生光化学的反应机理。

    The research provides another approach and catalyst for the effective treatment of organic pollutants in wastewater .

  9. 现在,他周围的一片白色,变成一种熠熠生光的白色了。他开始眨巴着眼睛。

    Now , the whiteness around him became a shining whiteness ; his eyes began to blink .

  10. 生光:太阳与月球第二次内切,太阳光球刚从月球西面露出来的时刻。

    Health : the sun and the moon , the second cut , sun-exposed just west of the moon moment .

  11. 表面猝灭中心吸收来自于基质的元激发而发生光化学变化而减少,而并非直接吸收外部能量的结果;

    Reduction of quenching centers is the result of chemical change by obtaining energy from ZnS excited by UV light .

  12. 初亏、食既、生光和复圆又分别称为第一、第二、第三、第四接触。

    Early losses , both fresh , light and health-circular also called the first , second , third , fourth contact .

  13. 这种出现在日全食起始(食既)或结束(生光)阶段的动人亮珠,也称为是钻石环效应。

    The dramatic appearance of the beads at the beginning or end of a total solar eclipse is also known as the Diamond Ring effect .

  14. 这是一片苍翠的溪谷之地,树木星罗棋布,他瞥见树木之间有一条河流闪闪生光,这河拐了个弯,向大致是西北方向奔腾而去。

    It was t a green valley-land dotted with trees through which he caught the gleam of a river that wound away roughly to the North-West .

  15. 在低光照强度时,向阳叶和荫敝叶的光合速率部随光照强度的增加而提高,但光照强度超过一定值时,光合速率下降,即发生光抑制。

    At low light intensity , the photosynthetic rate of both the shade and unshadeleaves rose with the increase of light intensity until certain limit when the photosynthetic rate began to go down .

  16. 紫外光稳定剂是塑料包装材料中使用较广的一类抗老化添加剂,它能有效吸收紫外线,且不发生光化学反应,可使塑料耐受更长时间的阳光照射,从而延长使用寿命。

    As a kind of anti-aging additive , ultraviolet light stabilizer is widely applied in plastic packaging materials to absorb ultraviolet radiation without the occurrence of photochemical reactions . Therefore , plastic packaging can withstand longer sunlight , and its service life will be prolonged .

  17. 挥发性有机物作为大气污染物的重要组成部分对生态环境和人类健康具有严重的危害,对动植物有直接毒性,而且其在太阳光作用下产生光化学烟雾,造成严重的二次污染。

    As important components of air pollutant , volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) are harmful for the environment and human . Most of VOCs are toxic for animals and plants , and some of them may generate photochemical smog in the sunlight , which can cause severe secondary pollution .