
fǒu jué quán
  • veto power
否决权 [fǒu jué quán]
  • [veto;veto power] 政府的一个部门具有最终或临时禁止执行另一个部门试图实行的计划的权力;尤指行政首脑得到授权永久或暂时阻止立法机关通过法案的权力

  1. 英国政府行使其否决权阻止了这项提案。

    The British government used its veto to block the proposal .

  2. 几个世纪以来否决权一直是外交上惯用的手段。

    The veto has been a traditional instrument of diplomacy for centuries .

  3. 总统有否决权。

    The President has the power of veto .

  4. 更重要的是,俄罗斯和中国都是在联合国(UN)拥有否决权的大国。

    What is more , Russia and China are big powers with vetoes at the UN .

  5. 首先是要结束美国事实上在IMF所享有的否决权。

    One would be an end to America 's de facto power of veto in the IMF .

  6. 由于IMF理事会决议需要85%的绝对多数投票,因此,美国享有事实上的否决权。

    Since IMF board decisions require a super-majority of 85 per cent the US therefore has veto powers .

  7. 观察家们预计,国会山或许最终会以削减美联储的权力为代价,赋予新的金融服务监管委员会(FinancialServicesOversightCouncil)更大的角色甚至可能拥有否决权。

    Observers predict that Capitol Hill could end up giving the new Financial Services Oversight Council a greater role possibly even a veto at the expense of the Fed .

  8. 所有IMF成员国都要遵守这项政策,其执行不会受到否决权的阻碍。

    All IMF members would be governed by the policy , which would not be subject to a blocking veto in its implementation .

  9. 一些中国经济学家(已经)建议不要在取消在国际货币基金组织(IMF)的美国的否决权之前把任何资金提交给国际货币基金组织(IMF)。

    Some Chinese economists have cautioned against committing any funds to the IMF before the removal of the US 's right to veto in the IMF .

  10. 德国已提议,美国应放弃其在国际货币基金组织(imf)重要决定上的否决权,以换取欧洲接受投票权的下降。

    The US should give up its veto over important decisions in the International Monetary Fund in return for Europe accepting a smaller say , Germany has proposed .

  11. 尽管亚行行长拥有这种否决权,但世界银行(worldbank)、国际货币基金组织(imf)和美洲开发银行(inter-americandevelopmentbank)等多边机构均致信亚行,强调独立监督的重要性。

    While the president has the right to such a veto , institutions including the world bank , the International Monetary Fund and the Inter-American Development Bank have written to the ADB to underline the importance of independent oversight .

  12. 不过,西方外交官警告,同样握有联合国安理会(UNsecuritycouncil)否决权的中国或许更难被说服。中国从伊朗购买原油,向伊朗出口汽油。

    However , the western diplomats cautioned that China , which also wields a veto on the UN Security Council and which buys oil from Iran and sells petroleum to it , could be harder to win round .

  13. 但尚不清楚在掌握否决权的白宫(whitehouse)认为供需因素造成价格高涨的情况下,国会将通过哪些法案。

    But is unclear what laws , if any , will emanate from Congress , not least given that the white house which has the power to veto legislation has taken the view that supply and demand are behind the price surges .

  14. 根据计划,AIG现有管理层将被撤换,将任命新的高层管理人员。另外,美国政府还将对该公司的重大决策拥有否决权。

    Under the plan , the existing management of the company will be replaced and new executives will be appointed . It also gives the US government veto power over major decisions at the company .

  15. 欧洲国家合起来在IMF董事会上拥有大约30%的投票权重,这意味着,若按照德国的提议,将绝对多数票门槛降低至大约75%,它们仍将能够行使否决权。

    European countries collectively hold about 30 per cent of the votes on the board , meaning that a reduction of the supermajority threshold to around 75 per cent , as suggested by Germany , would still allow them to block votes .

  16. 计划还建议设立一个新的全球储备体系,定期向发展中国家提供支持,不受那些主导IMF等现有国际金融机构的工业化国家的否决权阻挠。

    The panel 's plan also proposes a new global reserve system that would provide support to developing countries on a regular basis and would not be subject to veto by industrialised countries that dominate existing international financial institutions , such as the IMF .

  17. 此外,Permira还拥有否决权和不得稀释权,且吕氏家族承诺不会出售所持股权。

    It will also have veto and non-dilution rights and a commitment from the Lui family not to sell its stake .

  18. 美国外国投资委员会(Cfius)对这笔交易拥有否决权。该委员会是一个政府间组织,其成员包括国防部长以及国务卿。

    The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States ( Cfius ), an inter-governmental group whose members include the defence secretary and secretary of state , has a veto right over the deal .

  19. 中国对过快走向在SDR篮子中包括人民币的构想已趋于冷淡。同时,在此类变动上拥有否决权的盖特纳设定了一些中方不可能接受的条件。

    China has cooled to the idea of moving too quickly towards inclusion of the renminbi in the SDR basket and Mr Geithner , who holds a veto on any such move , laid out conditions that would be unacceptable to the Chinese .

  20. 投票结果是13票支持,2票反对,俄罗斯和中国动用其否决权、阻止该项决议案获得通过。

    Russia and China used their vetoes to block the resolution .

  21. 模糊逻辑运算中的若干问题霸权与否决权

    The Veto Power And Comprehensiveness of Fuzzy Logic Hegemony and Veto

  22. 霸权与否决权

    Hegemony and veto on veto power in the UN Security Council

  23. 总统否决权的运作与宪政平衡既有和谐的一面,又有矛盾的一面。

    On the other side , it conflicts with constitutional balance .

  24. 但中国并不要求其自己的否决权。

    But it is not demanding a veto of its own .

  25. 初步迹象表明中国不会拥有否决权。

    Initial indications are that China will not have a veto .

  26. 总统威胁要对这个议案行使否决权。

    The president threaten to use his veto over the bill .

  27. 有报道称,中国承诺放弃否决权。

    There are reports that China has forsworn its veto power .

  28. 美国总统否决权模式的确立

    The Establishment of the Model of American Presidential Veto Power

  29. 惟有在联合国安理会上,它才拥有否决权。

    Only at the UN Security Council does Russia have a veto .

  30. 【律】否认权,否决权没有人有权利可否认他人之宗教信仰。

    No one have any right to deny another person 's creed .