
bì bù
  • arm
臂部[bì bù]
  1. 我的臂部骨折了。

    I 've broken a bone in my arm .

  2. 基于计算机图形学的机器人臂部构型分析及工作空间仿真研究

    Study on Arm Structure of Robot and Workspace Simulation Based on Computer Graphics

  3. 臂部双蒂皮瓣的应用解剖学研究

    The Study of The Applied Anatomy of Double-end Skin Flap of Arm

  4. 目的:锻炼肩部和后臂部肌肉。

    Objective : to exercise the shoulder and back muscles .

  5. 双子座:肩部、臂部、手、手指、上部肋骨

    Gemini : shoulders , arms , hands , fingers , upper ribs

  6. 有时候我臂部关节会痛。

    I sometimes have a pain in my hip joints .

  7. 双干型臂部动脉干1例

    Double trunk of brachial artery : a case report

  8. (中世纪)保护臂部的一种圆柱形盔甲。

    ( medieval ) a cylindrical piece of armor plate to protect the arm .

  9. 臂部桡神经的应用解剖

    Application Anatomy of Radial Nerves on Upper Limbs

  10. 高频超声显示及测量正常臂部尺神经及正中神经

    High-frequency ultrasonography in the display and measurement of the normal ulnar and median nerves

  11. 保护臂部的一部分装甲板。

    Armor plate that protects the arm .

  12. 在两组研究对象中,因为肿胀而引起的臂部尺寸的变动率相近。

    Rates of change in arm size due to swelling were similar in both groups .

  13. 桡神经臂部外侧段肌支的应用解剖学研究

    An Anatomical Study of Muscular Branches of Radial Nerve in the Outside Section of Upper Arm

  14. 起身,到臂部与座位刚刚离开为止,同时两腿尖上翘。

    Standing up on the position arms leaving seat , and tip of both legs raising up .

  15. 如果烫伤的部位在臂部或腿部,如果可能的话就要把手臂或腿抬到高于心脏的位置。

    If burns are on arms or legs , keep them higher than the heart , if_possible .

  16. 事实上,妇女做提举运动对臂部损伤甚少,因为她们能有更好的肌肉紧张度。

    Women who were doing the lifting actually had fewer arm problems because they had better muscle tone .

  17. 这些动词的意思是用手部或臂部的移动(将某物)在空中推进。

    These verbs mean to propel something through the air with a motion of the hand or arm .

  18. 过去的几十年里,许多医生警告说,举重或者即使是搬动重物,都可能引起臂部的肿胀酸痛。

    For decades , many doctors warned that lifting weights or even heavy groceries could cause painful arm swelling .

  19. 她臂部疼了很好时间,她或许需要动手术。

    Her hip has been troublesome for quite a while , and she 'll probably need surgery on it .

  20. 试问,一个英国的军医在热带地方历尽艰苦,并且臂部负过伤,这能在什么地方呢?

    Where in the tropics could an English army doctor have seen much hardship and got his arm wounded ?

  21. 臂部正中神经内神经束组分布的解剖学研究及其临床意义

    The topographic features of the fascicular groups of the median nerve in the upper arm and its clinical significance

  22. 该病可呈现腿部和臂部大面积硬化或弥漫性肿胀。

    The disease can present as a large area of induration or a diffuse swelling of the legs and arms .

  23. 施米茨说,与癌症治疗相关的臂部肿胀,目前被看做是许多小症状之一,可以通过训练得以改善,而不是恶化。

    Cancer treatment-related arm swelling now appears to be one of many ailments made better by exercise-not worse , Schmitz said .

  24. 在臂部采用正中神经部分束移位时,要了解神经干内束组的分布特点。

    The distribution of intraneural fascicular groups should be concerned when partial transfer of median nerve in the upper arm was done .

  25. 对于肩部和臂部,我先把右手横过胸部,打直;

    For the shoulders and arms , I start by reaching across my chest with my right arm , keeping it straight .

  26. 目的:通过临床观察初步探讨颈肩臂部推拿治疗神经根型颈椎病的疗效及其作用机理。

    Objective : To study the curative effect and the functional mechanism of treating cervicalspondylotic radiculopathy by Arm neck and shoulder massage manipulation .

  27. 感染导致皮肤和软组织的广泛破坏,通常在腿部和臂部形成大面部溃疡。

    Infection leads to extensive destruction of skin and soft tissue with the formation of large ulcers usually on the legs or arms .

  28. 我的工作量比一个短跑运动员的腿部肌肉或者比一位重量级拳击冠军的臂部肌肉要繁重一倍。

    I work twice as hard as the leg muscles of a dash runner , of the arm muscles of a heavy-weight boxing champ .

  29. 吸气,移动相扣的手、臂部、肩部以及胸部到身体左侧,就像“划独木舟。”

    Exhale , and sweep the interlocked hands , arms , shoulders , and chest to the left , as if " rowing a canoe . "

  30. 目的研究桡神经在臂部的走行关系,为X线下肱骨骨折手术入路提供解剖学基础。

    Objective To study the courses of radial nerve in arm and to provid anatomical basis for repairing the operative approaches of humeral fracture in X ray .