
huā lù shuǐ
  • toilet water;traditional herbal lotion
花露水 [huā lù shuǐ]
  • (1) [floral water]

  • (2) 由香精和酒精配制而成的香水

  • (3) 各种花(如桔子花、玫瑰花)经蒸馏所得的蒸馏水,被用作洗涤剂的香料

  1. 嘘!记得不要告诉别人我用过六神花露水。

    Hush ! Remember not to tell people I used six God toilet water .

  2. 特效花露水,换代产品,全新感受。

    Special toilet water , an updated product , Brings you an extremely new experience .

  3. 结果自产Det配制的2%驱蚊花露水保护时间为2h。

    Results The protection time of mosquito-repellent-perfume treated with our Deet 2 % concentration was only 2h .

  4. 5%和10%的驱蚊花露水在6h内的有效保护率为100%。

    The mean effective protection rates of mosquito-repellent-perfume contained 5 % and 10 % Deet synthetized by ourselves were 100 % within 6h .

  5. 驱蚊花露水对常见蚊虫的驱避作用

    Repellent effectiveness of a novel mosquito-repellent-perfume against mosquitoes

  6. 不过记得要把全身喷上驱蚊花露水,你也不想身上留下蚊子“吻”过的痕迹。

    Just be sure to cover up with mosquito spray , to avoid unsightly welts .

  7. 用驱蚊酯配成含2.3%驱蚊酯的花露水,并测试了其驱蚊效果,有效驱蚊时间可达5小时以上。

    The virtual time of toilet water with 2.3 % insectifuge ester is more than 4 hours .

  8. 本文介绍了以邻苯二甲酸二丁脂为内标物,对5%避蚊胺驱虫花露水进行有效成份测定的气相色谱分析法。

    A quantitative analytical method of5 % diethylmethylbenzamide in drive-worms floral-water by GC was introduced , Dibutyl Phthalate was selected as internal standard .

  9. 紧接着,我又往盆中洒了些花露水,热气腾腾的洗脚水中飘散着一股淡淡的清香。

    Then again , I spilled some toilet water basin , steaming hot water to wash feet with a light faint scent waft .

  10. 玫瑰水,蔷薇水:一种通过蒸馏玫瑰花瓣或把其浸泡在水中制成的芳香剂,用来做花露水等化妆品并用于烹饪。

    A fragrant preparation made by steeping or distilling rose petals in water , used in cosmetics , as toilet water , and in cookery .

  11. 从实验结果可知,氧化锌中加入稀土氧化物,可使气敏元件对氢、一氧化碳、甲烷、乙醚、丙酮、花露水的气敏性降低,而对乙醇和烟的气敏性增加。

    In our experiments , it is shown that the effect of the addition agent on the properties of gas sensitive elements may be divided into two classes .

  12. 卡梅丽达·蒙蒂埃尔是个二十岁的姑娘,刚在自己身上洒了花露水,把迷迭香花瓣撒在皮拉·苔列娜床上,就听到了枪声。

    Carmelita Montiel , a twenty-year-old virgin , had just bathed in orange-blossom water and was strewing rosemary leaves on Pilar Ternera 's bed when the shot rang out .

  13. 今天我终于狠下心买了一瓶六神花露水用用,能用上六神花露水一直是我的梦想。

    Today I finally mind to buy a bottle of toilet water to use with six God , God can use the six toilet water has always been my dream .