
bì zhāng
  • armband;armlet;arm-badge;brassard;shoulder emblem(patch)
臂章 [bì zhāng]
  • [armband;armlet;brassard;arm badge;shoulder emblem(patch)] 佩带在衣袖上表明身分等的标志

臂章[bì zhāng]
  1. 可根据不同国家加工相对应的臂章和帽徽。

    Manufacture corresponding armlet and insignia onthe cap according to different countries .

  2. 旅游团的劣谟将在胳膊上佩戴红色臂章。

    The tour leader will be wearing a red armband .

  3. 乘务员都戴了臂章。

    The stewards all wore armbands .

  4. 他胳膊上佩戴着红色的臂章。

    He bore a red badge on his arm .

  5. 我相信德国纳粹党人心目中的上帝一定也带着B字的臂章。

    I am quite sure the Nazis can 't conceive of God without a swastika arm-band .

  6. 我们可以像nascar那样戴一个小小的臂章。

    It 'd be like little patches like they wear in nascar .

  7. 这枚小臂章开展了关于这位护士的故事;

    From this small band our story of the nurse unfolds ;

  8. 军人佩戴徽章和臂章表明其军衔。

    We can tell their ranks by their badges and stripes .

  9. 这些笨问题不能令你得到臂章。

    You didn 't get three rockers by asking stupid questions .

  10. 魔术贴用来贴臂章。技能章。以及识别章。

    Velcro for wearing unit patch , skill tabs and recognition devices .

  11. 军中收藏热&维和部队刮起收藏臂章的旋风

    Collection fever in the army - armlet the collection

  12. 这是你的罚单本和你的臂章。

    Here is your citation book and your armband .

  13. 他肯定没看到我的臂章。

    He must not have seen my armband .

  14. 我只要你那支枪跟臂章。

    I just want your gun and badge .

  15. 有些邮递员佩戴印有“邮政局”字样的臂章。

    Some had arm bands with the words Post Office Bureau sewn on them .

  16. 这些是神官给您的臂章。

    These are the armlets our court 's curse-master rushed to make for you .

  17. 现在可以把臂章拿掉了。

    You can take off your armband now .

  18. 你们都得到臂章和警笛了。

    You got your armbands and whistles .

  19. 他有红色臂章吗?

    Did he have a scarlet chevron ?

  20. 每支曲棍球队都必须有一位场上队长,队长必须带有臂章。

    Each hockey team must have a captain on the field who must wear an armband .

  21. 他们星期六找了位专家并在臂章,毛巾和透气胶带上进行了这样的涂鸦。

    They grabbed sharpie Saturday and scribbled this on their armbands , towels and athletic tape .

  22. 返校时,我在手臂上戴了黑色臂章,并为美国的未来感到担忧。

    I returned to campus wearing a black armband and agonizing about the kind of future America faced .

  23. 但是普约尔表现出象征巴萨团队理念的姿态,把臂章递给了阿比达尔。

    But in a gesture symbolizing Barcelona 's team ethic , Puyol handed the armband over to Eric Abidal .

  24. 受试者携带一种臂章,其可以测定总活度、体温、体位以及其他关于休息和运动的指标。

    The participants wore armbands that measured total activity , body temperature , body position , and other indicators of rest and activity .

  25. 此外,在沐浴中不应使用漂浮装置包括吊环和臂章以确保你宝宝的安全。

    Additionally , flotation devices including rings and armbands should not be used in the bath to ensure the safety of your baby .

  26. 她回忆说,就在自己准备伸手展示时,跟随左右的中方护卫人员赶紧将臂章扯了下来。

    Chinese guards who were running alongside her ripped the band off her arm as soon she tried to display it , she says .

  27. 在迪奥米迪斯庄园,壁画展示着四幅当地酒馆场景,以及半圆臂章,金戒指和宝石。

    In the Villa of Diomedes , there are fresco paintings with four tavern scenes , armbands with hemispheres and gold rings with double gemstones .

  28. 陆军少校彼特戈德弗兰戴着一个臂章,臂章上印着一位2004年在伊拉克牺牲的年轻警官的名字。

    Army Major Peter Godfrin wears a bracelet bearing the name of a young sergeant he served with who was killed by a landmine in Iraq in2004 .

  29. 所有第十四航空队的成员在他们的衣服上都有“飞虎”的臂章,所以也叫飞虎队。

    Members of the US14th Army Air Force continued to wear the " Flying Tiger " badges on their shoulders and were better known as Flying Tigers .

  30. 他还创造了该组织最令人艳羡的荣誉徽章:一个童子军式的圆臂章,上面绣着蓝色的“-30”。

    He is also the creator of November Project 's most coveted badge of honor : a Boy-Scout-like circle patch with " - 30 " written in blue .