
  • 网络Shandong;shantung
  1. 俺都是山东人。

    We all are from Shandong .

  2. 我祖祖辈辈都是山东人刚到北京半年多。

    All my ancestors are from shandong . I have only been in Beijing for more than half a year .

  3. 参会记者凭请柬进山东人在北京论坛正门。

    Participants by invitation only press China into the main forum in Beijing .

  4. 他是山东人,这从他的口音可以听出来。

    As can be recognized from his accent , he is from Shandong .

  5. 是,我是山东人。

    Yes , I am from Shandong .

  6. 两人都是山东人,也都是家中的独子,上学时被认为是优秀学生。

    They are both only children from rural Shandong families and were considered outstanding students .

  7. 记者车辆可凭领取的车证停放在山东人在北京百味茶馆前停车场。

    Vehicles can receive a press card of the car park in Shandong Barilla teahouse in Beijing before the car park .

  8. 四小姐在家乡时也曾见过山东人变把戏的猴子;

    They reminded her of a troupe of performing monkeys she had seen several years before at a temple fair at home .

  9. 清末民初30年间山东人的日本观

    Shandong People 's Views of Japan in the Thirty Years from the End of Qing Dynasty to the Beginning of Republic of China

  10. 20世纪20年代,东关街兴旺发达,山东人举家搬迁,寻找富裕生活。

    The neighborhood sprang to life in the 1920s as families from eastern Shandong province in the search for a better life starting moving in .

  11. 我们真诚的欢迎全国药界朋友到公司作客,并以我们山东人的真诚与厚道与您共谋大业!

    We sincere welcome the national medicine friend to sojourn to the company , and sincere and conspires the great undertaking sincerely by our native of Shandong with you !

  12. 诸葛亮(公元181~234年),字孔明,山东人。后来定居在湖北襄阳城西的隆中。

    Zhuge Liang ( 181-234 AD ) was born in what is now Shandong Province , and later settled in Longzhong , to the west of Xiangyang , Hubei Province .

  13. 为山东人王秀玉、妻子尹德娟以及他们的儿子王金波祷告。王金波曾写文章批评一胎化政策,后来他于2001年被判刑四年。

    Pray for Shandong sWang Xinyu , his wife Yin Dejuan , and their son , Wang Jinbo , who received a4-year sentence in2001 after writing about hardships caused by the one-child policy .

  14. 中国人特别是山东人,应当从以史为鉴的理性思维中,把创新思维及其创新能力从右脑王国中呼唤和解放出来。

    Chinese people , particularly Shandong people , should liberated creative reasoning and their ability to innovate from the king of the right brain and let it out from the reason thought taking history for mirror .

  15. 第三章介绍了股票的期权定价方法,通过与传统的股票定价方法比较,发现股票期权定价方法更加符合股票价格山东人学硕卜学位论文变化的本质;

    In Chapter Three , the author introduces the option pricing the stock , which is more suitable to the nature of the stock price 's change by comparing with the traditional way of stock pricing .

  16. 山东汉族人乙肝患者与HLA鄄B基因型的相关性研究

    The relationship between HLA-B alleles and the chronic hepatitis B in the Han nationality in Shandong province

  17. TRAIL基因多态性与中国山东汉族人慢性乙型肝炎的相关性研究

    Study on TRAIL Gene Polymorphism and Chronic Hepatitis B in Chinese Han Populations from Shandong Province

  18. 目的探讨山东汉族人泛发性脓疱性银屑病(GPP)与HLA-DQB1等位基因的相关性。

    Objectives To investigate the association between HLA-DQB1 alleles and Han Chinese with generalized pustular psoriasis ( GPP ) from Shandong .

  19. 方法运用聚合酶链反应-序列特异性引物(PCR-SSP)法,对38例山东汉族人GPP与94例健康对照进行HLA-DQB1等位基因分型。

    Methods The distributing frequencies of HLA-DQB1 alleles were detected with polymerase chain reaction-sequence specific primers ( PCR-SSP ) in38 GPP patients and94 healthy subjects from Shandong .

  20. 海堑变通途&山东千人以上岛屿全部通航

    All Islands with Over 1000 Dwellers in Shandong Open to Navigation

  21. 山东省人身保险企业战略人力资源管理研究

    The Research of Strategic Human Resources Management about Life Insurance Companies in Shandong Province

  22. 结论首次证明山东省人畜间广泛存在附红体感染。

    Conclusion Data showed that Eperythrozoon infection was intensively identified in the people and animals in Shandong province .

  23. 就是这样的地理环境以及孔子的儒家思想的影响,山东给人的印象就是尚礼、厚重、憨直。

    Is the geographical environment and the influence of Confucian thoughts of Confucius , Shandong gives the impression of is manners , massiness and unswerving .

  24. 李清照(1084~1155),自号易安居士,济南章丘(今属山东)人。

    Li Qingzhao ( 1084 ~ 1155 ) , self-titled Yi'an Jushi , was a native of Zhangqiu , Jinan ( in the present-day Shandong Province ) .

  25. 山东省人身保险企业作为众多保险公司的重点战略机构,在人力资源管理方面仍然存在诸多问题,特别是在人力资源管理的系统性和战略性上。

    But Life insurance companies in Shandong Province as important strategic institutions of many life insurance companies in China still exist many problems about Human Resources Management ( HRM ), especially in systematic and strategic aspects about HRM .

  26. 山东地区汉族人CTLA-4基因外显子1多态性与Graves病及辨证分型的相关性研究

    Association of Polymorphism of CTLA-4 Gene Exon 1 with Graves ' Disease and TCM Syndrome Differentiation in Chinese Shandong Province Population

  27. 权希军,一九二六年生,山东烟台市人。

    Quan Xijun was born in Yantai city , Shandong Province in1926 .

  28. 董永,东汉千乘(今山东博兴)人。

    Dong forever , Eastern Han Dynasty thousand chariots ( now Shandong boxing ) human .

  29. 第一节,着重分析当时山东地区的人地矛盾。

    First section , emphatically analyzes the contradictory of paddies to person at that time .

  30. 她的努力不仅得到了山东人民的人可,更得到了全中国人民的赞赏。

    Her work has been recognized not only by the people of Shandong , but also the nation .