
rì huán shí
  • annular eclipse;solar annular eclipse
日环食 [rì huán shí]
  • [solar annular eclipse] 日食的一种。太阳、月球、地球处在同一直线上,月球居中,遮住太阳的中心部分,形成光环

日环食[rì huán shí]
  1. 据报道说,明天有日环食。

    It was reported that there would be an annular eclipse tomorrow .

  2. 日环食对LORAN-C天波时号传输的影响

    Effect of annular eclipse on time signal propagation of Loran-C sky wave

  3. 大多数混合型的日食都在结束前变成了日环食。

    Most hybrids go back to annular before the eclipse ends .

  4. 日环食激发大气声重力波的研究

    A study on atmospheric acoustic-gravity waves excited by annular solar eclipse

  5. 日环食引力观测的分析

    The Analysis of Observation Gravitational During the Annular Solar Eclipse

  6. 太阳辐射和地面气象要素的日环食效应

    Effect of the annular eclipse on the solar radiation and surface meteorological elements

  7. 日环食发生之时,月亮看上去比太阳要小。

    In an annular eclipse , the moon appears smaller than the sun .

  8. 程卓称日环食将在中国的胶东半岛结束。

    Chen said the annular eclipse will end at Jiaodong peninsula in China .

  9. 为什么能观察到日环食,而不能观察到月环食?

    Why could we observe eclipse instead of annular eclipse of the moon ?

  10. 亚洲和西非大部分地区都可以观测到日环食。

    The annular solar eclipse was seen across much of Asia and West Africa .

  11. 日环食期间引力异常现象的观测&1987年9月23日

    The Observation of Abnormal Gravitational Phenomena During the Annular Solar Eclipse Occurrence on Sep. 23,1987

  12. 1987年日环食的气象效应研究取得成果

    Study on the meteorological effect of the annular eclipse on September 23 '1987 gained some achievements

  13. 日食主要有日全食、日偏食及日环食三种。

    Ri Quansi main solar eclipse , the partial eclipse and three on the Environment and Food .

  14. 1951-2100年中国可见的日全食和日环食的路线

    The paths of the total and annular eclipses of the sun visible in China during the years 1951-2100

  15. 日食共有三种,即:日偏食、日环食和日全食。

    A total solar eclipse of three , namely : the partial eclipse , on the Environment and Food and Riquan Shi .

  16. 程卓称中国本土最长的日环食将在云南省瑞利发生,时长8分17秒。

    The longest duration of the annularity on China 's territory would be8 minutes and17 seconds in Ruili , Yunan Province , Cheng said .

  17. 它从日环食开始。那就是当你看到地球的影子旁边有一圈阳光,就像你现在看到的一样。

    It started off as annular . That 's when you can see a thin ring of sunlight around the Earth shadow like you do right here .

  18. 结果表明此次日环食过程中肯定有重力波发生,其周期与太阳直接辐射起伏经历的时间有明显的一致性。

    It was shown that gravity waves occurred really during the solar eclipse , its periods were obviously interrelated with the oscillation periods of the solar direct radiation .

  19. 当月亮不能完全遮住太阳时,月亮影子的周围就会有一圈亮光,日环食就发生了。

    An annular eclipse occurs when the moon does not cover the entire disc of the sun so that a ring of light encircles the shadow of the moon .

  20. 1987年9月23日发生的日环食期间,由于电离层受太阳活动的突然扰动,Loran&C天波时号传输呈现明显的变化。

    During the annular eclipse , ionosphere is disturbed suddenly by the solar activity , the time signal propagation for the Loran-C sky wave exhibits obvious changes .

  21. 1966年5月20日经过中国境内的日环食路线

    The path in China of the annular eclipse of the sun , may 20,1966

  22. 月球只遮住太阳的中心部分,在太阳周围还露出一圈日面,好象一个光环似的叫日环食。

    Moon only cover the central part of the sun , the sun also exposed a circle around the face , seems like a halo called on the Environment and Food .

  23. 2010年元月15日,襄樊、十堰、恩施、宜昌、随州等地区可观测到日环食。

    In Jan.15th2010 , In Xiangfan , Shiyan , Enshi , Yichang , Suizhou and other cities of Hubei province , the annulus eclipse could be observed .