
  • 网络Deny yourself;deny himself;Self-deny
  1. 他不但没有否定自己做过的事,反而引以为荣

    Instead of repudiating what he had done , he gloried in it .

  2. 佛陀:你会提出这样的问题,表示你否定自己本具的鸡性。

    Buddha : If you ask this question , you deny your own chicken-nature .

  3. 关键就在于要敢于否定自己,勇敢地嘲讽自己做的傻事,难怪他的名字要叫作唧唧。

    No wonder he was called Haw .

  4. 科学家经常设法否定自己的假设,推翻自己的理论,并放弃自己的结论。

    A scientist constantly tried to defeat his hypotheses , his theories , and his conclusion .

  5. 或者这只是否定自己感情的一种方式好让这种感情和真实生活区隔开来?

    Or is it just another way to deny our feelings and emotionally compartmentalize our lives ?

  6. 很多时候在否定自己,但我是不是错了?我是不是应该相信自己?

    Many time denies myself , but am I wrong ? if I should believe myself .

  7. 毕竟,拒绝别人很难开口,否定自己可就容易多了。

    After all , saying no to others is hard , saying no to yourself is easy .

  8. 现在如果还问我这个问题,我应该也会否定自己的答案。

    If someone ask the same question to me now , I will gainsay me words too .

  9. 有时,她也会时常自我否定自己,但却不失为一个充满自信的人。

    I noticed that she could sometimes tend towards mild self-criticism but is still a confident person .

  10. 无论做出的是哪一种决定,在办公室里,作为母亲的她都会不断地否定自己的决定。

    However decisive she may be at the office , she will second-guess herself constantly as a mother .

  11. 勇于否定自己、否定传统,大胆进行训练实践创新,等等。

    Daring to deny oneself and the tradition , and carrying out the training practice innovation audaciously , etc.

  12. 不断否定自己,不断努力学习,“梦想无人可代”我永远记得今天总裁说的话。

    Father of mine always keeping busy every day , thus he and I didn 't talk too much .

  13. 对于一个性格内向者,不断否定自己来与外向性格主导的世界相处好是非常具毁坏性的。

    It can be terribly destructive for an Introvert to deny themselves in order to get along in an Extrovert-Dominant World .

  14. 否定自己是出于对真理和对自我的认知,而不是妄自菲薄和自轻自贱。

    Denies oneself is stems from to the truth and to the self-cognition , but is not improperly belittles oneself with self-deprecatorily .

  15. 我的前任达格哈马舍尔德曾经说过:“不要为‘和平与宁静’而否定自己的经验或信念。”

    My predecessor Dag Hammarskj ö ld once said : " Never for the sake of'peace and quiet'deny your own experience or conviction . "

  16. 认识自己并不容易,否定自己同样困难,人最容易自以为是和固执已见。

    Knew oneself is not easy , to deny the oneself similar difficulty , the human is easiest to think oneself infallible tenaciously with saw .

  17. 我知道跨出舒适的安乐窝并非易事,因为你被他人影响,总是怀疑否定自己能力。

    We know it is not easy to step out of your comfort zone , for you have allowed others to make you doubt yourself and your abilities .

  18. 目光远大:顺应能力强的人能够从错误中学习(而不是在错误中否定自己),将障碍视为挑战,并且在逆境中变得更强大。

    Perspective : Resilient people are able to learn from their mistakes ( rather than deny them ), see obstacles as challenges , and allow adversity to make them stronger .

  19. 它强调了坚持、运用和发展马克思主义一定要以变化着的社会实践为根本价值参照;一定要敢于和善于解放自己、否定自己;

    This conclusion emphasizes that to stick to , apply and develop Marxism must take the changing practice as basic reference , be daring and be good at liberating ourselves and denying ourselves .

  20. 作品就是人的存在的敞开状态,他的新的水墨作品标志着又一次不露声色的转型,从不重复自己的他也不断地否定自己。

    The work represents an opening state of the artist 's being , just like Jiang'new ink works symbolizing another unnoticeable transformation of him , who neither repeats nor gets content with himself .

  21. 他有某种否定自己早期作品的习惯,&一种修辞把戏,在他后期作品中还没有泛滥,置换上明显的词汇可又觉得它有相反纵深。

    A certain habit of antagonism defaced his earlier writings , a trick of rhetoric not quite outgrown in his later , of substituting for the obvious word and thought its diametrical opposite .

  22. 科学或许要依靠提出假设、做实验、收集证据,以此支持或否定自己的假设,但数学就只需要摆出论点的条件,然后使用逻辑,支持自己的论述。

    Science may depend on forming hypotheses , doing experiments and gathering evidence that support or refute your hypothesis , but math is simply a matter of stating the terms of your argument and then defending those statements using logic .

  23. 没错,但是我不会否定我自己的论点。

    True enough , but this doesn 't disprove my argument .

  24. 相信你自己,了解你自己,否定你自己,做个谦卑的人。

    Believe in yourself , know yourself , deny yourself , and be humble .

  25. 他都否定了自己的哪些作品?

    Which of his works did he negate ?

  26. 直率而实际的她否定了自己对于独立的印度抱有任何不切实际的幻想,但她确实有很多这样的希望。

    Blunt-spoken and practical , she denied having dreamy ideals for an independent India ; but she had had many .

  27. 我们之所以会常常被禁锢在自己的无形之圈中,是因为我们对于尝试所带来的风险过于夸大的估计,在尝试之前就已经否定了自己,然后,以一万个“不可能”来自我安慰。

    We are often locked in their invisible circle , because we , the risk to try to estimate , overstate before trying the has denied myself , then to10,000 " impossible " from my comfort .

  28. 我们会不断的否定和完善自己、追求完美;

    We will constantly improve ourselves and relentlessly pursue perfection .

  29. 于是,人们开始否定那些让自己保持活力四射的事情。

    So , they begin denying themselves the things that keep them alive and energized .

  30. 再次,对学界争议的各罪进行否定,得出自己的观点;最后,探讨梁丽案给我们带来的启示。

    Again , all the SINS of academic dispute denial , draw their own views ; Finally , this paper discusses Liang Li case brings us enlightenment .