
chū kuī
  • first contact
  1. 日(月)偏食时,有三个食相:初亏、食甚、复圆。

    A partial solar ( lunar ) eclipse goes through three phases : the first contact , the maximum phase , and the last contact .

  2. 研究中发现由日食引起的太阳直接辐射有两种与重力波激发有关的起伏过程,一种是初亏-复圆阶段的振荡,其周期与各地日食开始时间有关;

    It was found that there are two direct radiation oscillations which excite atmospheric gravity waves during solar eclipse .

  3. 初亏、食既、生光和复圆又分别称为第一、第二、第三、第四接触。

    Early losses , both fresh , light and health-circular also called the first , second , third , fourth contact .

  4. 初亏:太阳与月球第一次外切,太阳光球西面刚切入月球东面的时刻。

    Early losses : the sun and the moon , the first cut , just west of the sun-Cut east of the moon moment .

  5. 天文学家可以算出何时发生月食及日食。日(月)偏食时,有三个食相:初亏、食甚、复圆。

    Astronomers can calculate when there will be eclipses of the sun and moon . a partial solar ( lunar ) eclipse goes through three phases : the first contact , the maximum phase , and the last contact .