
  1. 岫岩玉以其开发历史悠久、雕琢工艺精湛而驰名世界,享誉中外。

    It is world-famous for its long history , and its superb carving techniques .

  2. 厦门是中国最温馨的城市,是享誉中外的“海上花园”。

    Being the renowned " seashore garden ", Xiamen is the most enchanting city in South china .

  3. 海城高跷秧歌作为首批国家级非物质文化遗产,享誉中外。

    The Haicheng stilts Yangko takes the first batch state-level non-material cultural heritage , enjoys a good reputation the Chinese and foreign .

  4. 鲜艳夺目的戏衣、神奇怪诞的脸谱,富有独立的欣赏价值,是享誉中外的艺术瑰宝。

    The colorful clothes and the bizarre magic mask have the independent value , which is the famous Chinese and foreign art treasures .

  5. 陆在易是中国当代乐坛以声乐创作享誉中外的作曲家,被专家评价为“胸怀大爱的音乐诗人”。

    Luzaiyi is a composer of creating with vocal music in china contemporary music field who has great prestige in land and overseas .

  6. 我公司是中国丝绸产品大出口商之一,具有五十年商贸经验,享誉中外。

    We are one of the leading exporters of Chinese silk goods and are enjoying an excellent reputation through fifty years ' business experience .

  7. 独具特色的北京清真饮食文化是北京文化的重要组成部分,它以其丰厚独特的文化底蕴和辉煌的历史传统享誉中外。

    The culture of Muslim diet with distinctive features is a major part of the Beijing culture and it was known for its unique background and glorious traditions .

  8. 老舍是享誉中外的著名作家,但他的专业“写家”远没有从教时间长。

    Lao She was a well known writer and novelist both at home and abroad , but the time he taught is much longer than that he wrote .

  9. 不管是与其他葡萄混合或是单独酿制成葡萄酒,梅洛都是一种现代时尚的葡萄品种,享誉中外。

    Either used as a blending partner or on its own , Merlot is very much a wine of our times and enjoys enormous popularity throughout the world .

  10. 继水仙花、谭恩美、汤婷婷等享誉中外的华裔女作家之后,二十世纪六、七十年代,随着女权主义的广泛传播,一些年轻杰出的华裔作家不断涌现。

    Along with the spread of feminism in the 1960s and 1970s , many other young but prominent writers surged after Sui Sin Far , Amy Tan and Kingston .

  11. 涟源是梅山文化与湖湘文化交汇之地,有“小南京”之美誉,享誉中外的《围城》即以涟源城区蓝田为背景写成。

    Lianyuan integrates Meishan heritage and Hunan culture and has been honored as " Small Nanjing " . The world famous novel Weicheng was written at the background of it .

  12. “狗不理”包子号称天津三绝之一,享誉中外,至今已有百余年的历史。

    " Goubuli " steamed stuffed bun is one of the three special foods in Tianjin with a history of over one hundred years , which is well-known both home and abroad .

  13. 山西老陈醋作为我国的四大名醋之一,其历史悠久,风味独特,品质优良,享誉中外,是中华民族先祖留给我们的一块酿造艺术瑰宝。

    Shanxi overmature vinegar as one of the four famous vinegars in china , has a very long history , and is famed for its unique flavoring and excellent quality in the world .

  14. 济南是享誉中外的泉城和国家历史文化名城,水是其独特自然景观和深厚历史文化的重要载体。

    Jinan is the world famous " Spring City " and it is the national historical and cultural city , water is an important carrier of its unique natural landscape and rich history and culture .

  15. 君山银针是享誉中外的名茶之一,有着显赫的地位和广阔的发展前景,但近年处于停滞不前的状态。

    Junshan Silver Needle tea which has an illustrious position and a vast prospect , is one of the famous tea abroad and at home . However , it has slightly developed for recent years .

  16. 湖南醴陵是我国重要的陶瓷产业基地,陶瓷生产历史悠久,尤其是其首创的釉下五彩瓷享誉中外,有天下名瓷出醴陵之说。

    Hunan Liling is an important industrial base of ceramics , where the ceramic production has a long history , especially the pioneering colorful porcelain under glaze is world-famous , they say : all the famous porcelains are come out of Liling .

  17. 武当山是我国著名的道教圣地,国家级风景名胜区和世界文化遗产保护单位,其拥有奇特绚丽的自然景观、规模宏大的古建筑群,博大精深的道教文化和享誉中外的武当武术。

    Wudang Mountain is the Holy Land of the Taoism , which is not only the national scenery of China but also the heritage of the world . It famous for its florid natural sceneries , the magnificent ancient architectures , the profound Taoist culture and the supernatural Wudang Wushu .