
jué mù rén
  • gravedigger
掘墓人 [jué mù rén]
  • (1) [gravedigger]

  • (2) 挖墓穴埋葬死者的人

  • (3) 比喻摧毁旧制度的人

  • 老百姓是丑恶社会的掘墓人

掘墓人[jué mù rén]
  1. 掘墓人把墓穴填上。

    The gravedigger filled the grave .

  2. 贝克特:小说语言与情节的掘墓人

    Samuel Beckett : Gravedigger of Words and Plots of Novels

  3. 至此,人类开始成为自己的掘墓人。

    Thus did man become the architect of his own demise .

  4. 旁观的那个掘墓人问道。

    Inquired the grave-digger , who was looking on .

  5. 掘墓人笑着,好像雅典的毁灭对于他来说只是一个玩笑。

    The grave digger laughs as if the destruction of Athens is a joke .

  6. 连掘墓人也向后退了。

    The grave-diggers themselves stepped back a pace .

  7. 一个掘墓人拿起一把巨大的铁铲,一点一点地清除墓穴里的积土;

    One grave-digger took a wide shovel and little by little emptied the grave ;

  8. 罗蒂是西方哲学客观主义传统的掘墓人。

    Richard Rorty is a gravedigger of the objectivism tradition of the western philosophy .

  9. 掘墓人:可不是只有雅典娜一个神明在注意着你,斯巴达人。

    Grave Digger : Athena isnt the only god keeping watch on you , spartan .

  10. 那个监狱掘墓人你得和他联系上。

    The grave digger for the prison . I need you to reach out to him .

  11. 我可是个可怜的掘墓人啊。

    I 'm a poor gravedigger .

  12. 一声满意的叫喊声表示那掘墓人已找到了他要找的东西。

    An exclamation of satisfaction indicated that the grave-digger had found the object of his search .

  13. 掘墓人划破了沉寂。

    The grave-diggers broke the silence .

  14. 它首先生产的是它自身的掘墓人。

    What the bourgeoisie , therefore , produces , above all , is its own grave-diggers .

  15. 掘墓人与妻子的谈话

    Conversation between Gravedigger and Wife

  16. 圣堂武士是虔诚的信徒,信仰的守护者,同时也是邪恶的掘墓人。

    Templar are the true believers , the keepers of the faith , and the destroyers of evil .

  17. 随着成功的企业变为垄断者以及贫富差距的扩大,资产阶级将成为自己的掘墓人。

    As successful companies became monopolies and wealth disparities widened , the bourgeoisie would become their own gravediggers .

  18. 现在我们要做的就是等着我哥哥带着掘墓人过来。

    Now all we have to do is wait for my brother to come through with the grave digger .

  19. 答:计划是这样的,我严重怀疑会在五月看到这个掘墓人杀手再次出现。

    Ausiello : That 's the plan . I suspect we 'll start to see some Gravedigger action in May .

  20. 她花了一个先令,给了掘墓人一品脱啤酒,“悲哀”便被葬在了这里。

    Sorrow was buried here , at the cost of a shilling and a pint of beer for the gravedigger .

  21. 据了解,菲尔-比赛特是英国艾塞克斯郡哈罗德山市的一名纹身艺术家和前掘墓人,平时经常在业余时间为各种葬礼定制灵车。

    The tattoo artist from Harold Hill , near Romford in Essex , normally customises hearses in his spare time 。

  22. 他觉得这两个人是在往大海里张望,这两个古怪的掘墓人肯定已听到了他的喊叫声。

    He fancied that these two forms were looking at the sea ; doubtless these strange grave-diggers had heard his cry .

  23. 无产阶级作为资本主义社会的掘墓人,在马克思的学说中占有十分重要的地位。

    The view that the proletariat is the gravedigger of the capitalist society occupies a very important place in the theory of Marxism .

  24. 在《哈姆莱特》这出戏里,演员通常既要扮演第一个掘墓人也要扮演哈姆莱特父亲的幽灵。

    In the play " hamlet ", it is usual for an actor to double the first gravedigger with the spirit of hamlet 's father .

  25. 掘墓人也喜从天降,短短一段时间里掘了两座墓穴,生意终于回归正常。

    The gravedigger was happy too . In a short period , he had dug two graves , so his business was finally back on track and his bad luck over .

  26. 我们是地球的孩子,无由亲手残害自己的母亲,更不能让自己成为下一代的掘墓人。

    We are the children of the earth , and we must not do harm to our mother earth , and neither can we be the grave diggers to our next generations .

  27. 一个掘墓人注意到克莱尔正盯着墓碑看,便对他喊道:“啊,先生,那个人可不想埋在这儿。他想葬在王陴那边他祖先们的坟墓里。”

    A gravedigger noticed Clare looking at it , and called to him , 'Ah sir , that man didn 't want to be buried here , but in his ancestors'tombs at Kingsbere . "

  28. 后来他在一首诗中描述了这一刻:给自己挖坟墓的人看起来坚决果断对掘墓人的工作,但并不书生意气:因为他掘的墓不为自己。

    He later captured the moment with the following poem : He who had dug his own grave looks attentively at the gravedigger 's work , but not pedantically : for this one digs a grave not for himself

  29. 面对新兴网络媒体的挑战,中国传统报纸的态度在短时间内经历了巨大的变化,从最初的懵懂无知到猛然觉醒,发现原本的内容接受者已经蜕变为自身的掘墓人。

    Facing the challenge by new media , the manner of Chinese tradition newspapers has experienced the huge change in the short time , from initial ignorant to suddenly awakens , also discovered the originally content receiver already transformed into own gravedigger .

  30. 然而在掘墓人中途停下并与路经的访客快饮一杯时,他们听到了从考尼什先生半埋的墓中传来的窒息的呻吟。

    The gravedigger was halfway done with his work when he stopped for a quick drink with some visitors who where passing by . While they were having a chat , they heard the sound of stifled moans coming from the general direction of Mr. Cornish 's half-buried grave .