
xiǎnɡ yù
  • enjoy the fame
享誉 [xiǎng yù]
  • [enjoy the fame] 名声很大,享有声誉

  • 享誉歌坛

  1. 他以小说享誉国际。

    He became internationally famous for his novels .

  2. 她因出色的演技而享誉全球。

    She has won world renown for her excellent acting .

  3. 他享誉国内外。

    He was famous both at home and abroad .

  4. Beloved是托尼·莫里森享誉世界的一部著作。

    Beloved is a world-wide masterpiece of Toni Morrison .

  5. 马克·赫德(MarkHurd)因为将惠普(Hewlett-Packard)建设成为世界上最大的科技公司而享誉盛名。

    Mark Hurd got credit for building Hewlett-Packard into the world 's largest technology company .

  6. 劳斯莱斯汽车公司(Rolls-Royce)是以“贵族化”享誉全球的。

    Rolls-Royce Motor Company ( Rolls-Royce ) is the " aristocrat " a world-renowned .

  7. 多丽丝·莱辛(DorisLessing,1919-)是一位享誉世界文坛的英国当代作家。

    Doris Lessing ( 1919 - ) is a world famous British writer of contemporary literary world .

  8. 保罗·奥斯特(PaulAuster)是享誉世界文坛的美国后现代小说家之一,也是一位多产的作家。

    Paul Auster is a renowned literary world after the American modern novelist , is also a prolific writer .

  9. 作为一间享誉音乐盛名的大学,USC极其适合我。

    Being a large university with a world-renowned music school , USC suits my needs exceptionally well .

  10. 最初,西柏林的确有过一些享誉国际的市长,如恩斯特·罗伊特(ErnstReuter)和维利·勃兰特(WillyBrandt)。

    Early on , West Berlin did have internationally known mayors like Ernst Reuter and Willy Brandt .

  11. 享誉全球的高盛、苏黎士信贷的第一波司顿公司、所罗门美邦等投资银行和基金等对EVA好处都充分的认识并且无一例外的进行了广泛的应用。

    Around the world are flowing Goldman , Zurich credit , Solomon and other investment Banks has reach the EVA benefits and is fully aware of benefits for a wide range of applications of EVA .

  12. 麦金托什在20世纪早期即享誉全欧洲,但在他的家乡格拉斯哥(Glasgow),直到他于1928年逝世之后的很长一段时间内,其才华都无人喝彩。

    Mackintosh was acclaimed throughout Europe in the early 1900s , but his talent was little celebrated in his hometown of Glasgow until long after his death in 1928 .

  13. ARM内核处理器以其高性能、低功耗享誉全球市场。而嵌入式Linux内核凭借源码开放、可移植性好、免费等特点成为一种广泛应用的嵌入式操作系统。

    ARM core processors are renowned through the world market for its high-performance and low power consumption , while embedded Linux kernel become a widely used embedded operating systems with characteristics of open source , good portability , free of charge and others .

  14. 一直以来都走在奢侈飞行前沿的阿联酋航空以机载淋浴、迷你Spa、高级酒吧和配套全平躺式座椅的私人“套房”而享誉全球。

    Always at the cutting edge of in-flight luxury , Emirates is renowned for its onboard showers , mini spa , lounge bar , and private " suites " with fully reclining sleeper seats .

  15. IlieNastase是另一个享誉国际的罗马尼亚网球明星。

    Ilie Nastase , the tennis player , is another internationally known Romanian sports star .

  16. 它不仅丰富了美国高等院校的文化生活,还吸引了众多的美国民众极大关注和热情支持,而且成为享誉全球的美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)主要的运动员培养基地。

    It not only enriches the cultural life of American universities , but also attracts a lot of great concern and enthusiastic support of Americans and a world-renowned major training base for athletes of United States Basketball League ( NBA ) .

  17. IKO卡法创造的四列圆柱滚子重载导轨享誉世界。

    The IKO card law creation four row cylindrical roller heavy load guide rail enjoys a good reputation the world .

  18. 经过三年的蓬勃发展,IEEE亚太电力与能源工程国际会议(APPEEC)已成为享誉国内乃至全球电力与能源领域的知名会议。

    After three years of vigorous development , IEEE Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference ( APPEEC ) has become a nationally and globally well-known conference in power and energy area .

  19. 苹果营销负责人席勒点名挑战首席执行长库克,后者又将接力棒传给了Dr.Dre和华特-迪士尼公司(Disney)首席执行长伊热(BobIger)。库克还说,Dr.Dre拍摄视频的名声享誉全球。

    Schiller threw the spotlight on Apple chief Tim Cook , who in accepting passed the baton to Dr. Dre -- ' he 's been known to make a few videos , ' Cook said -- and Disney CEO Bob Iger .

  20. G.A.柯亨(G.A.Cohen)是当代享誉西方的左翼政治哲学家,同时也是分析马克思主义学派的奠基人和社会主义平等主义的斗士。

    G.A.Cohen is not only a renowned contemporary Western left-wing political philosopher , but also the founder of Analytical Marxism School .

  21. 这家公司早年以生产图睿芯片和GeForce显卡而享誉业界。从智能手机到车载影音系统,都离不开图睿芯片。

    The company is primarily known as the maker of Tegra chipsets , which power everything from smartphones to the entertainment systems in cars , and GeForce graphics cards .

  22. 以ICMI享誉全球的呼叫中心管理讲座为基础,本场现场讲座是任何一位正在领导、管理或学习呼叫中心管理人士的不可多得的一次学习与交流机会。

    Based on ICMI 's globally-recognized flagship seminar , this lively course is a must for anyone leading , managing or just investigating the management requirements of a call center .

  23. 1958年10月,比利时漫画家皮埃尔•库利福德(笔名:皮尤)创造的“蓝精灵”卡通形象首次出现在连环漫画中,他给这群小精灵起名为“Schtroumpf”,也就是后来享誉全球的Smurfs(“蓝精灵”)。

    The Belgium cartoonist Pierre Culliford , best known by his pen name , " Peyo , " first introduced the tiny blue figures in a comic strip in October 1958 . He called them Schtroumpf and they became known worldwide as the Smurfs .

  24. 当她这样做时,我不知道她是否认为该计划的名声会享誉世界各地,但真的是这样,以至于香港政府请求Clore领袖培训计划安排为期5天的研讨会,来激发西九龙项目的灵感。

    When she did so I don 't know whether she thought its reputation would cross the world but it has . So much so , that the Hong Kong government asked the Clore Leadership Programme to arrange five days of seminars to inspire the West Kowloon project .

  25. 也许这种氛围正是哈佛享誉全球的真正原因!

    Perhaps such an atmosphere is Harvard 's world-renowned real reason !

  26. 中国的饮食和艺术享誉全球。我为中国的文化感到骄傲。

    Chinese food and art are popular all over the world .

  27. 奥地利估计是以其享誉国际的音乐家而闻名于世的。

    Austria is presumably internationally best known for its musicians .

  28. 公司与国外享誉盛名的鱼粉供应商建立良好的合作伙伴关系。

    Prestigious companies and foreign suppliers to establish a good meal partnership .

  29. 该校凭借着自己卓越之处已经享誉全国。

    The college has already established a national reputation for its excellence .

  30. 这所大学作为一流的学术中心享誉海内外。

    The university has an international reputation as a centre of excellence .