
huā tán
  • flower bed;parterre;flower terrace;raised flower terrace
花坛 [huā tán]
  • [parterre;raised flower terrace] 即花台,是种植花卉、装点美化环境的土台子,四周用砖石砌成矮墙或作梯形

花坛[huā tán]
  1. 海南花坛花卉新优物种的引种及筛选

    Introduction and selection of new genera of parterre flower in Hainan

  2. 在花坛中他们舞的多欢,挥洒着夏日甜味的香汗。

    How they dance in the parterre , sweet summer sweat .

  3. 我一直在除花坛里的杂草。

    I 've been weeding the flower beds .

  4. 矮树篱把花坛围了起来。

    Low hedges enclosed the flower beds .

  5. 花坛里长满了百合和玫瑰。

    The flowerbeds brim with a mixture of lilies and roses .

  6. 花坛里的天竺葵被大雨浇得七零八落。

    The geraniums in the flower bed looked bedraggled from the heavy rain .

  7. 拔草和锄地时尽量不要踩到花坛。

    Try not to walk on the flower beds when weeding or hoeing .

  8. 花坛和花盆里种满了夏令花草。

    Flowerbeds and tubs are banked with summer bedding plants

  9. 他打理着他栽在车道两旁的花坛和常青树。

    He tends the flower beds and evergreens that he has planted in the driveway .

  10. 花坛里杂草横生。

    The flower beds were overrun with grasses

  11. 这些幼苗很快就可以移植到路边的花坛里。

    These young plants will soon be ready for bedding out in the border .

  12. 他正在用锄头给花坛锄草。

    He is hoeing the flowerbeds .

  13. 草地上点缀着许多花坛

    The grass was interspersed with beds of flowers .

  14. 来自德克萨斯州森尼维耳市的吉尔·史考特·莫列特在她的Facebook上上传了该视频。她表示,自己的两个小女儿是在花园的一个花坛里撞见了这条致命的毒蛇。

    Jill-Scott Mollett from Sunnyvale , Texas posted the video on her Facebook account and said her two young daughters had come across the deadly serpent in a garden flowerbed .

  15. 福特公司的一位资深营销主管承认:“多数SUV惟一离开路面的时候,是它在清晨三点错过车道压坏花坛的时候。”

    A senior marketing executive at Ford admitted ," The only time most SUVs are going to be off road is when they miss the driveway and crush a flowerbed at3 am . "

  16. 大丽花(Dahliapinnata)为菊科大丽花属多年生球根花卉,常作花境、花坛或盆栽观赏,是世界著名的园林绿化材料。

    Dahlia pinnata , as an perennial flowering bulbs , belongs to the Compositae family Dahlia genus . It is a world-wide famous landscape greening material and is applied in flower borders , flowerbeds and pot flowers .

  17. 他们的花园里有儿座漂亮花坛。

    They 've got some beautiful flower beds in their garden .

  18. 花园的花坛正好形成一个正方形。

    The garden has flower beds that form a perfect square .

  19. 警方发现了穿过花坛的新脚印。

    The police discovered fresh footprints leading across the flower beds .

  20. 城市花坛周年布置的花卉种类筛选研究

    Flower Varieties Screening of Adapting for Urban Flower Beds Annual Arrangement

  21. 都与麦考伊家花坛里的鞋印不符

    for the boot print in the mccoys ' flower bed .

  22. 这就是盆栽植物和花坛植物的情况。

    This is the situation for pot plant and bedding crops .

  23. 她发现树篱被糟蹋,花坛里野草丛生。

    She came across butchered hedges and flowerbeds choked with weeds .

  24. 一串红是目前最主要的一种花坛花卉。

    Scarlet Sage is one of the most important terrace flower .

  25. 他在他花园的花坛里种植郁金香。

    He grows tulips in the flowerbed in his garden .

  26. 她用整个下午的时间拔除花坛中的杂草。

    She spend the afternoon pull up the weeds in the flowerbeds .

  27. 这条狗把花坛践踏得花叶凋零。

    The dog left the flowerbed at sixes and sevens .

  28. 试论首都大型节日花坛的发展及展望

    The Development and Future of Festival Flow-er Beds in Chinese Capital Beijing

  29. 每星期六下午在校内花坛举行。

    Every Saturday in the afternoon the flower-bed holds in the school .

  30. 英国花坛植物的生产研究与展示现况

    A study on the production and exhibition of bedding plants in Britain