
  1. 印度豹、狮子、花豹、犀牛、斑点土狼、大象等,都是此地的居民

    Among this lot are cheetahs , lions , leopards , rhinoceroses , spotted hyenas and elephants .

  2. 花豹不像狮子或印度豹,是属于较神秘而隐居的大猫。

    Unlike lions or cheetahs , leopards are secretive , solitary cats .

  3. 保险公司会对花豹有意见。

    Lf we have a leopard , we 're gonna have major insurance issues .

  4. 花豹,大型猫科动物中最强壮的攀爬者,可在树上抓住体重是其两倍的猎物。

    The strongest climber among the big cats , a leopard can carry prey twice its weight up a tree .

  5. 那天晚上,这群科学家躺上床,星空出奇地灿烂,尤其是南十字星座;一只花豹小心翼翼地在营地周围窥伺。

    That night as the scientists bedded down , gazing at the Southern Cross in a wonderful starry sky , a leopard warily circled the camp .

  6. 理查德森的这种奇妙本领不仅仅对狮子奏效,对其它动物,比如猎豹、花豹甚至于土狼也是如此。

    His magic works not only work for lions but other animals such as cheetahs , leopards and even hyenas do not hold a threat against him .

  7. 事情全都开始于德国汉堡动物园内三对花豹妈妈和美洲狮爸爸生下了三对双胞胎小宝宝。

    It all started when three sets of leopard mothers and puma fathers gave birth to three sets of twin cubs at a zoo in hamburg , germany .

  8. 鹿、羊、山猪等动物在食物链中,就是作为狮子、老虎、花豹等掠食性动物的财富。

    Some animals , such as deer , goat and pig , are the food that are eaten by lion , tiger and other predators in the food chain of nature .

  9. 缅甸胡康一只亚洲花豹幼崽在它的母亲被猎人猎杀后成了孤儿,这次母花豹身体的部分将被猎人作为传统医药出售。

    An Asiatic leopard cub in the Hukawng Valley in Myanmar ( Burma ) became an orphan after hunters killed its mother to sell her body parts for use in traditional medicine .

  10. 生物学家及探险家麦克菲称赞玛拉玛拉是“野生动物保护区中的法拉利”,因为这里有着豪华的探险风格住所,郁郁葱葱的大地,一流的管理,还有大量的野生动物–狮子,花豹,大象,犀牛,角马,羚羊和长颈鹿。

    Biologist and explorer Mike Fay calls Mala Mala the " Ferrari of game reserves " for its posh , safari-retro accommodations , lush grounds , top-notch management , and abundant wildlife , including lions , leopards , elephants , rhinos , wildebeests , impalas , and giraffes .