
  • 网络Fujianese;hokkien;Hokkiens
  1. 上海妈祖信仰的传入兴盛与福建人群体紧密相关。

    The Mazu belief in Shanghai is closely related with Fujianese .

  2. 在中琉文化交流中的福建人

    Fujianese in the Course of Cultural Exchange between Ryukyu and China

  3. 移民多为广东和福建人。

    The immigrants mainly came from Guangdong and fujian .

  4. 宋代福建音释指的是宋代福建人经籍注释中的音注材料,它是我们对宋代福建语音进行研究的切实有效的第一手材料。

    The phonetic notations made by those who came from Fujian Province in the Song Dynasty are the first-hand phonetic documents for our study .

  5. 在第八天,福建人会再吃一顿团圆饭,在午夜他们会向天公祈福。

    On the eighth day the Fujian people have another family reunion dinner , and at midnight they pray to Tian Gong , the God of Heaven .

  6. 去一家小的食品商店、店主到是中国福建人,但这也不过是家庭式的小商店,又暗又旧的。

    To a small food store owner to the people are China 's Fujian Province , but also is a small home-style shops , the old dark again .

  7. 好多加油站是我们福建人开的,虽然是莆田人,你一样可以感受到象久别重逢的亲人,哪乡音,哪乡情。

    Many filling stations were open we Fujian , although Putian , you can feel the same as the parting of reuniting loved ones , which accent , which Golden Source .

  8. 这里是一个新兴的工业城市,到处可以看到在建筑,也有福建人在这进,只莆田的,他们在这里做油生意。

    Here is an emerging industrial city , can be seen everywhere in the building , also in Fujian into this , only Putian , they do so in the oil business here .

  9. 在海峡殖民地各华人方言群中,除了1911年马六甲海南人比福建人略多之外,福建人所占的比重都是最大的。

    The Hokkiens constituted the largest dialect group among the various dialect groups in the Straits Settlements except that the number of the Hainanese was a bit more than that of the Hokkiens in1911 .

  10. 福建人将妈祖信仰随身携带至上海,并建立会馆妈祖庙进行祭祀,成为上海地区妈祖信众的主体。

    The Fujianese took the Mazu belief along with them when they to Shanghai . They built Hall Mazu temples , offer sacrifices to Mazu . They were the body of the Mazu believers in Shanghai .

  11. 而东南亚福建学,无疑与福建、福建学密切相关。个体层面上,它是以东南亚福建人为研究主题和主要分析单元的学问。

    Southeast Asian Fujian studies should be of relevance to Fujian and Fujian studies : in terms of an individual project , it is a study of Southeast Asian Fujianese as a research subject and a focal and analytical unit ;