
guān xián
  • official title;rank
官衔 [guān xián]
  • (1) [official title]∶官方的头衔

  • (2) [rank]∶陆军或海军的官阶

  • 一位具有少校官衔的海军军官

官衔[guān xián]
  1. 此人官衔为司法特派员,但瑞典人一般管他叫JO,即司法特派员。

    The official title of the person is ' Justiteombudsman ' , but the Swedes commonly refer to him as the ' J.O. ' or ' Ombudsman ' .

  2. 我当时是代表团中唯一没有官衔的人员。

    I was the only person in the delegation without an official title .

  3. 但我仍是现场最高官衔。

    But I 'm still the ranking officer on the scene .

  4. 我在加拿大财政部有官衔。

    I have rank in the Treasury Department of canada .

  5. 我是你的上级,你应该尊重官衔。

    I 'm your superior officer and you will respect the rank .

  6. 一个代表政府出使他国,官衔居于大使之下的外交官。

    A diplomat representing one government to another ; ranks below ambassador .

  7. 古代官衔称谓词是古代汉语称谓系统的一个重要组成部分。

    Ancient rank appellative words is an important component of ancient Chinese appellation systems .

  8. 我不清楚。他们也许会派了比上尉官衔更高的来。

    I don 't know about that . they 'll probably go with someone higher than major .

  9. 他下星期的主要工作将是设计普通标徽,以表示我的特殊官衔。

    His major problem for the next week would be to design proper stationery to carry my exalted title .

  10. 一个在美国海军或海军巡逻队中拥有委任官衔的军官;低于陆军中尉高于陆军少尉。

    An officer holding a commissioned rank in the US Navy or Coast guard ; below lieutenant and above ensign .

  11. 希望本文的探讨能够在称谓研究领域里起到一个抛砖引玉的作用,引起更多人对官衔称谓词研究的重视。

    Hope this thesis can lead more and more people pay attention to the research field of rank appellative words .

  12. 米歇尔相信他的电影对电影和电视行业的贡献大大超过了他的地位以及官衔。

    More than his positions and official titles , Michel believes that his films speak for his contributions to the film and television industry .

  13. 这个盛大葬礼的死者,无论生前还是死后,都只是一个平民,是一个没有财富、没有资产、没有官衔,甚至于连一间办公室都没有的平民。

    The object of this massive tribute died as he had always lived : A private man without wealth , without property , without official title or office .

  14. 水东宋氏从唐初至明末统治贵州水东地区,唐宋元明四朝先后封赐诸多官衔。

    Eastwater the Song ruled the Tang dynasty first arrival end of the Ming dynasty , The Tang Song Yuan Ming four dynasties awards many official title successively .

  15. 徽章:一种作为军衔、官衔或某一组织中会员的标志而佩带的图案或符号。纹章佩带由纹章法加以规定。

    " badge : a device or emblem worn as an insignia of rank , office , or membership in an organization . " The bearing of arms is regulated by the law of arms .

  16. 除皇帝例行的亲耕籍田之外,首次设立了劝农机构&劝农司,又在地方官的官衔上加上劝农职事。

    Besides the emperor cultivated in person on the field , had set up the agricultural organization of advising for the first time & Advise agricultural department , had in local official title of officer in addition , advise the agricultural post .