
  • 网络Batrachuperus pinchonii;Batrachuperus pachunii;B. pinchonii;atachupeus
  1. 山溪鲵皮肤分泌物和经两次SephadexG25层析分离得到的初步提纯样品经抗菌实验,发现具有抗菌活性。

    The skin secretion of Batrachuperus pinchonii and the Part Purified Substance , acquired by the skin secretion loaded on Sephadex G-25 chromatography column twice , have antimicrobial ability by antimicrobial test .

  2. 山溪鲵卵巢滤泡细胞的显微与超微结构

    Microstructure and ultrastructure of ovarian follicular cells in little salamander , batrachuperus pinchonii

  3. 说明北方山溪鲵在繁殖期排精后,生精小叶周围的间质细胞具有类固醇激素分泌能力。

    It was concluded that Leydig cell , adjacent to the evaluated lobules , possessed typical organization of steroid-secreting cell .