
  • 网络Wingspan;arm span;reach;Reach of Arms
  1. 黑猩猩体长6尺,臂展可以达到8.5尺。

    Gorillas can grow to nearly 6 feet tall with an arm span that stretches up to 8.5 feet .

  2. 篮球运动员臂展>身高者占433%,且男性臂展/身高>103者占20%。

    43.3 % of basketball players in this study showed arm span > body height and 20 % of male basketball players had the ratio of span / height > 1.03 .

  3. 标准的NBA侧翼身材——6尺8寸的身高和6尺11寸的臂展

    Prototype NBA wing at 6 '8 " with a 6 '11 " wingspan .

  4. 比一比:摆放了诸多真人大小的NBA球员模型,球迷们可以与自己喜欢的NBA球员一较身高及臂展。

    Measure-Ups : Collection of life-sized player images , handprints and footprints for guests to measure themselves against their favorite stars .

  5. 弱点:身高和臂展仅仅6尺2,特雷·杨并没有一个NBA后卫应有的理想体型……

    Weaknesses : Young does not have ideal size at 6-2 or length with just a 6-2 wingspan for an NBA guard ...

  6. 不不这只是说你的臂展

    No , no , it just means that your reach

  7. 被低估的臂展,接近6尺11寸(约211cm)

    Underrated length with a near 6 '11 wingspan ...

  8. 爆发力极强,拥有6尺3.5寸的身高和6尺6寸的臂展

    Quick twitch athlete at 6 '3.5 " with a 6 '6 " wingspan

  9. 所以如果你的臂展不够长

    So if you don 't have long arms ,

  10. 精英级别的体测数据——7'2''的身高加上7'6.5''的臂展还有9'6.5''的站立摸高。

    Elite measurements at 7 '2 " with a 7 '6.5 " wingspan and 9 '6.5 " standing reach

  11. 这些统计数据,包括臂展,垂直摸高,垂直跳跃高度,都是通过正面的测试得到的。

    These vital statistics , as well as wingspan , vertical reach and vertical leap , are made available to pro scouts .

  12. 枪战用火器进行的决斗或战斗他的臂展,敏捷性以及坚韧的防守意志令所有对手胆战心惊。

    A duel or battle with firearms . He uses a combination of length , quickness and tenacity to suffocate his opponents .

  13. 当换防到控球后卫对位时,周琦还会利用他的臂展为自己创造防守空间,与对手保持一定距离,以避免被一步过掉。

    Zhou also uses his wingspan when switched on guards to play far enough off them to avoid being blown by off the dribble .

  14. 当勇士队排出小个阵容时,篮板就成为了一个隐忧。但杜兰特的身高和臂展可以帮助球队克服这一难题。

    When the Warriors go small , rebounding is a concern , but with his size and length , Durant has helped mask that problem .

  15. 利用他的臂展和预判,很好地在外线投篮得分……良好的地位对抗的感觉。

    Does a good job of contesting shots on the perimeter , utilizing his length and anticipation ... Good feel for playing in the post .

  16. 拜纳姆在补防方面同样进步了不少,他可以运用他那超长的臂展来干扰对方的运球球员,并且在不犯规的前提下,切断对手的传球路线。

    He 's improved in the area of defending ball screens as well , using his massive wingspan to slow down the dribbler and cut off passing lanes without being foul prone .

  17. 雄鹿相信他和长臂怪约翰-亨森组成的内线双塔能够以超长的臂展和恐怖的防守压迫力统治禁区。

    Milwaukee saw the mobile , athletic rim protector and screen setter as a core piece who , along with the long-limbed John Henson , would tangle the paint in thickets of swaying arms and menace .

  18. 面对肯特-贝兹莫尔,欧文右脚减速,想要创造出一点空间。当6英尺8英寸的托里恩-普林斯(臂展6英尺11英寸)上前协防时,欧文被迫再次在半空中作出调整。

    Fading off his right foot to create a bit of space against Kent Bazemore , Irving was forced to adjust in midair again when 6-foot-8 Taurean Prince ( and his 6-foot-11 wingspan ) leapt to contest .

  19. 然而鉴于他自始至终都用7尺3寸的臂展奉献高水平的表现,在阿德托昆博不断进步成长的过程中鸡蛋里挑骨头是可笑甚至有些荒谬的,在他尚未走出丧父之痛时,这对他更是有些冷酷。

    Yet it 's also ridiculous , and rather cold , to nitpick what is missing from Antetokounmpo 's blossoming game given the level he is consistently hitting with that 7-foot-3 wingspan of his . Doubly so at a time of profound grief .

  20. 考虑到戈贝尔7尺1的身高和7尺9的臂展,他只需要自己站在阳光下就可以表明立场了,尽管他实际上没有站在阳光下而是坐在车里,就像是在学校停车场里吃着甜甜圈一样。

    At 7 '1 , " with a 7 '9 " wingspan , Gobert can throw shade simply by standing in the sun - though in this case he was sitting in a car , presumably while doing donuts in the student parking lot .

  21. 作为上赛季同时击败金州勇士队和克利夫兰骑士队的六支球队之一,雄鹿队今年仅以最后时刻的一回合之差惜败给了勇士队,并用臂展和无穷的能量碾压了骑士队。

    One of six teams to defeat both Golden State and Cleveland last season , the Bucks this year were in a one-possession game in the closing seconds in a loss to the Warriors and overwhelmed the Cavaliers with their wingspans and boundless energy .

  22. 拥有7'2臂展长度…,具有敏捷性,良好的速度和稳定的跳跃能力的一位高于平均水平的运动员…,非常擅长跑动和突破终结…强壮,健壮的身体,良好的肌肉张力……

    Possesses great length with a 7 '2 wingspan ... An above average athlete with agility , good speed and solid leaping ability ... Very good at running the floor and finishing on the break ... Strong , athletic body with good muscle tone ...

  23. 他不再拥有使他成为超级巨星的运动能力,但身为后卫的他依然还有过人的身体天赋(6尺11寸的臂展)、出色的比赛感觉和在场上找到让自己充满威胁的位置的诀窍。

    He no longer has the athleticism that made him a superstar , but he 's still incredibly long for a guard ( 6-foot-11 wingspan ) with a great feel for the game and a knack for getting to spots on the floor where he can still be dangerous .

  24. 需要继续提高他的1对1技巧和能力增加运球,以提高他的投篮和得分能力……必须继续打磨他对比赛的感觉……有很好的臂展,但是6尺8寸在前锋位置有点小……

    Needs to continue to improve his 1-on-1 skills and ability to create off the dribble , in order to enhance his shooting and scoring ability ... Must continue to polish his feel for the game ... Has a good wingspan , but at 6-8 is a bit small at the power forward position ...