
ɡuān liáo jī ɡòu
  • bureaucratic apparatus
  1. 官僚机构与公共政策

    Bureaucratic Apparatus And Public Policy

  2. 统治者的偏好、官僚机构问题是它政策失败的两个主要原因。

    The two reasons of the policy failure involved in the preference of the ruler and the problem of bureaucratic apparatus .

  3. 他的公司必须与俄罗斯庞大的官僚机构周旋。

    His firm must contend with the unwieldy Russian bureaucracy .

  4. 他把自己说成是一个勤勤恳恳、自食其力的小商人,深受冷酷无情、扶强欺弱的官僚机构所害。

    He represented himself as a hard-working , self-made small businessman victimized by mindless , bullying bureaucracy .

  5. 但是我们的追求,将很快成为一个卡夫卡式的官僚机构,PDF格式刮坏链的奥德赛。

    Our quest however , soon became an odyssey into a Kafkaesque bureaucracy , PDF scraping and broken links .

  6. ISIS还运行了多种官僚机构,包括邮局,汤厨房和收养中心等等。

    ISIS runs bureaucratic institutions as diverse as post offices , soup kitchens and adoption centers .

  7. 再多官僚机构的推手,甚至是像IMF总裁多米尼克斯特劳斯-卡恩(DominiqueStrauss-Kahn)这样的外交大师的努力,也无法使那些对世界运行方式存在分歧的国家实现合作。

    No amount of bureaucratic manoeuvring , even by a diplomatic grandmaster like IMF managing director Dominique Strauss-Kahn , can achieve co-operation between countries that do not agree how the world works .

  8. 论文指出,德国组织管理分析大师马克斯•韦伯(MaxWeber)“发现了一条事实,即官僚机构中的高层人物在工作中拥有自主权,因为他们是规则的制定者,而不是遵从者”。

    Max Weber , the great German analyst of organisations , " identified the fact that senior figures in bureaucracy operate with discretion , since it is they who formulate , rather than follow , rules , " the paper said .

  9. 在此期间,他把我留下来对付官僚机构。

    In the meantime he left me to manage the bureaucracy .

  10. 名义上归他领导的那个官僚机构,庞大而且有些无法控制。

    The bureaucracy nominally under his control is huge and probably unmanageable .

  11. 部分答案是,它们是官僚机构。

    Part of the answer is that they are bureaucracies .

  12. 然而很多当年的嬉皮现在长大了并加入了官僚机构。

    Yet many of those former hippies grew up and joined the establishment .

  13. 一个以国王为首的官僚机构。

    A bureaucracy that headed up in the king .

  14. 的确,它们理应是官僚机构。

    Indeed , they are supposed to be bureaucracies .

  15. 同时,国务院的官僚机构有铤而走险的倾向。

    At the same time the State Department bureaucracy tended to tempt fate .

  16. 官僚机构的运作方式有时让人们相互隔离。

    Bureaucracies sometimes operate in ways that keep people away from each other .

  17. 我们对官僚机构所感到的失望是有其确凿原因的。

    The frustration we felt with the bureaucracy was based on solid reasons .

  18. 没有一个机构比政府官僚机构更让印度人失望。

    No single institution has come to disappoint Indians more than their bureaucracy .

  19. 陈腐、僵化的方式;顽固守旧的官僚机构。

    Obsolete fossilized ways ; an ossified bureaucratic system .

  20. 我们最终到达官僚机构并跟部长谈话。

    We finally got through the bureaucracy and could talk to the Minister .

  21. 这一体系不能是等级制度,更不应成为官僚机构。

    This system cannot be hierarchical , and it should not be bureaucratic .

  22. 但官僚机构的多数是无用的冗员。

    But much of it is dead wood .

  23. 关于希腊官僚机构的高工资已经是老生常谈。

    Much has been discussed about how the Greek bureaucracy paid itself lavish wages .

  24. 我将被国会和日益武断的官僚机构压挤得透不过气来。

    I would be ground down between the Congress and the increasingly assertive bureaucracy .

  25. 和所有官僚机构一样,央行的目标也是提高自身的声望和影响力。

    Like all bureaucratic entities , they aim to expand their prestige and influence .

  26. 我竟然打败了官僚机构!

    I had scored a beat on bureaucracy !

  27. 他们是一个提倡纪律性,反对主动性的官僚机构的产物。

    They are the product of a bureaucracy that rewards discipline and discourages initiative .

  28. 零售银行必然是规模庞大的官僚机构。

    Retail banks are necessarily large bureaucracies .

  29. 人们期待竞选的胜利者对臃肿的联合国官僚机构注入新活力。

    The victor will be expected to inject new life into a bloated U.N. bureaucracy .

  30. 正如困难是可能发生的事物一样,分立的官僚机构有可能服务于相反目的;

    Just as troublesome is the likelihood that separate bureaucracies would work at cross purposes ;