
xiǎnɡ lè zhǔ yì
  • hedonism
  • pleasure-seeking;self-indulgence
享乐主义 [xiǎng lè zhǔ yì]
  • [hedonism;pleasure-seeking;self-indulgence] 以快乐说为准则的生活方式

  1. 享乐主义时代正让位于一个注重节制的时代。

    The age of hedonism is being ushered out by a new era of temperance .

  2. 享乐主义和轻薄浮佻会将地狱扩展到我们的整个日子之中。

    Hedonism and frivolity will diffuse hell tnrough all our days .

  3. 社会继续向日益高涨的物质享乐主义方向发展。

    Society 's march toward ever-increasing materialism was continuing .

  4. 但是不同于现代将伊壁鸠鲁学说定乂为放纵和享乐主义,对于古希腊人来说,伊壁鸠鲁学说意味着寻找种宁静、平和以及精神放松的状态。

    But unlike the modern definition of Epicureanism as a life of indulgence and luxury , for the ancient Greeks , it meant finding a state of calm , peace and mental ease .

  5. 军人中已经产生了,或者说分化出了引人注目的享乐主义者

    Military men have produced , or diverged in , noteworthy epicures .

  6. 信托自由儿知道自己的钱是用之不竭的,所以过上一小段享乐主义或放荡不羁的生活也是没什么风险的。

    A trustafarian knows he or she will never actually run out of money , so adopting a more hedonistic or Bohemian lifestyle for a short period of time would be relatively8 risk-free .

  7. 克服享乐主义,端正生活作风。第三部分:关于加入WTO后党的组织建设和制度建设。

    Second part : After joins WTO party 's attitude construction .

  8. 但我们还没问,是否应该接受享乐主义?

    But haven 't yet asked , should we accept hedonism ?

  9. 我打算被压力、犯罪、苦难、还是享乐主义驱使么?

    Am I going to be driven by pressures ? Guilt ?

  10. 当前高校学生享乐主义思潮流行现象简析

    An Analysis of the Hedonism on Campus among Present College Students

  11. 享乐主义者认为我们该那样思考问题。

    That 's how the hedonist says we should think about it .

  12. 贵族中间的享乐主义不断加强。

    Epicurism was becoming increasingly opular among the ruling class .

  13. 论享乐主义对当代大学生消费的影响

    On the Influential Effect of Hedonism on the College-student ′ s Consumption

  14. 享乐主义提供了一个直截了当的答案。

    Well , the hedonist offers us a very simple straightforward answer .

  15. 开玩笑啦。说真的,喜欢干邑白兰地的人包括贵族、政治人物,还有享乐主义者。

    joke aside , its royalty , it 's politicians .

  16. 享乐主义的成因、实质及危害

    The Causes of the Formation , Essence and Harm of the Current Hedonism

  17. 享乐主义价值观的评价最低;

    The value of gastronomy receives the poorest approval ;

  18. 围绕反对形式主义、官僚主义、享乐主义和奢靡之风,加快体制机制改革和建设。

    Speed up reform to fight formalism , bureaucracy , hedonism and extravagance .

  19. 享乐主义价值相对来说是比较主观,个性化,享乐主义价值的产生通常来自于愉悦的感受,而不是完成任务。

    The hedonic value often comes from the pleasure not just task finishing .

  20. 当代中国享乐主义思潮研究

    Study on Hedonism Trend of Thought in China Today

  21. 既有宗教特色又有享乐主义的色彩;

    There are both religious and hedonism of color ;

  22. 曾为一些古希腊哲学家拥护的一个享乐主义。

    A doctrine of hedonsim that was defended by several ancient Greek philosophers .

  23. 但他的幸福观不是享乐主义的快乐论,因为幸福是实现活动。

    But his eudemonism was not epicurean hedonism , because eudemonia was an activity .

  24. 享乐主义仍然是正确的吗?

    So couldn 't hedonism still be true ?

  25. “道德”意味着“好”的,和享乐主义及敌意相区别。

    It is'moral'meaning'good'as distinct from hedonistic and hateful .

  26. 第三部分谈享乐主义生命意识;

    Section III dealing with Hedonism life consciousness ;

  27. 好的,接受享乐主义的话就是这样。

    All right . That 's what we can do if we accept hedonism .

  28. 享乐主义消费观对社会可持续发展构成了严重的危害。

    The consumptive idea of Gastronomy has seriously imperiled the sustainable development of society .

  29. 它具有明显的享乐主义的色彩。

    It has the obvious hedonism color .

  30. 非理性主义突出本我,容易造成享乐主义文化的出现。

    Non-rationalism highlights id , which easily leads to the emergence of the hedonist culture .