
  • 网络Mountain gorilla;Gorilla beringei beringei
  1. 许多面临的威胁濒危的山地大猩猩栖息地的丧失是一个最紧迫的。

    Of the many threats facing the endangered mountain gorilla , habitat loss is one of the most pressing .

  2. 在它可以离开隔离中心之前,医生们需要确认它真的是山地大猩猩,而不是低地大猩猩。

    Before they can move her , doctors need to confirm that she is actually a mountain gorilla , as opposed to a lowland gorilla .

  3. 据估计,有1000种山地大猩猩栖息于此。

    It 's estimated that 1000 mountain gorillas inhabit the site .

  4. 夏勒先生的最初兴趣是山地大猩猩。

    Mister Schaller 's first major interest was mountain gorillas .

  5. 独个的山地大猩猩从来不能再度在野外成功存活。

    Individual mountain gorillas have never been re-introduced to the wild successfully .

  6. 山地大猩猩正受到偷猎者的严重威胁。

    Mountain gorillas are being seriously threatened by poacher .

  7. 我有幸于2010年2月参观了珍稀和濒危的卢旺达的山地大猩猩。

    I was fortunate to visit the rare and endangered Mountain Gorillas in Rwanda , February of2010 .

  8. 曾在美洲有一名动物学家,她奔赴非洲去查询拜访山地大猩猩的数量。

    There was once a physical therapist who traveled all the way from America to Africa to do a census about mountain gorillas .

  9. 山地大猩猩比生活在低地的大猩猩近亲的毛发要长,体格也更大一些。

    Mountain gorillas have longer hair and shorter arms than their lowland cousins . They also tend to be a bit larger than other gorillas .

  10. 她曾经在卢旺达的悬崖上吊着、只抓住一个弯刀的刀片,同时被一只450磅重的白背山地大猩猩攻击。

    She 's dangled from a cliff in Rwanda , holding onto nothing more than a machete blade , while being charged by a450-pound silverback mountain gorilla .

  11. 山地大猩猩是高度群居的动物,它们通常成群地生活和游走。因此,在大猩猩宝宝被捕获的过程中,它们的父母或其它亲人几乎总是惨遭杀害。

    Mountain gorillas are highly social animals that often live and travel in groups . So , when babies are kidnapped , parents or other relatives are almost always slaughtered in the process .

  12. 布温迪大猩猩(山地大猩猩的一种)至今未给予正名,因为它们本身非常有趣与有点儿与众不同,我建议给它命名为查克诺里斯山地大猩猩。

    The Bwindi Gorilla ( a type of Gorilla beringei ) has not yet been given a trinomen-for the sake of fun and to be a little different , I propose it be named Gorilla beringei ChuckNorris .